May 03, 2024

Swiss Anthropology, Biodigital Enslavement, Cognitive Warfare, BlackRock, Blackstone, Swiss Bank Authority, Beatles PSYOPS - Juxtaposition.stories, John Coleman on Adorno and Tavistock


The Cognitive Warfare Concept is an important development within NATO’s Warfare Development Imperative. It aims to counter persistent cognitive threats by proactively shaping the environment against cognitive attacks that undermine the Alliance’s Military Instrument of Power.

Adversaries often attempt to disrupt cohesion, trust, and democratic values. This concept recognizes those attempts and focuses on military preparedness in a dimension where adversaries attack below the threshold of armed conflict.


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  1. The irrelevant garbage posted by a spiteful and putrid shithead who calls himself wee willie franklyin' has been dumped in the spambox where both he and his alleged comment belong.

  2. In case you were wondering what geriatric homos do in their spare time.

  3. In case you are interested. My latest:

  4. That Coleman interview was by Keith Hansen/Vyzygoth, I wonder how he is doing? The last I heard, he was being harassed in private, but that was a good few years ago.

    Vyzygoth/Alembic Files/From The Grassy Knoll/Beyond The Grassy Knoll was a very good body of work. The archive site seems to have gone now, but there is still a lot of his stuff on

    Worth a listen... most of it is far superior to a lot of the crap being put out nowadays.


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