September 14, 2024

Censorshit Planet of The Clowns


 For more clown shows:


I've had about all I can handle, which is a lot.

I'm on team Bill Gates. He's right. 85% of the population is worthless and needs to go.


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Thank you Jeremy for expressing exactly how I feel and what I think about these God damn cocksucking pieces of shit!
- Voltman Plutonymus


...and is planning to unleash another 50k of these monsters in small town america....


Never forget these politicians tried to murder us and are now pretending it never happened....
A new world record was set last week in Shenzhen when an 8,100 drone formation lifted off  to show a stunning performance. This isn't just a light show. It's a demonstration of futuristic military power. You are looking at an unarmed drone swarm.





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