September 04, 2024

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2024.09.04

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Victor Hugo Vaca Jr., Joachim Hagopian, Dustin Nemos and Russ Winter.

64k CF Download


  1. Why is Fetzer always trying to suck the dick of Kabbalah Harris?

  2. This was a great show! As always, thanks Zap.

    They actually have good beers here in Chile, as my girlfriend watches all that crap on tv at night, I am sitting next to her irritating and in a way enjoying myself as some sort of sado masochistic ritual I guess, while listening to shows such as these and downing my daily dose. On a during the week basis, after work. Chilean tv is filled with faggots and filth that was not here when I first arrived in 1998. They really got us too here.

    That was off topic, but at least it is understandable. Un-Albert like I take it.

  3. Exceptional !!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    Don't Miss-Out: On Listening to THIS Great-Talk! ;-)


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