September 16, 2024

Big George Floyd


  1. Man that was GREAT!!!

    Big George! Nominated for song of the year! A Grammy!

    Big George...Wonderful Bush
    Big George Sorass & The Mass Morass Battalions
    Big George Gormless George
    George The Walker
    George The Talker
    George The Grabbler
    George The Blabbler
    George The Turd
    "Born on third base
    Thought he hit a home run"
    - Gerald Excelente


    Big Bad George
    (Big George)

    "The tragic drama that we witnessed that day
    Was one that was started halfway through the play.
    With the preceding contextual video withheld,
    They let their policemen be pilloried and jailed.

    While they give their criminals nine yards of slack,
    The pols didn’t have law enforcement’s back.
    Preferring to bend to the will of the mob,
    They brushed off the coroner doing his job.

    (Big George, George Floyd)
    Big Bad George
    (Big George)

    Approaching the story a few beats too late,
    They fostered their own national climate of hate.
    But the violence unleashed was virtuous and right,
    Because the objects of hate in this case were white.

    With malice and mayhem alive in the air,
    There was no chance of an end that was fair.
    Death, destruction, and discord reigned,
    While promoters of racial division gained..."


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