May 27, 2024

Wow look at this!

   So I was looking for a post about the climate and came across this one that was edited by a Google admin back in January:

The first paragraph of  "her" article was replaced by "Kate Aronoff (Not a Jew) January 4, 2024"

Those fucking weirdos have way too much power.


  1. This reminds me of the time that Google admins came in here and deleted a whole month of our work just to hide the fact that they only wanted to delete the Graham Hart thread who had 69 comments that were favorable to him.

    Most of the people here know that he did two years in prison for that. And now he's not "allowed" to get on the internet?

    Can you imagine that?

  2. Looking on the bright side, at least Graham's spell in the chicken shack got him off the opioids, that might have saved his life...

    ... and an internet ban is probably not such a terrible thing these days; I took a year off in 2020, after something Alan Watt had said, hit home with me... it was the best year I have had in decades!

    I wouldn't mind doing it again, but there is so much going on now that I don't want to miss anything,lol.

    But the whole business is typical of the draconian iron fist in kid gloves that we Brits have been living with since time immemorial... the frustrating thing is that there is very little you can do about it, except chuckle about it.

  3. I just thought of another example of that.

    There was a 'Million Man March' organised in London against the Covid Passport BS, and a friend of mine was travelling up by train and tube to the assembly point... he told me that the 'establishment' had seemingly ordered the transport union to organise localised strike action on the London Underground routes immediately surrounding the assembly point for the march... sneaky freemason bidness, lol.


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