August 03, 2024

Scorpio The Final Edition XXXIII


Dodging Bullets: Almost Doxxxed By A Sea Hag

  Topics include:

           1)  Kamala Harris' True Identity

           2)  Final Destination: Flat Earth
           3)  The Power Of Ideas & Consensus Reality

           4) Raging Hordes of Angry Trumpers

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Originally Posted by Scorpio on 8/01/2024 03:11:00 AM


  1. Please keep these final shows coming!

  2. Hunter was protecting his inheritance, I reckon.

    This illegal invasion is becoming so obvious now, that maybe we should concentrate on raising awareness of just who is shipping them in... but in a clever way that doesn't immediately raise the hackles.

    Thanks for a very insightful final show, Dave, I'm gonna miss you, lol

  3. If you believe the earth is a sphere and Trump dodged a real bullet, I'm not going to waste my time listening to this...

  4. Yes, thanks for remembering,
    I'm moved I'm touched.
    Yep, last time I posted something here I probably was thinking 'flat earth' nah, couldn't be, now I think yep, probably is.

  5. The betfair market agrees with you, Dave - Kabala's price has shortened to 2.3 (or 13/10) while Trump's has drifted out to 1.83 (83/100)

  6. Finally !

    Another final show!

    Gonna have a listen now before tee off time.

    Like I said before, Scorpio, now is not the time to go dark...way too much going on.

    Get the popcorn out, enjoy the clown show. We are in the final acts now...

    from Ontario

  7. Forces of both sides in WW1 were issued with cocaine and heroin in their kit, courtesy of a jewish gentleman in Amsterdam, the owner of De Nederlandsche Cocaïnefabriek.

    The coke would have made the fighting more ferocious while the smack would have made that hell in the trenches more bearable.

    Bear in mind, Holland was supposed to be neutral.

    In 1940, under German occupation, they produced amphetamine and ephedrine, I assume for the German forces.

    In 1962 the company was purchased by KZO, which later became AkzoNobel, who I believe are involved in supplying chemicals for the aerial spraying of our skies, by the Knights of Malta(?)

  8. Thanks for that information and link , Jumbo.

    from Ontario

  9. Apologies; the chemtrail reference is erroneous, it could be DSM that was involved in that, rather than Akzo.

  10. So I'm four foot six inches tall in real life and I've shaved my head and have a 1488 tattoo on that scalp.

  11. Whooah Zap...I thought 1488 was code for " I'm a Fed"
    Are you on the payroll too? Giuseppe just recruited me into the Mossad. I couldn't resist the offer of the blue and white Porsche with the Gold Star package shipped directly from Israel.

    BTW I just did a quick search for pics of Michael Jackson and Kamala Harris together and there are none. That's all the proof I need to confirm my theory!

  12. That's weird my phone number's last 4 digits are 1488

    Maybe it's just a cohencidence?

    from Ontario

  13. Every next last show is better that the last one. Good job Scorp

  14. Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 equals 4

  15. "It's funny when people finally do realize they were duped, they often rearrange their memory. .."

    Precisely Chainster! Most people don't realize how, by the time something reaches their self-consciousness as a "moment of clarity" or some "certitude of understanding," it has already undergone multiple hidden transformations remote and inaccessible, even to penetrating introspection. Almost as if they had to be ready and strong enough to shed the "old truth" for the new, allowing it to surface, assert its claim, and become the new and dominant conviction!

    "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; rather, it is a matter of having the courage for an ATTACK on one's convictions" - Nietzsche

  16. Ed is being too intellectual right now and I don't know how to put him in the spambox. LOL

    1. There's the famous story of when Pavlov was sitting at a bar enjoying himself a pint when, he heard the bar phone ring-out. He jumped up immediately and shouted, "Oh shit! I forgot to feed the damn dog!"

  17. The so called "Green Agenda" has been adopted by every industrial country on earth. Trump is the only guy calling it "The Green New Scam". LOL

  18. Yes, the Green agenda is a scam...

    Total taxation on everything.

    It was planned many years ago.

    It's literally agenda 21.

    This book is the transcript of the conference held back in the early 1990's

    Pretty much everything discussed and planned at that first conference is being implemented now, world wide.

    from Ontario

    1. That's right, I may add chemtrails are done to INCREASE global temperature as a part of the scam.

  19. Bob - Mike is focusing on his comedy .and as you probably know, he is a very talented comedian. His new show is called The Drunken Masters on Podbean.

    Panzer - email me when you have time.

  20. Originally Posted by Scorpio on 8/01/2024 03:11:00 AM

    11x3 = 33

    Coincidence? I think not...

  21. "Why the fuck does google delete my video about "Maurice Rocket Richard" and Grecian Formula?"'

    AI is not all it's cracked up to be, it is super dumb. lol

    They should have taught it to have common sense.

  22. Scorpio says

    "Flat earth the final destination"

    Not quite.
    Final destination is recognizing God Almighty who created the Geocentric, Stationary flat earth.


    Watched a few minutes of the 15 thing. Might be something the flat earth society put together.

  23. Garbage in, garbage out, zap.

    They should let us programme it, lol.

  24. Many people fall into the deductive trap of assuming that, if said individual doesn't believe the Earth is a spinning-ball then, it automatically follows that "they believe the Earth is flat!"

    First off, that simplistic reasoning makes multiple immediate assumptions, one of which is that "the earth" is a "singular object" that can be phenomenally comprehended in, and as, a totality.

    Also, part of our problem is etymological; we need penetratiion into the ORIGINS of the word "earth." Earth comes from the Latin "terra," which was derived from the Greek "geo." However, what is of central and paramount importance is NOT the words in and of themselves but, those MEANINGS that have been attached and/or, those that have fallen off or been lost over time- especially since the scientific revolution- through the centuries of Western history.

    One of the biggest problems is the linguistic connotative-baggage that accompanies, and is already assumed, in our attempts to conceptually understand and discuss what we now call "the earth." Much, of course, is the result of the K-12 public schooling indoctrination, the exposure to the plethora of Hollywood movies dealing with science fiction, and the bombardment of propaganda by NASA over-the-years. All of these combined have made the capacity and ability to see the earth as anything but a "spinning planet" a virtual impossibility.

    As I mentioned some weeks back, the key starting point is the Pre-Socratics of ancient Greece and their notions of the "four essences"- earth, air, fire, and water! Now, those are the words WE HAVE ASCRIBED to certain phenomenon over time. However, those are NOT the Greek terms and, most importantly, those are not the Greek meanings and, do not even begun to hint at what the Pre-Socratics meant by them.

    As Nietzsche believed, the nature of the Greeks of antiquity was too foreign for our contemporary natures. It is up to us to peel-back the dogmatic layers of "knowledge" that have been accumulated and established, especially by the natural sciences, between us in the intervening centuries, and truly see them as they did- in a "Greek way!"

  25. decree pointed me to a critique of Whitney Webb, and to be quite honest, it is quite serious stuff and worth checking out; it seems that Webb has been taking material from a lot of researchers, 'sanitising' it, and presenting it as her own, without referencing the source material.

    In other words, a 'limited hangout', and to compound the misery, it would appear that she works with a team that then goes after the sources of her plagiarism and has them de-platformed.

    Whitney Webb, Revealed

    Whitney Webb finally responds to Kirby Sommers

  26. Only a globe rotating in space orbiting a star in a slight polar inclination with a large moon orbiting it explains north and south hemisphere opposite seasons, the tides, the jet streams and cyclones never crossing the equator, temperature differential between the equatorial zone to the poles, difference in daylight vs night hours for summer and winter the closer to the poles you get. I'm sure there's more this is just off the top of my head.

    Furthermore if globe earth is a hoax that would require total, unwavering cooperation between every sea faring and space faring nation on earth.

    It takes either a special kind of ignorant narcissist or a dedicated disinformation shill to argue otherwise .

  27. Anyone can go to the Griffith Observatory on a mountain overlooking Los Angeles and see the pendulum.

  28. In 1957 the Soviets launched Sputnik I. How did people with short wave radios receive the transmission on a predictable schedule if it wasn't in low orbit? Did they fly an airplane in circles under the flat erf dome at 18,000 mph while spoofing the signal?

  29. But Whitney Webb's information is correct, it's just incomplete.

    The more serious aspect is that she then goes after the true researchers of 'her' work and has them shut down.

    I've got a pretty sensitive BS meter that sorts the wheat from the chaff.

  30. We have a guy here who thinks he is a physicist, lawyer, virologist and a cosmologist. Just think of all the poor slobs who wasted 7 or 8 years studying and training at universities when all they had to do was watch a couple of YouTube Videos to become omniscient experts. Pretty much anything you need to know is right here in the comment section.

    BTW there are plenty of physicists who dispute the concept of dark matter but there are none who think the earth is flat, so stop conflating things that are irrelevant to the lunatic theory you are trying to prove. Instead, you might want to address some of the points Panzer made but we both know you will have great difficulty in doing so.

    Lastly, there is no way sunlight would allow for part of the planet to be completely dark (other than moonlight and stars) on a flat earth model, unless the sun had a giant lampshade around it. I have studied light and its behavior for 30 years or so as an artist who does realistic paintings. Yes, experience and training actually matter in life and I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on things that I only have a cursory knowledge of.

  31. So you can't debunk Sputnik I then.

  32. A related cousin of the ALL CAPS goofball and excessive emojis dimwit!

  33. "3 or 4 years back I remember several alt media people calling her out. I can't remember why. I don't listen to her that often and she was pretty heavily promoted a few years back too. Her current info may well be correct."

    I just told you why. The reason I wasn't aware of it back then is because, like others have mentioned, I too find O'Connell and Dawson hard to listen to in large doses, lol.

    I agree with Pete Quiñones too, that Webb is rather blackpilling, it's like "this is the way it's going to be, and there's nothing that you can do about it."

  34. But Chainster! "There are plenty of physicists who dispute..." The hackneyed and worn appeal to traditional dogmatic scientific authority! As if "natural science" were the only reliable and informative means to understand this specific topic!

    "There are none who think the earth is flat!" First off, 1)what criteria defines and constitutes "a physicist?" 2)Show me some available survey where such a ridiculous hyperbolic claim of "none who think" can be pointed towards, backed-up, and seen as reliable!

  35. "The more I argued with them, the more I got to know their dialectics. First they counted on the ignorance of their adversary; then, when there was no way out, they themselves pretended stupidity. If all this was of no avail, they refused to understand or they changed the subject
    when driven into a corner; they brought up truisms, but they immediately transferred their acceptance to quite
    different subjects, and, if attacked again, they gave way and pretended to know nothing exactly. Wherever one attacked one of these prophets, one's hands seized slimy jelly; it slipped through one's fingers only to collect again in the next moment. If one smote one of them so thoroughly that, with the bystanders watching, he could but agree, and if one thus thought he had advanced at least one step, one was greatly astonished the following day. The Jew did not in the least remember the day before, he continued to talk in the same old strain as if nothing had happened, and if indignantly confronted, he pretended to be astonished and could not remember anything except that his assertions
    had already been proved true the day before.
    Often I was stunned. One did not know what to admire more: their glibness of
    tongue or their skill in lying.
    I gradually began to hate them.”
    ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

  36. Responding to Scorpio's latest comment.

    Of course flat earth doesn't work if you believe the sun is 93 million miles away and about 10 million times bigger than earth. That's right, there would be no shade.

    The sun is much closer and much smaller.
    So small in fact it wouldn't be able to illuminate Mars.
    I mean does Mars actually exist?

    This question is also for Chainsawmiller.

    1. You can see the red planet with a Walmart telescope so yes it exist.

  37. People all over the world didn't just listen to Sputnik but watched it.

    By the way I saw the Starlink satellite train just last month in the early evening as solar rays illuminate objects in low Earth orbit against the dark sky because they're higher from the fucking "ball erf". I even posted a pic on Fetch's chat.

    If satellites cannot be debunked then flat erf is debunked and 5 or 10 paragraphs of pilpul can't change it.

  38. Learn german and quote the german Mein Kampf, more authentic, Adolf could not write read speak english.
    Every german can speak the language of their occupier, if you praise Mein Kampf so much why dont you learn it to read the original from Adolf. I read english books too. Currently i read so many books of 1945 what happened to germans, they are all out of print, and all in german, i know only one translated "tragedy of silesia", if you ever want tor ead what really happened like in "Schlesiens Inferno" the most brutal book i ever read, rape story after rape story after torture and murder, but these are only in german.

    1. Good point! Some German writers translate into English better than others. While Nietzsche does translate into English somewhat well, Heidegger does not at all.

      Understanding the subtle nuances of meaning in German are essential, especially when reading a thinker like a Heidegger or Luther otherwise, one can completely miss what they're getting at.

      Like with the point I was bringing-up yesterday about the word "earth," the ORIGINAL MEANING(S) can be lost or, completely obscured through translation(s) over time that, people come to accept a definition that has nothing to do with the original.

  39. Exactly Red Orchid! People don't actually think thoroughly about what they are committing to or saying. They operate on many assumptions as a given.

    If the sun was 93-million miles away, it wouldn't have the capacity to produce angled-rays as in the photo in the link below. Even below the photo it says, "The beams appear to radiate from a central point..." Because they do- their source! The idea that something "93-million miles away," which isn't even comprehensible to begin with, would produce or have a localized effect, is laughable nonsense. Sunspots are another localized effect of a proximate sun!

    Part of the problem is many people's ideas and convictions are a result of all of the astronomy that's saturated and solidified itself into their minds over-the-years. They don't ask themselves- "How have I come to know what I know?"- so they predominately accept the scientific dogma and science fiction that they've been gorged with by K-12 public "education," Hollywood, television, parents, etc.

  40. Ed in Salt Lake I agree.

    All this to me kind of emphasizes the existence of God.

  41. "The sun is not some atomic furnace..."

    Yes! Again, we have to slowly unlearn and prune away the astronomical and scientific baggage that we were, and have been, relentlessly saturated with in our lifetimes. We must understand that "Western science" is not the only means by which to confront and understand these phenomena. We are told the sun "has a surface!" How can light, which is intrinsically pure, have a surface?

    All of the natural sciences, such as physics and chemistry, were born from, and eventually branched off of, philosophy. As Heidegger said, philosophy is "first science" or "origin- al science. Science here must not be conflated, or confused with the other physical sciences, or even the scientific method itself. Science here should be seen as being synonymous with, or understood as "knowledge" or "understanding."

    That branch of philosophy that leads to a proper understanding of our world is- phenomenology! Heidegger said, "Phenomenology is the fundamental science of philosophy!" The etymology basically means "the logic of phenomenon." Simplistically, it concerns itself with how phenomenon appear, or show themselves, to us in our lived experience and how we make sense of and order them in this lived world.

    One short comment cannot summarize or do justice to the science of phenomenology. It definitely helps if one has familiarity with philosophical concepts, which many do not.

    Also, many individuals, even learned one's, have a false and negative perception towards "philosophy" to begin with. They erroneously see it as "pure speculation," "unscientific garbage" or, a complete waste of time. Much of that is because they are unwilling to read exegetically and suffer what other great thinkers thought and suffered before them.

    "Sometimes people don't want the truth because, they don't want their illusions destroyed" - Nietzsche


  43. Are any of you guys keeping an eye on the UK?

    It's getting interesting pretty fast.

    If it escalates, for the rest of the summer into the fall and the US elections and zion donny losses the election again to the pajeet , the USA will probably do the same thing, along with Europa....erupt.
    Let's hope it goes world wide.

    This is the last chance for the white race...

    from Ontario

    1. I posted two vids about it under Fetch's recent show post above! Be very cautious about seeing the initial catalyzing event- the so-called "attacks" and "murders,"...and, the subsequent riots as being organic!

  44. If you have limited-to-no familiarity with Phenomenology, I would maybe watch some introductory vids on YT just to establish some basic outline and foundation.

    Edmund Husserl is actually considered the "father of Phenomenology" as a specific branch and teaching discipline within philosophy. He was Heidegger's teacher and, eventually Heidegger took his phenomenological ideas and concepts, broadened them out and modified them.

    In reality, Phenomenology really goes back to Aristotle and the Greeks. I forgot who it was that once said, "Those damn Greeks, they stole all of my good ideas!"

    Finally, if you aren't interested in spending money on a book- why not use the country-wide Inter-library Loan system? Any city or academic library utilizes it and can give you details on how to use it. It's quite convenient! I regularly utilize the University of Utah's library but, if they do not have a book I'm looking for, I use the ILL system.

    The library will basically inventory the local libraries that are geographically closest to the one you are utilizing the ILL system from; if they don't carry the book then, they begin to branch outwardly to the adjacent states to minimize delivery costs and shipment time until they find a library that has the book you're looking for in their system. Just a suggestion!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I'm finding comments do get automatically deleted for some reason- what's up with that?

  47. The spam algorithm is getting dumber and we don't even have the option of disabling it. Multiple comments per day are treated as spam by it and there is absolutely no good reason for this.

  48. Chains and Ed; I'll ask again, are dinosaur fossils fake?

  49. The comments have devolved into a Star Trek convention and a Flat Earth Retard convention rolled into one. We have two nihilists jerking each other off over and over again, name dropping philosophers and book titles in a vain attempt to legitimize their lunatic ideas while at the same time disregarding the fundamentals of physics and science.

    Any credentialed physicist who embraced flat earth would be laughed out of academia anywhere in the world, yet you deny even this fact with "what is a physicist" and "prove to me your statement is true." Show me the name of one person with a PhD or Master's Degree in physics who embraces flat warth. That's a pretty massive conspiracy you guys have cooked up or maybe all of those scientists are just shills and low IQ morons who can't see the truth.

    Note one of these guys disregards and mocks the concept of jewish power as he always has done since since he embedded himself on the site.

    1. David Scorpio is not as smart as he thinks he is and he's out to prove it!

      1- "Disregarding the fundamentals of physics and science!"

      Physics is a branch of science goofball! It would be analogous to saying "tigers and animals!"

      2- "Any credentialed physicist who embraced flat earth would be laughed out of academia..."

      Once again, the hackneyed and tiresome appeal to authority- academic authority in this case! Being laughed out of academia in today's laughable universities would be a badge of honor!

      Keep on letting your resentment get the best of you Scorpster! Your "genius" I'm afraid, is that of the crowd!

  50. Like Holohoax Museum's, Dinosaur Museum's are a big business. The general public eats-up the pseudo-paleontological crap they spew!

  51. We know what David looks like from his video podcast and I've posted a few pics of myself on the ITEL chat. Dave wore sunglasses and I did to so you may as well but I'm really curious as to what Chains looks like, especially from a nasal perspective.

  52. Screenshotted in case the post is taken down because of "Google spam algorithm".

  53. "The comments have devolved into a Star Trek convention and a Flat Earth Retard convention rolled into one."


  54. Flat Earth Retards should have FER next to their name so you know to take their opinion on anything they say with a grain of salt.

    At least you don't keep hearing ya know in the comments here like you do in every second sentence in all the podcasts zap posts which is one of my biggest 1st world beefs when I just seem remember the ya knows and forget everything else in-between and that's

    If most of you had lived in NZ in the late 1800's you'd have been inhabiting NZ's largest building for over 50 years and even completing it when you first moved in :LOL: The Seacliff Lunatic Asylum. Room for over 500 of you

    No photos or records of any description about its actual construction though

  55. Panzerfaust

    Ah that's better.
    I'm using a small-screen laptop. Control make big, now I can read what I'm saying.

    T'rex: the most stupid shaped dinosaur with proportions so impractical with its silly little arms I doubt it could have survived, and probably didn't and never actually existed...fake!

    I take it, it sleeps standing up. Because it it ever fell-over it would never be able to get up.

    Been comparing it with the kangaroo. The kangaroo can walk if necessary on all four. Two legs, and what are they, two arms. T'rex, no chance.

    Are dinosaurs real?
    Yep, I'd say they are as real as rocking-horse shit.

    1. I can stand up without using arms because I don't have 3 chins and can see my feet.

    2. Explain chickens then, or the Ostrich and Emu for that matter.

  56. Several years ago I was walking at night with use of a headlight when a brilliant flash lit up the area. In the sky was a satellite or booster re-entering the atmosphere, breaking up into white hot streamers. If it were a natural meteorite the color would have been red and orange.
    Explain this one flat erf tard.

  57. Sorry about your Hebrew book of fables but there's evidence of round earth, outer space, and evolution.

  58. Is that your selfie up in the site banner?


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