July 09, 2024

Gerry Rafferty- "Baker Street" LIVE 1978


  1. We all know the song...( or at least you should)

    We all knew the show...( or at least you should have)

    Imagine what the man would be saying today...

    from Ontario

  2. One of my old calls to him...

    I have a handful of others on a file somewhere...


    from Ontario

  3. Thanks for reminding me how important Alan's stuff is; every word is a golden nugget of wise knowledge.

    I'm going to go through the archives and dig out any show's that I haven't heard, there was a period on RBN that I didn't keep up with.

    You were't up to scratch on the war back in 2012, then Clint, lol.

    Interesting to remember that at a corporate and banking level, there was a certain amount of collaboration, before hostilities began and after the desecration.

    Wasn't it Warburg who financed the creation of the Auschwitz factory town? It was one of them lot.

    Obviously we are now all well aware of the struggles of the common folk, up to Adolf Hitler, for their very survival. That wasn't fake.

  4. Alan Watt on Sweet Liberty back in April 27, 2005.

    Skip to 4:20 for the content.

    Lays out the same old scam from ancient times.


  5. Jumbo,

    It was a strange and long journey into the realm of truths after 911. lol

    It began in around 2002-03

    2012 I was still soaking everything in...
    Around 2014 I really woke up to the world wars and the lies...

    TGSNT had a lot to do with this...

    But Alan Watt, Eustace Mullins and a gentlemen in my neighbourhood, Paedar, who has since passed on, really opened my eyes and got me away from being in a trance , so to speak...

    My mind has been completely altered since those days...

    I am greatful for all three of these men, and some others...

    Here is the very first call I made to Alan in 2010.
    After a year or so of listening to him I worked up the courage...lol

    Keep in mind I never finished high school ( or even made an attempt to get to class...Hashish was more important then...LOL)


    Near the end of the hour...
    Alan always took calls in the last 15 minutes , usually.

    from Ontario

  6. Another call...


    from Ontario

  7. Yes, my schooling was pretty basic too, I left at sixteen.

    I remember that we had an Ashkenazi woman (Hungarian name) trying to teach us Religious Instruction.

    She pretty much skipped over Christianity, but laid it on heavy regarding Apartheid, racism and the holocaust. This was in the seventies!

    She had a terrible time at our school, I think she eventually left with a nervous breakdown, lol.

    It wasn't so much that we weren't buying it... we just didn't give a shit.

    Like a lot of people, for me, Alex Jones provided a good allround introduction to the NWO agenda, minus the jewish aspect, of course.

    But I'd say that Alan Watt was my main mentor, above professor level... after Eustace Mullins had already turned me on to the banking scam... and later, David Irving was my introduction to WW2 and the JQ... another great genius.

    I'm going to listen to your links now.

  8. @Clint - Your final question on the Nov 2010 call; did Alan ever follow up on that?

    If so could you point me to the relevant blurbs, or give me a rough idea of where and when to look in the archives?

    It's a bit of a contentious issue among some of the commentors on here, lol.

  9. BTW, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't follow up on it... it's the sort of stuff that could get a man killed.

  10. Alan was reserved , to say the least.

    He knew what he could and couldn't say.

    Even when he was on RBN.

    "The big boys club" he'd call it.... lol

    Even through emails he didn't say too much.

    He did that through his talks and call ins...

    another one here from me.


    I have dates that I am going though to see if I called in...lol

    from Ontario


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