December 26, 2024

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   So I woke up on the 25th and my pc's PSU fan was making an aggravating sound. I proceeded to slap it around like an ex girlfriend and it stopped making that noise. LOL... Just waiting for Wendy the red head to comment on this.

   Of all the days in the year to have hardware failure, the 25th and or new years eve are not the time to have them. Now I woke up (on the 26th) and it's making an high pitch sound. I can't get rid of it by slapping it so I'll have to open it and spray some teflon lubricant.

   If you see me disappear for a few days then you will know why.


  1. my psu made a fancy loud noise, one of the rubber stabilizator fell off the capacitors and stuck on the fan and would fall off but made this fancy noise getting me in alert mode. i even wrote to be quiet they answered in 2 hours its nothing bad just remove the rubber stabi and its all good. Never buy china brands, i had one china psu explode well one of the capacitor long ago, never again, we call china psu in germany here "china böller" böller being a bigger firecracker. I am now always on be quiet, german brand with good support, and its known for the psu just last many many years, mines already 5 years old again. Not advertising here, but it is what it is, cant buy china company. The german companies sure manufacture often in asia too, but the psu design itself, the type and size of the capasitor resistor and what not is not that min maxed, sure the psu cost more, but in germany we say "wer billig kauft kauft zweimal" who buys cheap buys twice

    1. sorry i always had a 4 (D) in english, my ability to listen and read sure is alot better now after listening US based podcasts for over 10 years, but my ability to express and write is still rather bad.

    2. @ decree, what is that German brand?

  2. Well it's not too bad decree. I can understand what you wrote.

    A friend called me years ago to fix his computer and the PSU was obviously to blame. Once I unscrewed the thing and shook it up, I could hear the capacitor's head rattling in there. lol

    This thing really has me scratching my head though. It's as if my CPU only has 50% of its initial power.

    P.S. God I hate this new commenting platform. It's as if retarded people wrote the code. lol

  3. Oh no, Zap incapacitated by his psu at this time of the year? Say it ain't so. Seriously though, I hope everything just fixes itself and your pc is good.

  4. If this thing can limp till next month I'll just order a new PSU. I've already cannibalized all my backup PCs.

  5. I'm having flashbacks of when I owned a Pentium III back in the early 2000s. This rig is so slow now. At least it is still working. It needs to tough out the run until new years because I only have 8$ to my name until then. Christmas is kind of expensive in my world. LOL

    1. Oh man, do I remember those days, 1996-1999 and early oughts actually, Pentium III was the real deal during that time lol... Couldn't afford one at the time, but man is it outdated now. My main pc now still takes 5 minutes to restart to load all the crap. Really need to upgrade to an new ssd pc!

  6. I do have enough food though so it's not as if I am in dire straits. lol

  7. I have replaced the fan on mine a few times now. Not a big issue to replace the fan if the spraying does not work i'm sure there are pc shops that will give a fan from a broken psu.

  8. Yeah, I have old PSUs from 20 years ago that are 250-300w I could do that but after looking around in my apartment it looks as if I have a 500W one in one of my backup PCs. I thought that I had used them all when my neighbor had a problem with his last year.

    I am now worried that it might not be just the PSU though. This rig has now slowed to a crawl. It took more than two hours to transcode the barrett show and the Fetzer one. I am now waiting for the Rense transcode to be done.

    In my experience PSUs usually just stop working. This is bizarre.

  9. I'm worried about this thing not just being a PSU problem so the safe way to go about it is to endure "the slow mo" until I have money in my pocket. If I swap the PSU and it does not reboot I'll be fucked. As it is now my pc is still recording the shows even though it is very slow.

  10. This problem really brings me back to 2005 when I was still using a Pentium III and converting Rome episodes of the tv series for a friend as KVCDs. Each episode was compressed into a 700mb cd and it didn't look all that bad on the old cathode tube because the pixels on those could not get higher than 480p but it was taking nine hours to transcode one episode. lol

  11. I think that I'll be able to fix the problem of my PC in a few days though so all should be good by then.


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