November 08, 2012

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today Admits To Writing 40% False Information


  1. Wow, nice find WHOOLI. I have never trusted that fucker. Cross this piece of shit off the list...jews are trying to control the alternative media and isn't he the owner/creator of veterans today? Remember, 40% of what he tells you is FALSE.

  2. When he said 40% was false he meant that by saying 40% people are liable to discount it so this statement is also 40% false. VT is probably 80% accurate if you follow my math; they obscure about 20% in order to avoid being "suicided".

  3. LOL good post Whoolie. I always knew something was not right with Duffy.

  4. the fucking vd troll shills are in rapid defense mode trying desperately to do damage control after liar duff pulled a tom flocco on the suckers stupid enough not to have seen through his operation after he was spreading bullshit about Libya and Kaddafi while openly praising and supporting the jew bankers controlled ?rebels.? FUCK DUFF AND ANYONE DEFENDING THIS ADMITTED LIAR.

  5. I got word on that turd two years back. He has confirmed he is a piece of shit several times over since then when I caught his spew. Since you guys now know what he is really about, he will sound much different to you now. He is disgusting to listen to grasping at bull shit and lying his ass off. Probably just another jew fag.

  6. I made this video from one of the audios that you guys posted here. SO thanks to everyone here for the daily updates.

    Most of us already knew it that Duff was full of shit already, I wanted to highlight that fact, especially since it is his own words.

    It doesn't matter what reason he gives that he has to be full of shit, he's still full of it either way.

  7. Semper Fi to the Tribe

  8. Saudi Arabia's Missile Program Warrants United Nations/IAEA Inspection

  9. Mike Harris from RBN filed a copyright claim and had YouTube pull the video

  10. So basically Harris doesn't want this to get out . Another fucking shill

  11. Was 90% sure Harris was a shill, this makes it 99%. Gone. Sorta like taking a dump. Just another worthless load...poof! Next....

  12. I've been in the Duff=full-O-shit camp for a couple years. He came outa nowhere, as did his VT, and he's just a little too F.O.S. in his claims, and how impossibly "well connected" he claims to be. A guy that "busy" couldn't have time to pen his tomes for VT.

    All that said, he was 2nd hour guest on KBarrett's T.J. Radio show on Fri 11/9. They get right into the "40% Disinfo" bit. GD claims the recording was "spliced together", & fraudulent. Also claimed it was created & spread by Frederick Toben- German holohoax denier (& OZ resident- they just bankrupted him through their courts).

    MP3 link, jump to top of 2nd hour:

    KBarrett's blog entry:

  13. so who is brave enough to confront harris on monday with this bullshit? the intelligence operation known as vd should have been finished after duff's tom flocco meltdown, but because you people remain silent these operations just continue. you should be proud of yourselves for doing and saying jackshit while morons spread this disinformation to further confuse and exasperate the stupid and ignorant masses.

  14. I just noticed Barrett put out an article defending GD at his blog on 11/14. I just commented at his radio blog where anon commenting is possible, unlike at his news blog. It's awaiting moderation now, and reads:

    Kevin, I just now noticed your blog article defending GD, "Who's Afraid of Gordon Duff"

    It's a fine case for how we shouldn't believe everything from anyone, even "sourced" items like the 911 Whitewash Comm. Report, haha. We agree on that, in fact I said in my anon reply above, "That Duff promotes 40% BS has been long self-evident to anyone following him and his routine "shocking revelations" for awhile" - yet I still read a good deal of what GD puts out there, as some of it "rings true" anyways.

    A big problem with your Duff defense article linked above though is, you didn't address his handling of the matter on your 11/9/12 show- where he denies saying the 40% business, attributes is to a fraudulent audio splice job, and then astonishingly fingers holohoax truth disseminator Frederik Toben as the culprit behind the fraud! WTF?!

    Now PressTV is reporting "AIPAC, decapitators inside US government: Intelligence analyst" (referring to GD)

    Add ^ to Duff's other recent stories like US/China navies battling hostile UFOs in the Pacific, and we have to ask if GD is Sorcha Faal's heir apparent?

    So we'll watch for KB to publish it at


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