July 19, 2024

Scorpio Show Final Edition Assassination Epilogue


  Topics include:

           1)  Final Show Aftermath

           2) Don't Become Mentally Ill
           3) Assumptions Without Evidence

           4) Assassinations, Mafia Factions & The SS


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Originally posted on 7/17/2024 01:23:00 PM


  1. The Free Wheeling Scorpion is back!! (I knew he couldn't resist speaking about the current 'event')

    I'll listen later

  2. Nice one, Dave, it's good to hear that you have patched things up with Guiseppe and Dave Gahary.

    The link posted by Ed in the comments about the Trump shooting, has a piece of compelling evidence, namely, a graphic that was published on an 'Atlantic' article from July 1st, of Donald Trump with a grazed right ear lobe.


    That's pretty compelling, in my view.

  3. Wayback Machine snapshot from 1st July


  4. Nice !

    Just got home from the golf course.
    I'll have a listen later.

    Judging by the comments made by Jumbo.
    ( it's good to hear that you have patched things up with Guiseppe and Dave Gahary.)

    It is...

    Erik is right , too.

    Now is not the time for Scorpio to be off the air waves...lol

    Things are going to get very hot soon, over the next few months into the election.

    from Ontario

  5. If we don't "know" by now we haven't been listening.

    Thank god that the most important thing in my life right now is prevailing in the matchplay final of our club champs this weekend.

    Golf not guns LOL

  6. I wonder why the Google algorithm puts you in the spam box Chainsaw? LOL

  7. I'm just guessing that the next show will be titled:

    Scorpio Show Final Edition "fill in the blank" prologue

  8. From my point of view the whole thing looked like a comedy routine from the three stooges. lol

  9. I still do love alcohol, it makes me clairvoyant. ROFL

  10. I don't know what happened to him but if that google algorithm was any good he should be the first to find himself in the spam box. lol.

  11. If we don't "know" by now we haven't been listening.

    Thank god that the most important thing in my life right now is prevailing in the matchplay final of our club champs this weekend.

    Golf not guns LOL

    Go get 'em !

    Keep it in the fairway!


    I tee off at 1 pm today .

    from Ontario

  12. Who keeps rousing the dead horse, for God's sake?

  13. Scorpico thinks “elections” are real- kinda tells you all you need to know. He is a real trump guy!

  14. Great to have Scorpio back but I think he suffers from cognitive dissonance concerning the Trump event. There's a great breakdown of the Trump fiasco from the Dollar Vigilante worth checking out : https://www.bitchute.com/video/akAH1KeAlDXs

  15. Some things fake therefore everything fake

  16. Scorp, Ma Bailey a cummin' fer ya!

  17. Great show Scorpio - hope you and Giuseppe can get together.

  18. The Trump Assassination Shit Show


  19. Coincidence Or Crisis Acting


  20. More predictive programming! Julius Caesar was supposedly born on July 13th. Of course, Trump's "assassination attempt" was Saturday July 13th. Harrison Ford's birthday is July 13th, 1942. The trailer for 'Captain America: Brave New World,' which just came out July 12th, just in time for the Trump shooting event. In the movie, Harrison Ford plays the president and gets shot at and survives.


  21. Trump 45 Whiskey Glass with Bullet(Out of Stock-lol!)


  22. Wait, I thought Trump was all in on vaccines, at least that's what I hear from the totally sane and objective people of Mami's Shit.

    “I said I want to do small doses,” Trump told Kennedy Jr. Children are given a “vaccination that’s like 38 different vaccines, and it looks like it’s meant for a horse, not a ten-pound or twenty-pound baby. And then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change…and then you hear that doesn’t have an impact,” he complained.

    “You and I talked about that a long time ago,” Trump added.

  23. would be happy if Scorpio can join on FTJ and we have him in the legendary duo with Giuseppe again!

  24. Scorpio starts his show admitting his judgement about the company he keeps has been terribly flawed, then goes on to school us about our opinions, with his. I only stumbled upon this show by chance and I couldn't stomach the hole thing. Scorpio should have just quietly slipped away without an other word and he would retained some bit of legend and mystery, cruising into the sunset along that lone highway. Instead we see the emperor has no clothes.

  25. Going to Miss your post brother being listening to you for years love your thoughts and info right up my aisle was a PI skip tracer here in the great white north governments are roached all round all round. Thanks for getting Debra traverse on was great show Dave hope to hear more from you brother lots of enjoy your thoughts all the best Dave

  26. Hey Zap, the "Google spam algorithm" deleted my post again.

  27. Scorpio is no longer liked by chains because he doesn't advocate every moronic idea, I'm sure he's losing sleep.

  28. Trump 47 Whiskey Glass with Ear Attached

  29. "Where's Albert?"

    --> I only SAW the Latest Scorpio Talk NOW! :-o

    -- I'll Listen Tomorrow :-)

    Giuseppe's Shows + Davis-Lurmann Have Kept ME pretty-BUSY Listening-Wise lately! :-)

    I have some GOOD-Channels "Subscribed" to on Rumble now ...

    -- So in addition to My:

    BitChute Subscriptions feed

    Odysee Subscriptions feed

    ... NOW: My Rumble Subscriptions feed is Also Really-GOOD !!! :-)

    Still ACH Limeys, + some Paranormies too ...

    ... and, occasionally: even YT has some interesting:

    "Tartaria" / Millenial-Kingdom-Reign Talks with Fascinating Photos :-)

    ......... I got "tired" of the half-sentence "you're-STUPID !!!" ... "RETARDED" "Comments" at mami's ..... mami's getting "pretty": old droopy & asymmetrical Now! ;-)
    (And I have NEVER: Listened to: Rense, Dvorak etc!)

    ... "IRL" in-comparison ... at-least has younger-perkier-boobies ;-)

    mami's "commenter" "RETARDS" are indeed very-"COWARDLY" with their "exclusively"-"derogatory": non-related NON-"observations" :-o

    Thankfully the "mami's"-"RETARDS" actually-KNOW: NOTHING of Myself whatsoever! ;-)

    (Or, of course the ACTUAL: Shape of the Earth, Reality of FAKE: "Nukes" & "Moon-Landings" etc! ;-) )

  30. ... annnd of-course ... I STOPPED wasting-MY-Time with Fetzer's-"Stuff" ... a Looong Time ago now! ;-)

  31. Hey guys I just wanted to post these pictures up...

    To try and lighten up the mood around here...







    finally !


    I hope y'all enjoy !

    from Ontario

  32. I have read Anton-Wilson's books 'Sex and Drugs' and his 'Illuminati Trilogy' but, I have not read CT. I l have read Hoffman's 'Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare' as well.

    So much is definitely a process of "decoding" and discerning the "esoteric" from the "exoteric" in the events that are continually manufactured by the mass-media for our consumption. With the plethora of staged and fake hoaxes, and the technological advances of things like CGI enhancements, video overlays, and "deepfakes," it's virtually impossible now to establish a definitive definition or grasp of "reality" anymore. It's why I believe that Baudrillard thought is relevant, applicable, and useful for our 21st century of social-media and the internet.

    Baudrillard's notions of the "dissolving of the real" and the "hyper-real" are paramount now because the boundaries that we use to normally associate with our world have been completely eroded and torn asunder due to the relentless onslaught of media-manufactured manipulations in the realms of music, art, film, news coverage, advertising, and sports.

    Now with the ubiquity of the mass-production of culture, imagery, and messaging vis-a-vis the internet, we now no longer "re-present" reality, we make what he calls "copies of copies" because we don't know the true origins of the representations of what has been presented to us. The "origin(s)" itself is hidden from us. We therefore, make a "simulation of a simulation."

    Baudrillard's thought can be obscure and difficult to grasp but, he's definitely a serious thinker to absorb in our era of fakery, inauthenticity, and staged deceptions! Once we lose our origin-al reference point, we lose our notion of reality! The character of Patrick Bateman in one of my favorite films of all-time, 'American Psycho,' is one who has completely become "alienated from the real!"

    American Psycho, Baudrillard, and the Postmodern Condition


  33. This comment has been removed by the author.


  35. Audacious doof proves at least two shooters.


  36. Do you hv anything else in common with Patrick Bateman we should know about?🤫

  37. Did Shane Gillis Know About The Trump Shooting Ahead Of Time?


  38. I just Listened to the Show ...

    " ... camala ........ don't assume everything is FAKE! ......"

    ..... (big-mike) I think those boobies / mamis ... ARE Fake !!! ;-)

    ... maybe ALL the mamis around drumpf ARE Fake!

    ... Ivanka's certainly-ARE ... are they ALL "trannies" too!? :-)

    ... Stay "tuned" for further: Up-dates ... just a FEELING* guys !!! ;-)

    *FEELING them ... Yup!!! ... these-ones ARE Definitely-Fake! ;-)

    ("REAL & Spectacular!" ... well, Actually Teri Hatcher's ARE totally-FAKE!)

    Anyone REMEMBER the Benny-Hill Show-Endings? ...

    -- Where a Waitress PAT-ricia is serving Benny !!! ;-)

    (IF you require BETTER "humour" than MINE ... try Davis-Lurmann! ;-) )

  39. It's a bit dated Albert... a bit 1970s, lol.

  40. Bernard Manning was a funny seventies comedian... might lose a bit in translation:

    Garbage man walks in to a Chinese restaurant and asks

    "Where's your bin?"

    "Ah, I bin Hong Kong"

    "No, where's your wheelie bin?"

    "Ah, no I weally bin Hong Kong."

    The one about the dog born in a stable was one of his too, I believe.

    He was taken off the air in the eighties, and was reduced to performing at his own club, but he sold a lot of tickets.

  41. Drunk walks into a library, walks up to the counter and announces

    "Large cod and chips, please!"

    Librarian, in a whisper

    "This is a library"

    Drunk replies, in a whisper

    "Oh sorry. Large cod and chips, please."


  43. A man's at a Bar ... and another-patron says:

    There's a dog Humping-your-leg!

    Yeh, I know,... but it's not as Bad as the other-one!

    That one's a Real-BITCH !!!


    A china-man goes into an animal-shelter ...

    And the worker there asks him:

    W: Do you Like Cats or Dogs?

    CM: It depends how I'm feeling sometimes ...

    W: Yes! -- We all have Different-Tastes!

    CM: Yes! -- Different-Tastes, especially with Different: Spices & Sauces.

    A Neon-Naaatseee-WHITE-Soup-Remast says at-a-Bar: I HATE ni88ers!!!

    Another Patron remarks in-reply: I don't HATE ni88ers ...

    -- They're OK with some Ketchup or Barbeque sauce!


    Why do some Folks Like Mexicans, and others Like ni88ers?

    -- It's a matter of TASTE, I suppose!


  44. Albert walks into a library, walks up to the main-desk and YELLS:

    "I HATE ni88ers...!"

    Pink-Haired-Librarian, in a whisper:

    "This is a library!"

    Albert replies, in a whisper:

    "Oh sorry. I Hate ni88ers, jews, mexicans, indians, arabs!"


  45. A china-man Goes into an animal-shelter ...

    On Monday he "adopts": 9 dogs & 3 cats ...

    On Tuesday he "adopts": 11 dogs & 2 cats ...

    On Wednesday he "adopts": 6 dogs & 7 cats ...

    On Thursday he "adopts": 7 dogs & 6 cats ...

    On Friday he "adopts": 8 dogs & 4 cats ...

    On Saturday he "adopts": 5 dogs & 8 cats ...

    and, ...
    On Sunday he "adopts": 2 dogs & 2 cats ...

    And the Worker, Jokes: "Running Out of ROOM for them all, then, are You!?" ;-)

    CM: No, just that Restaurant CLOSED-on-Sunday, just me & Family today! :-)


  46. ni88ers are always roving-around: Murdering, Raping, and Stealing ...

    A "Racist" "jokes": That: It's just their "CULTURE", ... I suppose?! ;-)

    and a "Woke"-Preacher, who was a "Missionary"-in-Africa for some Years, indignantly-"Corrects" him:

    Don't be SO-"Intolerant"!!!

    --> Because Africa is Equatorial: "Hunting & Gathering" IS Actually: Their Culture!

    a) They "Hunt" people ... and in OUR-"Colonial"-Ignorance, we Call that: "Murder"!

    b) They "Hunt" & "Gather" women ... and in OUR-"Colonial"-Ignorance, we Call that: "Rape"!

    c) They "Gather" Other peoples' "Sheeet" ... and in OUR-"Colonial"-Ignorance, we Call that: "Stealing"!

    It is "WRONG" to TRY to "Judge" Others .... from OUR "narrow-minded": Cultural-"Ignorances" and "Prejudices" !!! -- The Bible Cautions us NOT to "Judge" others!

    But, to "LOVE" and "Accept" them, as they Are / How "God"-MADE-them ..... We ARE all, "God's-Children", after-all! :-)


  47. A European, a Jap, and an Anti-WHITE ...

    Walk into an Expensive-Restaurant (100 Years ago) ...

    And the Owner Asks: What will it BE for You today:

    -- Count Kalergi?


    A jew, a ni88er, and a fag ... Walk into a Bar ...

    And the Bar-Keep Asks:

    What will it be for You today: mr-president,

    ... or do you prefer "barry" now?


  48. Who the hell was it that asked where Albert was? Well, I hope you're happy now!

    (Please don't ask where Powder Bowl is!!) Lol

  49. Powder Bowl was actually me. Didn't you know?

  50. Wait, you are back to sucking Dave Gaharys cock? You mother fuckers are traitors

  51. Sucking Gaharys cock. Never to be trusted.


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