July 22, 2024

The Pete Quinones Show 2024.07.21

The New Age of Politics with Jeff Deist, Zman and Jose Niño


  1. VANCE WILL BE THE TRANHUMANIST POTUS IN 2029, mark my words, sponsored by palantir data kraken founder and faggot Peter Thiel, he loves to insert into male anus. Just like Harari, something is mentally wrong with these transhumanists.

  2. Is vance gay too? wouldnt be a surprise.

  3. oh haha search engine says "JD Vance once wrote that he 'convinced myself that I was gay' when he was a kid" im not that wrong, all transhumanists are gay (look at Thiel or Harari)

  4. I think these comments got some auto-modding yes? I called Thiel some names and it deleted the comment one second after posting directly...
    whatever, i say Vance will be the transhumanist potus in 2029, sponsored by the lovely Thiel, he will push the last few buttons towards agenda 2030.


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