November 08, 2012

Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2012.11.08

Tonight's broadcast: I will be talking about the fake election on Tuesday night. I will also explain why my prediction on Romney did not materialize. The Jewish trick that put Obama back in office. Soros and his talmudic voting machines as it relates to the new Marrano Jewish elite Spanish Inquisition. The destruction of Western society through the multicultural Obama Victory. The end of the old guard powers and the new banana republic of america. Plus your phone calls. This wil be a very importnt broadcast.

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  1. I deleted my above comment. It was incomplete...

    So far Mike Sledge's analysis of the election results and his take on the eradication of european culture/Western civlization, and it's great advancements are spot on. No one has fed the world like the West has and no system of governemnt has been more destructive to people than jewish created communism. He also talks about who the white male is becoming an endangered species via jewish driven multiculturalism, so far this is a must listen!

  2. Some may celebrate this idea of white's losing power, being beaten down by multi-cult and losing their status.'s to everyone's detriment because the parasites will be in control. Think about it really hard...

  3. Well said RC, you're spot on!I have put forward this question to non-white friends and they agree with my position that if Whites are to be extinct the rest of us (non, or less white) will be in the stone age within 5 minutes.Holland ruled by Moroccans, Turks and Africans?..NO, 2 minutes...LOL

    I've become a big Mike Sledge fan because he brings a, for me perfect, balance of fun and fact.This show was great.Thanks for posting!

  4. It,s good to see that Mike is getting centered once again.The severity of the situation that we find ourselves in needs to be historically documented.Great job Mike.I also hope it is not too late.Things are really not looking good with the rewriting of history and the promotion of a jew culture of death and destruction.We need more voices like Mike's that can express themselves coherently with the facts to back up what they say.Again,great job Mike.Thanks Mami.

  5. Don't get too serious Mr. Sledge.

  6. The best show I've heard in a long time.

  7. Best show ever, thanks Sledge. The Commies are out in the open celebrating the end of "traditional America":



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