January 23, 2024

My Take On It

   So I'm thinking that they did not spend the last 9 years triggering the American populace for nothing. I mean they were so effective in their psyop that they triggered half of the world population too. LOL

  It becomes apparent when you think about it that they may reinstall Trump just to make it look as if a "criminal dictator" took office and then the international bankers can make it look as if Trump is the reason why the economy falls on its knees. I understand that this is simplistic but it could be one of the possible scenarios.

  We will see.


  1. If Trump wins, they want him to win, there are sure never coincidences in US elections.

  2. Like Bannon says if there's no coincidences there's no conspiracies or vice versa - the people wanted him to win and he's old enough to know better

  3. I remember back in the 90s and early 2000s you could watch CNN for a few months before the American election and you would know who would win but that "trick" has not worked since Obama left Office.

  4. This is what happens when you let a nation watch a man , for ten years, fire people on tv.

    Who then comes out and says all the right things...

    drain the swamp!
    throw her in jail!

    To most Americans that was all you needed to say...

    embassy to Israel !
    kill an Iranian general for ZIO!


    Trumptards are even stupider today than 5 years ago.

    Absolutely retarded!

    from Ontario.

  5. I should have mentioned the 80s too. I mean I was around 13 years old in 79 and I could tell that Reagan was next. LOL

    @ Clinton

    Evangelicals and Q followers are in deed retarded. I don't know about the rest.

  6. The masses follow Power, and (((they))) have it.
    Where is the exceptional Leadership to turn this?

    Interesting Slavlander commentary:

  7. Thanks for the link man.

    Yesterday I was on the phone with Scorpio and I told him: "man I don't know what to post anymore it's all such bullshit" and he said: "You should start posting David Duke again." LOL

  8. Obviously he was joking if that part was not clear. lol

  9. LOL ... Zap, my take on the Dukester:
    He is a 'far right' front for those WASP elites who
    lost out to KJs throughout the 20th century.
    Definitely not a Bob Mathews type.

  10. @zapoper

    Sad to see. Very sad to see.

    I grew up in southern Ontario in the 70's. Having been so close to New York and other states , we would get our fair share of US feeds on tv and many magazines.

    Although I was Canadian, America was really the country I gave any shit about because of the influence of the nation being so close to us.

    The national anthem would be played on tv late at night for cut off time, with various images from the country. it was mesmerizing.

    Today, not so much, the allure of the nation ( for white people) is dying , if not dead in many states...

    I don't want to come off as a hater of the USA. That is not my intentions, just an observation.

    Living in Canada is bad enough. I still want to think that my life will end in the USA, but with each passing day, maybe not...

    I might have to stick it out in Canuckistan...

    Maybe some state or states will secede from the country and start fresh. I see this happening with the current political divide.

    My hope is if and when this happens? They will accept political prisoners from, Canada , with open arms....lol

    from Ontario.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Going to Alaska would be a better choice than Estados Unidos de Aztecan

  11. "I'm voting for Orange Hitler"


    1. They say Trump is a white supremacist orange Hitler with ties to the Kremlin who tried to overthrow the US government.
      Sounds good to me!


  12. Sophie Lloyd Rock you like a hurricane


  13. Two factions of Jews going at each other's throats. Chabad Lubavitch vs the UN/Hollywood ones. There's nothing in it for us. I'd rather watch boxing or a hockey game than watch that ridiculous clown show.

    1. Forget all that and watch this reaction to Baker Street. IMO the most moving instrumentals in classic rock.
      Intro skipped. Don't be put off by the race of the listener. Music appreciation is a beautiful thing.


  14. @Panzerfaust

    The late, great , Alan Watt loved that song...

    R.I.P Alan.

    I miss you!

    from Ontario.

  15. Well, I have been saying for many years that Trump is the jew shill who was being demonized, but would be brought back with vigor due to the Biden Marxism. However, this will not be the boon that panzerfaust and likewise Trumptards think it will be.
    Trump will be THE guy that lowers the boom on antisemites. The Panzers will go down without having a clue. And the whole time attacking the ones who live in reality and have been warning the Trumptard fools for years.

  16. Indian Michael Jackson bullshit


  17. Maybe the yids will have another insurrection psyop but this time it will be the left
    doing it.
    After they put Trump back in and I have always thought they would and after they start to collapse things even further or kick off their war with iran or WW3 or maybe jut before they do.
    The foreskin demons will want to get back at the left for not supporting thier genocide and they will have another "insurrection" but this time it will be leftists storming the capital and being facially recognized and hunted down and sent away to federal prison.

    I thought Trump was going to be installed for a second term 4 years ago and that they would collapse everything and blame whitey and kick off cival war then, I was surprised when they installed Biden.

    But now it looks 100% certain that Trump will be put in again and these people are going to lose their fucking shit.

    What better way to crack down on the left wingers who don't support zion before their big war and to get the right to support it while inciting a civil war or just more internal division.
    Is it really that far fetched to imagine antifa and BLM types storming the capital after Trump is elected again?
    maybe this time they will be waving Palestinian flags and israeli flags with red cross outs signs over them while storming the capital instead of Gadsden flags and American flags.

  18. Mr Zap is right, and its not simplistic, or the other way round, these jews think rather simplistic there.
    They need to craft a narrative for the clueless NPC, why things went as they went, which is not what really went on of course, but a fairly tale for the sheep, who also think simplistic.

    Its like mommy explaining why the moon is made of cheese to the toddler.

  19. A Trump second term will certainly lively things up a tad... as others have mentioned,the right-left thing appears to have evolved into Chabadniks versus Zionasties.

  20. THIS:

    Pop-Song ...

    Match / Game ...

    Movie / TV-Show ...

    Politician ...

    ALL-"MEAT"-Diet-Plan ...

    "Scientific"-THEORY ...

    Allopathic-"Remedy" ...

    IS Really Really REALLY GREAT !!! :-o ... EVERYBODY should ....

    Oh Dear! :-o ... It looks like I "FORGOT" to include the LINK! :-o



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