November 27, 2024

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2024.11.27 (Hour One Updated)

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Walter Wilkinson  - The Coverup Of The 1944 Port Chicago Atomic Explosion

Download Hour 2 - Erica Khan  - Where Are We Know? Long Covid, Surging Cases Of ALS And CJD, DNA Integration And Self-Replicating RNA Vaccines For Pets

Hour 3 - Encore

64k CF


  1. Hour two puts all the speculations about Jeff and Erica to rest although it is true that Jeff is a creep. LOL

  2. Yay! Erica is back. Shocked. She's my favorite guest. She is so bright and her memory recall is without peer. Jeff was on his best behavior.

  3. shes really back, wonder how many mails Jeff got asking for her, he mentioned it few times

  4. Erica's last show was September 4. She was gone for 3 months but it seemed like 3 years. I'm glad she came back before Trump starts the next scamdemic to sell more poison.
    I was tired of listening to those two Jew loving stupid old fucks Kelleigh Nelson & Frosty Wooldridge.
    Zapoper-I hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving along with everybody in your comments and I Pray you are feeling better.

    1. i strongly believe the same, it will be the same playbook all over again, the pandemic Gates exercised in 2022 for 2025-2028, outbreak was october 2025 in the exercise, and it was alot more deadly than covid, Trump will say exact the same as with the first warpspeed, take your vaccine i took mine and its good, what are the chances he makes Fauci his head of the expert team. But imho it will be a big difference this time, i think either the pandemic itself will do that or the vaccine, but the deagle 2025 forcast seems reasonable, "they" always wanted to get rid of a part of us until or before 2030. I think its even possible they scripted Trumps passing in the pandemic because what could be more emotional and make people go along than when the potus dies, Vance will happily take over, that was "their" plan the whole time, i think it has a reason Peter Thiel financed Vance, he is the future transhumanist potus for agenda 2030, with him we will have digital ID and CDBC and all this stuff. But we will see, soon, 2025 is just around the corner, imho nothing will happen before Inaugeration. They dont even need a big war escalation with ukraine if they do the deadly pandemic thing, but im still convinced Zelensky throws the ukraine natives into the grinder for a reason, Schneersons will to make khazaria great again.

    2. A dear friend of mine died of cellulitis.

    3. What outbreak decree? You still haven't figured it out yet?
      You got Lanka, Hamer, Enderlein and all the essential must reads in original German dude, educate yourself.

  5. i bet most dont even care what they talk about, the story seemed so generated to have a talking story, but sure i am glad she is back, its like a balancing of the guests there, when Erica is missing its too much to one side.

    1. cellulitis always struck me as soemthing normal, most women develop while aging, we call it "Orangenhaut" cause the skin becomes like orange peel, was alot new for me, sounded bit overtuned maybe.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I would recommend DARPA to open up a good science fiction book publishing with Ertica at the front. But wait a minute, they already did this.


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