September 07, 2024

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2024.09.07

Powers & Principalities Episode 364

The AfD as the rise of the Fourth Reich & Venezuelan Gangs Invade America


  1. sadly they got no clue about the AfD... AfD has a branch "Juden in der AfD" so sure they are pro jews, and full on the jewish lies, AfD is maybe rightwing but only allowed to hate islam and migrants, the party boss is a lesbian Alice Weidel a former Goldman-Sachs living and married with a women and 2 children its jsut disgusting, besides there is no party in germany after 22 uncontrolled, they are all controlled. In media houses they had CIA agents in germany, sure this changed with internet, and same with political parties, no media and no party is uncontrolled here. Sadly Tim and Joe think the AfD is any good, the media only uses this to call us all nazi, this negativ hype is done on purpose to us german people, i sure would rather chop off my hair than to vote for AfD, its all controlled and Juden infested, they are only allowed to hate islam, jsut what the jews want.

    1. i am german living in germany, over 5 decades old and i have seen enough from the AfD

    2. So do you want Germany with Jews and a continuous flood of
      imported shit or just Jews?

    3. Thanks for that, decree. It's the same old story all over Europe, it seems.

      Banker's tool, Nigel Farage, was used to split the conservative vote, and thus to allow Kwier Stalin to take office on a paltry 22% of the vote. It was the only way for Labour to win, which was clearly the intention.

  2. Thanks for the information decree.

  3. Biden administration floods Ohio town with Hatians.

  4. Blond hair/blue eyes is not that typical in Germany, it's more common in Scandinavia and the Netherlands (or it used to be)

  5. Permanent police presence will guard the holohoax memorial in Westminster... anywhere else it would get wrecked.


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