February 17, 2013

The Latest in the Delaney vs ZCF saga 2013.02.17

I thought that this post would give you guys a venue to express yourselves in the comment section of this post instead of spamming every other thread that has nothing to do with all this shit storm.

ZCF Article


  1. Childish unedifying and frankly now doing nobody any favours.

    ZCF, had a great website, then started appeasing obvious trolls which seems to have now taken on a life of its own.

    A huge hasbara pack leading gullible Christ hating Cheka goyim to their own downfall.

    We seen it all before, it was not so long ago in Soviet Russia.

    The nu-wave Christ hating kids (as taught to them by Professor Lipshitz in college) helped contribute to the site getting less and less enjoyable to read and less and less necessary to visit each day to eventually I found myself checking in once a month, it was doing harm to the cause, then ZCF got into a private dialogue which led to abuse of his sponsor/web host then got shut down.

    Learn from it.

    Don't piss on your chips and expect them to taste just as great after.

  2. stop supporting CI & end the chaos they bring.
    renegade found they had been associated with 2 homosexuals & they ended their problems by ending the association.
    CI does not only support, but includes mixed-race, homosexuals & "darker" people.
    keith gets on renegade & says one thing, but truthmilitia.com front page is supporting a brand new CI web site trutube via a post.

  3. The WWF Jewth movement in full effect. Kikelaney and ZCF'r are the main event. Buy your ticket now.

  4. So because you were going there less and less it was doing harm to the cause "the truth shall out"? Get the fuck outta here, the site was pulling in 2500 hits a day ya friggin moron. You're not being there was doing everyone a favor.

  5. The truth will out said...

    the truth in a nutshell, and all is to say about the drama.

    Love this true line:

    "A huge hasbara pack leading gullible Christ hating Cheka goyim to their own downfall."

  6. Wasn't Jewsus a Jew???

    Not according to CI there the real Jews.

    What a fuckin joke, you can take that Jewish mythology and shove it up your ass.

    The Christards had 2000 years to solve the Jewish problem and they failed miserably..

    Oh yea dont forget CI gets most of there conversions in the prisons systems,,

    Case in point ,,,Delaney has 2 felonies, don't forget his beloved pastor is a convicted murderer.. Bill Finck

    I can't make this shit up!

    ZCF your right fuck these clowns..

  7. Christ was a cunt. FUCK your Jew god and his dead son.

  8. And it has begun...lol

  9. Fuckin' A LWW. Fuckin' A. ;)

  10. "Wasn't Jewsus a Jew???"

    If you made that statement 400 years ago your head would have been impaled on a stake, no chance of a jewish infiltration and destruction in those god fearing times.

    You stupidly and; like a true to form hasbarat, dishonestly state Christians had 2000 years to solve the jewish problem.
    They succeeded 109 times since then and only because they were unified by one common belief.

    Hitler would've been the 110th, ask your grandad how that played out, it's what you were brought up to worship each year, the enslavement of your people assisted by your forefathers in WWI & WWII.

    The reason they corrupt and pollute our world today with as much control as they do is because of the greed of our leaders, none of which were Christian, all of them greedy soulless scum who were corruptible and lustful for money and other Earthly delights, they sold us all down the river.

    The holocaust hoax has been the device and the subversion of our school curricular meaning millions of kids being brainwashed on jew lies.

    Hatred of Hitler and hatred of Jesus has brought us to the point in time we are at.

    I personally do not care if someone is an atheist, that simply means they are ambivalent to any religious doctrine, what these trolls are doing is defaming Jesus and acting as an anti-Christ.

    That simply wont do, no matter how many times you play out the equation on the drawing board, the objective will always be to destroy the anti-Christ juden, not have them leading our cause I'm afraid.

  11. ADLaney disabled the highlight/right-click function at the pirated zcf site, making it impossible to easily paste the content elsewhere for dissemination & "posterity". What does that leave, taking screen cap images, like the email zcf posted? Transcribing? Copying from the page source code somehow? ADLaney can edit or delete content at a whim and no one can 'prove' his tinkering (barring extraordinary means above).

    All over a sticks & stones dialog about his jew-supremacist-copying 'religion'? I don't buy it. ADLaney exploded, unable to verbally defend his cult, so he took his game ball & ran home in tears? Walking & quacking like a kike makes for a Kike (minion) ADLaney.

    Many of zcf's essays under "My Research Articles" have been removed; for example the former "The Psychological Projections of Organized Jewry" - although that appears to be reproduced at:

    Actually, looking at
    again now, it appears all former links at the top are now removed, not just some. "Developing..."

  12. Hear, hear!

    "The truth will out" is right.

  13. Fuck Jewsus and the kike god yahweh. Nuff said.

  14. I have uploaded all of ZCF's main works permanently on to my website http://theendofzion.com/category/zioncrimefactory/

  15. Here is the true picture for the confused and fooled poor American atheist people, who so dedicatedly hate the jewish "CI" scam.





    and so on, I could provide dozens of sources to make the point even stronger for the blind and confused.
    It is already in the Talmud, the hate for Christ.
    Martin Luther figured it out almost 500 years ago, and what he wrote is still a prevalent problem. He was spot on.

    You poor people make yourself serving as fifth column of the jews.
    Just ask a "CI" about if Israel is a lawful construct, and about "the right of existence".

    Here in Europe, where cultural marxists wreak havoc, and goldmann & sachs and george soros build a new soviet union with their tyrannical EU and thought police imprison you for criticizing the jews, I can only shake my head about so much naivety and simply not knowing Bolshevik history well.
    The jews are about to start a big war via your american jewish run establishment, and you want to discuss such nonsense?
    The ZCF guy wrote it down for you people, what is well known in Europe, the jewish hand in communism and masonry, and what must not be said, not even thought since 1945.

    Greeting from Europe, where "CI" is unknown something, possibly identified as "christian zionism" by the pc crowd.

  16. The truth will out, are you actually defending Prothink? LMAO

  17. proThink has the power of CIa behind it > truth

  18. Thanks TheEndOfZion.com

    I wounder if Lindsey will be jealous. LOL

  19. Vet takes cute lion cub home
    Sea blobs head to Northwest
    Man gets new heart, finds love
    Gold sent to Japanese village
    Vacationers find home trashed
    Turkey vultures flock to NC

  20. Thousands protest pipeline
    Border holes documented
    Plan for 'uninsurables' to end
    Saying goodbye to the pope
    UN reviewing asteroid threat
    Poor kids taught to give back

  21. J3133 screams:

    “But if someone’s going to tell me I need to stop using the word n***** or c*** when it is indeed an accurate reflection of the individual at which it is directed, what they’re telling me is to be nice? To turn the other cheek. To embrace the slave morality. To LIE. To avoid telling the truth because the truth isn’t politically correct. All this has ever led to is pandering to the mainstream, the mainstream that is owned and operated by J***, the mainstream that will never actually support us as long as they cling to their false religion: liberalism, modernism, feminism, weakness.”

  22. seems to be plenty of closet race traitors here!!!better not use the j-- word or ni---r word or the censors here might remove my comments again!!!! now i dont support ci but i cert do not support half mud non whites pretending to be ns!!!wake up whiteman!!!!this aint no movement,most of you are bitches who hide behind the keyboard slagging people come and join the real resistance-blood and honour! checkout division near you!!! get in contact get active ,support the orginization that supports you!!!skrewdriver88!828

  23. Jew JEW JEW. NiGGER NIGGER NIGGER. Funny I don't end up in the spam like you just did. I can't refresh the spam box every 5 minutes in case someone is wrongly ending up in there. I have a life to live other than the internet.

  24. There is no 'disabling the right-click function'
    There is a javascript program intercepting it. Prowank will just have you think that he has 'disabled' it.

    Disable javascript in your browser (it's an option) and voila, you can right-click anything on the site.

    Cut/paste to your hearts content kiddies!

    Or you could just use linux & wget, curl, httrack, puf or burp (I suggest wget) to capture the entire site recursively.

  25. Prostink better apologize to ZCF and give him his website back before ZCF completely buries him and every nutjob associated with him for good. I don't think Prostink realizes the power of words and what they can do in the hands of someone who really understands how to use them as weapons.

    "Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. 'To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law' (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them.… It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in ordinary speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary 'noble blood,' it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted like something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility is essentially dynamic. Noble means the 'well known,' that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.… 'Nobility' does not appear as a formal expression until the Roman Empire, and then precisely in opposition to the hereditary nobles, then in decadence." ~ Chap. VII: Noble Life And Common Life, Or Effort And Inertia
    The Revolt of the Masses (1929)
    La rebelión de las masas (1929) - José Ortega y Gasset



  26. @TruthWillOut

    Hasbarat tactics of associating Jewsus with Hitler, I haven't ONCE seen anyone here posting Hitler was a Jew he is most certainly NOT.

    Hitler stated National Socialism was NOT based on a racial platform.

    You are a deceiver no "truther" can honestly support the bible with all the supremacist shit in it.

    Go take your White Power ass outta here you. If you hate the Jews you cannot support their ideological racial supremacy such as Israel does.

    CI incorporates killing all non-CI women,children and the like,

    Humanity can do better, and we can take a lesson from nature, we were born with a conscience not a Jewish Bible.

    Sure if someone wants segregation I support it Africa should be primarily black, Europe should be primarily white, I do NOT support MultiCulturalism, America is different though and if anything it should be given back to the Native Americans who were kicked out of their homeland by a bunch of Freemasons working with Jews like Christopher Columbus who left Spain right when Jews were expelled.

    I don't work with Supremacists because Supremacy is not based on a skin color, ethnicity or the like it should be based on intellect which varies by individual.

    Fuck CI, Fuck Kikealike bitchs,and fuck your baby Jewsus.

    Try having a debate without putting words in someone's mouth. and shove the word nu up your ass that shit reeks of Jewish psychological bs.

  27. Lookie here Crypto Israelis, your boy Yahweh/Jesus fucking Christ was quite simply an average jew, better than most jews perhaps, but nothing special. This is evidenced by his pussy ass surrendering actions whilst being hunted after his brother sold him out for some silver. And just for christ's sake let's pretend he was the magically conceived and birthed son of god(was he circumsized post-birth? just wondering if those mystic mages made some super special ancient skin cream!) then he is indeed even more pathetic and lame than the normal version because the holy ghost ought to be able to summon lightning or plague or some-fucking-thing from his father in order to save or at least help him evade capture. Run, hide, dress up like a bitch? No, just give up like a weakling. But he did it for us, right? You stupid, imbecilic, motherfucking mentally challenged slaves.. or shall I say u stoopd impisil mofo slayvs?

  28. Lookie here YeaWhateva. Why don't you grow some balls and post as yourself. That goes far all anons too.

  29. "ZCF" vs ADLaney is obviously another Jonestein vs. Cooper charade meant to get the "jew-wise" crowd confused and distracted. Fuck Jewsus, Fuck Yahweh, Fuck worshiping Hitler. We gotta live in the here and now and kick some kike jew ass before they kick ours. Smarten up whites, no ghost is going to save you from the harshness of nature.

  30. Attention all white human beings:

    This is Yahweh's Fist, your most humble Christian Identity leader.

    This is addressed to all Europeans. This is not for the consumption of muds and half-breeds. They are not among The Chosen. They are not human. That is why we call them "muds" and "half-breeds."

    You are all members of The Tribe, whether or not you believe it, whether are not you accept it. You are The Chosen.

    There are those in your midst who do not believe in Yahweh. There are those among you who still believe that 2+2=4. There are those among you who still do not understand that your mothers, sisters and daughters were put on this earth for the sole purpose of breeding and giving men pleasure and support.

    Woe unto them! And woe unto you, if you are one of them! You will be found out, and you will be shown no mercy.

    You who are caught in your lack of faith will be called a Marxist and a kike. You may very well protest that you are a European, that you hate the evil that flowed from Marx, Freud and their brethren, and that you praise the real Adolf Hitler. This may very well be all good and true, but it matters not.

    You are not Christian Identity! You are not worthy! You have been infected!

    And you will be cast aside!


    Brought to you by the broadcasting system of Yahweh's Church of Everlasting Love and Reason, which, as ever, reminds the world:

    If you're White, you're a Jew!

  31. screw any of you who think that CI is not filled with very light skinned white folk
    John Smith & here is my pic

  32. WTF is this big push about not posting under anon?
    makes me wonder WTF is coming down the road.

  33. James on why Andrew Anglin, Carolyn Yeager, and pals are dead wrong about online anonymity

  34. Maybe there are some of you out there in the wilderness who still believe that Keith and Rich are a couple of loveable meatheads from Jersey whose "straight talk" and fondness for offensive words make them kind of endearing. You know? A pair of big ol' lugs who are justifiably angry at the state of things, and who are trying, in their clumsy and boyish ways, to make the world a better place. A couple of sweeties at heart who are apparently naive enough to imagine that there is no connection between a person's religious beliefs and his behavior and perception of reality.

    Well, you might want to have a listen to their latest show. It could cure you of your generous views. Among other very educational things, like pledging allegiance to a certain adherent of Christian Identity, ZCF is accused of "threaten{ing} Mike Delaney's family."

    When a person makes an accusation like that, you would think that that person, even a big ol' lug from Jersey, would want to be pretty damn sure that the evidence for it was solid.

    You would think.

  35. "Hang up on this bitch!
    Hang up on this bitch!"

    - Keith, in response to a woman who was bringing up legitimate points about the ZCF/Delaney controversy


    - Rich, in response to Keith's sick outburst

    How can it be that these two lovely gentlemen are not inspiring you to be better people?

  36. This whole set up smells of DBS v Bollyn v Hufschmidt. Like I have posted and researched, the Old Testament is not that old at all, it is a post-Christian artifact cobbled together from Jewish wet dreams and Egyptian history. I tried to warn ZCF that Christ-bashing was a Jew thing - he was very 'sharp' with me... As for the Delaney posse - well the criminal record speaks for itself. Meanwhile over at Truth Militia Mike likes to liberally use Jesus Christ as a curse, come to think of it so does Guiliani...

  37. Bill Cooper - 01 / 12 / 1998 - Christian Identity Part 1: Its British And Venetian Origins


    Bill Cooper - 01 / 12 / 1998 - Christian Identity Part 2: Modern Day Implications


  38. "Demand that Prothink remove all of my content from the Zion Crime Factory site" - since when does one own what he cut and paste ?? Or are you claiming to be the representative for all the real work done by others ?? Lets see, I take the constitution, add a few sarcastic and caustic remarks to it, can I too deny the attendees of the convention authorship,
    present it around to an unread rabble then claim it as my own ?

  39. truthmilitia.com flagship show new format:
    15% CI projects
    35% Whining & Complaining
    25% Boofer of the week caller
    25% Whatever was the listed show agenda

  40. As a result of all this bickering, both websites, Jewish Problem and Zion Crime Factory, are now decrepit, VERY useless. Can't you anti-semites get along? I guess not! Signed, notzapoper

  41. Anonymous said...

    As a result of all this bickering, both websites, Jewish Problem and Zion Crime Factory, are now decrepit, VERY useless. Can't you anti-semites get along? I guess not! Signed, notzapoper

    February 18, 2013 at 5:14 AM

    Well done. hasbara department.Now you even have the chutzpah, to use jew speak, "you anti-semites". You guys simply can't help but to reveal yourselves.

    At leats some people what the old jewish game.

    Not really difficult to figure out, when jewtube hosts it.


  42. As for Keith (TMR) going all out against followers of ZCF who allegedly issues threats on Deleaney's family.

    Don't you find it odd that Delaney doesn't seem to mention he himself made threats of violence against ZCF, Keith?

    Very often religious people project their own behavior on others, this in combination with a strong ''persecution complex'' will made it seem to people that they're ''innocent victims who only have the best in mind''..Really?

    ZCF made it perfectly clear in his writings that he does NOT support any kind of threats of violence so maybe you should hear both sides first before you go out on a rampage on behalf of a ''real Israelite'' who has finally exposed himself as a irrational backstabbing traitor of real White people.

    I'm glad Dana shows support for ZCF and I believe Siegfried is also much more sympathetic to ZCF.I personally like Rich and Keith (eventhough I'm of mixed races)and I sincerely hope they'll see through that conman Delaney rather sooner than later.

    Regards from Holland

  43. Keith at Truth Militia, is there a bigger CUNT and PUSSY out there? This stupid fucking meathead basically supports theft and bought into that piece of shit Delaney's allegation that he received threats. The dumbass talks about how they're not a gossip show and that is all those babies do is gossip like two whores. This is the best we have?

  44. I heard Keith is actually very fat but that is neither here nor there.

  45. "rockclimber said...
    The truth will out, are you actually defending Prothink? LMAO"

    Technically I wasn't supporting or defending either party.

    I was speaking generally to common sense.

    However on balance, it's clear to see that there is a rather immature, less informed sector that are making the greatest waves spamming the forums.

    The whole situation is an embarrassment, neither party is coming out of this without their reputation being tarnished.

    This does no one any good, trying to create such divide is unproductive if a solution is what you seek.
    It is only of benefit if disruption and sabotage is what you aim to achieve.

    However, I do note with some amusement some rather ironic complaints about Prothink refusing less flattering comments to be posted on his site considering ZCF had removed my 2 rather moderate comments yesterday.

    Fuck it I'll post them here FWIW.

  46. First post to this article which went up, then ZCF removed, while leaving the abusive reply to this still up, which looked weird on its own, so the next day he then removed the infantile abusive post.

    "This is now getting unedifyingly embarrassing, too much dirty laundry being hung out in public now for my tastes.

    The trouble is ZCF, if anyone here that you see encouraging you to maintain this line of conduct was a friend or loyal supporter, they’d try and steer you to making a more dignified approach.

    As it stands the likes of ZOG and the other toads slimily telling you to jab out in anger are just sending you on a downward spiral where you won’t gain any ground, you’ll only lose support in the long run.

    I’m trying to be impartial and make up my own mind but really the behaviour of the nu-wave anti-Christian pricks here and now flooding the top sites is really an exercise in futility.

    The jews are the original anti-Christ, and trust me when I say this, there has never been nor will there ever be any achievable anti-juden movement in the foreseeable future without the aid of Christians in the ranks.
    Focussing on your hatred toward Christianity is simply judaism, having the dumb goy carry out the juwes work for them like communist Russia at the turn of the 1900's.

    You see it has all been done before, you’re not the first generation to discover juwes want to enslave us all, we’re just the generation where the juwes have controlled our youths mind’s totally, people like ZOG here simply are the Cheka.

    When it comes to the crunch I know who I’d want fighting on my side.

    I can tolerate an atheist, I however cannot tolerate an anti-Christ, juwes are the original anti-Christ, they have taught our youth to hate Jesus as much as they do.

  47. The follow up post was from some guy called J3133, who seems intent on stirring up the pot and egging on ZCF to do this and do that to Delaney.

    He basically said I'm out of order, and had a go at me for saying nothing to Delaney about this incident, then said I was the one trying to stir up trouble between the two[???!!!??!!]

    "I wrote a message to Delaney on his prothink site [FWIW he never approved the post].

    What I didn't do was try and shit-stir and prod ZCF into an impossible to negotiate cul-de-sac like an agitating snivelling cunt.

    This could've been done with decorum.

    There's a lot more to this jewish question then recently discovering they did "911", it's been a gameplan thousands of years in the making and today they have control of your mind in more ways than you realise.

    However the fact that most kids nowadays have been trained to be mindless automatons who worship filth and false idols put before you have been taught to hate Jesus and Hitler as much as a jew does, it bodes no good for your future I'll make sure it has zero impact on mine.

    I can assure you of that.

    I respect all other's faiths, thereby they may hold respect for me also.
    Those whose faith I should denigrate, abuse and insult, will hold me in no high esteem whatsoever.
    It's a simple lesson, one I feel you could learn from."

    None of this is important, just posting here because all I'm hearing is how Delaney wont allow criticism.

    I don't think either come out of this well at all.

    ZCF's staunch support base (led by the hasbarats whose aim was to disrupt) does him no favours whatsoever.

    1. The religion emphasis on racial supremacy, God chosen people, such as Talmud Judaism, CI, should be criticized and exposed as harmful to human

      Talmud Judaism = Jewish Supremacy
      CI = White Supremacy
      Christian Zionists = Jews are God chosen people, they can do no wrong

      All of the above believe systems are the enemies of humanity, they should have no place in this Truth Movement.

    2. In fact, I have to say,

      Talmud Judaism is the eternal enemy of humanity!

      Any "Supremacy" believe systems that preach a special group of people is chosen by God, therefore this group of people can steal, rob, lie, murder and enslave the rest of humanity need to be exposed, crushed and destroyed to prevent further harms.

  48. Jewsus the fictional jew-ghost will not save the White race from the jew. Neither will worshiping Hitler. Taking parts of 1930's Germany will help, but trying to copy it and idolize it will only turn people away make yourself look retarded.

  49. Anonymouse 10:10

    Yes yes we get it, we've already established that the nu-wave kids hate nobody more than Jesus and Hitler...

  50. Apparently you old-wave tards havent figured out the jew-on-a-stick religion that destroyed Rome, or how easily the anti-jew "movement" has been stigmatized by foolishly thinking that swastikas(first letter of the hebrew alphabet) and Hitler avatars will scare the jew away, when the entire public is trained to associate them with evil.

  51. " jew-on-a-stick religion that destroyed Rome"

    Now either you're a filthy kike hasbarat or the most misinformed moron around.

    Have you ever heard of Marcus Tullius Cicero?
    He died some 43 years before Jesus was puported to have been born...
    "Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."
    (Oration in Defense of Flaccus)

    Cicero was serving as defense counsel at the trial of Flaccus, a Roman official who interfered with Jewish gold shipments to their international headquarters (then, as now) in Jerusalem. Cicero himself certainly was not a nobody, and for one of this stature to have to "speak softly" shows that he was in the presence of a dangerously powerful sphere of influence. and on another occasion Cicero wrote:

    "The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

    This last quote was written with you in mind it appears:
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

  52. Jewsus is a fictional character and the jewish Essenes were injecting their "love thine enemy" philosphy-for-the-goys into Rome way before Jewsus' fictional birth.

  53. J3133 screams:

    “But if someone’s going to tell me I need to stop using the word n***** or c*** when it is indeed an accurate reflection of the individual at which it is directed, what they’re telling me is to be nice? To turn the other cheek. To embrace the slave morality. To LIE. To avoid telling the truth because the truth isn’t politically correct. All this has ever led to is pandering to the mainstream, the mainstream that is owned and operated by J***, the mainstream that will never actually support us as long as they cling to their false religion: liberalism, modernism, feminism, weakness.”

  54. "Anonymous said...
    Jewsus is a fictional character and the jewish Essenes were injecting their "love thine enemy" philosphy-for-the-goys into Rome way before Jewsus' fictional birth.

    February 18, 2013 at 11:11 AM"

    It seems you're reluctant to address your initial claims that Christianity destroyed Rome, where my proceeding evidence presented proved beyond doubt that it was the jews that brought down Rome, just like they have every other great Empire throughout history, with America the next scalp to be claimed.

    So you responded with an insult and mindless trashing of Jesus.

    Very strange methods you have of promoting your cause, which appears to consist of blind hatred of Hitler and jesus Christ.

    Seems you can disband your cause before it's even started as there's a ready made club for you, it's called judaism or zionism if you'd prefer.

    PS -
    Is this what constitutes debate these days?

  55. Obviously it was the jews that subverted Rome...using Christianity to poison their minds. Your quotes only "proved" the obvious. Would you like a cookie or something?


  57. Just remember that Jesus said he came ONLY for the house of Israel. You Gentiles were an afterthought. Not that I believe he even really existed. All just a political move and the dumb goyim fell for it. Time to get rid of the Jew god that was pushed on Europeans.

  58. "The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world is filled with Jewish teachings in a universal brotherhood of nations, in a greater Judaism,all different races and religion will disappear "
    -- Jewish World, February 9, 1933

  59. "...that the program presented at the Zionist Congress in Basel by the founder of Zionism Dr Theodor Herzl, aims at Jewish world domination like it has been outlined in the Protocols of the learned elders of Zion; as they have become known by the non Jewish world, and have raised an ever increasing attention."

    -- Dr. Marcus Ehrenpreis, Chief rabbi of Stockholm, Jewish Academy Club, 1932

  60. Only someone still under Jew brainwashing can believe that GENTILE somehow means non-Jew.

    The 4 words listed below ALL mean NATION/KINSMAN and in no way mean laughable non-Jew like some idiots are brainwashed to say.

    1. Goy (Hebrew)
    2. Ethnos (Greek)
    3. Gentilis (Latin)
    4. Gentile (English)

    Even if you break the word GENTILE down into its prefix and suffix it in no way means "non-Jew" as some idiots are brainwashed with.

    1. GEN (genetics, genealogy, genes, gender etc..)
    2. TILE (covering, under protection)
    3. GEN-TILE = genetics under protection

  61. Matthew 1, "jesus is a kike descendant from abraham and david". End of story. Even though he never existed in reality, he's just a copy of dozens of other sun gods. But Kike Delaney had a website dedicated to trying to twist that fact. Apparently he dropped that farce and picked up the tripe, "we're all the real kikes", and a lot of you are buying this shit, with the help of troof moolahshabbat and "black girls are hot" wigger Andre.

  62. Facts for Hasbara:

    Maimonides, writing in 12th century Egypt, made clear that the Talmud's Jesus is the one who founded Christianity. In his great summation of Jewish law and belief, the Mishneh Torah, he wrote of "Jesus of Nazareth, who imagined that he was the Messiah, but was put to death by the court." In his "Epistle to Yemen," Maimonides states that "Jesus of Nazareth ... interpreted the Torah and its precepts in such a fashion as to lead to their total annulment. The sages, of blessed memory, having become aware of his plans before his reputation spread among our people, meted out fitting punishment to him."

    It's unfair of Jewish critics to defame Gibson for saying what the Talmud and Maimonides say, and what many historians say. Oddly, one of the scholars who has most vigorously denounced Gibson -- Paula Fredriksen, a professor of religious studies at Boston University -- is the author of a meticulously researched book, "Jesus of Nazareth," that suggests it was the high priests who informed on Jesus to the Roman authorities.


    More here:


    Or here, the muslim 'cultural enrichment' you kindly brought us:


    A possible reason for your hate is this:

    "Long Before Tech Support Was Out-sourced to India, Christianity's Founder May Have Gone There First"

    For me it is a purely strategic decision to maintain a neutral towards christians and muslims, and a cooperation is urgently necessary, between all of them and even atheists.
    Just as Hitler made a strategic decision not to go after the political catholicism, instead he made the Reichskonkordat, granted Catholics basically freedom as long as it didn't damage the common good. But they did.

    Put aside the religious stuff, we face a powerful enemy, who wants to destroy any kind of religion and nation except their own.

  63. When you legitimately criticize the Jews for their crimes you are called antisemtic. When you legitimately criticize Christianity you are called a Christ hater.

    Those in CI who use terms like "Christ hater" are using the same Jewish tactic. Hateful Jewish supremacists accuse others of hate, same for CI.

    CI is another pathetic attempt to keep the Jewish death cult called Christianity alive. It won't sell and it won't work. The cat is out of the bag, Christianity is myth, it was formed out of previous myth, the Jewish savior never existed.

    There is no Jewish god, it is very bad fiction, judgment is fiction, hell is fiction. And because the Old Testament is fiction and bad stories of psychopathic Jewish behavior, there is no need to be saved from eternal punishment by the fictional Jewish savior god Jewzeus.

    What everyone needs to fully understand is belief in those ideas causes judgment and hell on earth. Belief in the Jewish war god gets people to behave like Jehovah, angry and vengeful.

  64. How about "Truth Militia"'s suck fest of ADLaney's kike pecker last show. For those of you with brains that had doubts about their legitimacy, I think they answered that for you.

  65. That "trutube" site is more CI bullshit, I got my IP banned from all of Mike the Talking Ass's sites for posting this video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFxN00yRvcI ) on there.

    We're not going to get anywhere allowing retards like evangelicals and CI among us.
    All Abrahamic religions are poison.

  66. So "truetube" censors videos that bash their religion, CI. While Youtube censores videos that expose judism. Does anyone see the irony here? So much for "true"tube LOL.

  67. My IP was banned from every one of his sites for asking why his Mossad Links bus tour waa literally advertised on the Department of Defense website by a guy with a jewish last name.

  68. I thought that this post would give you guys a venue to express yourselves in the comment section of this post instead of spamming every other thread that has nothing to do with all this shit storm.

  69. Bill Stooper Cooper also pushed UFO and grey aliens. He attacked any and all who questioned the jewish problem. WTF up!

  70. What have you done today to cure the jewish problem, besides hack on a keyboard ????????

  71. Christianity IS the Jewish Problem.

  72. Trutube is a joke. And Andre smiles like a constopated frog's asshole. I can't believe how easily these CI kikes are controlling our "movement". Anyone with half a brain can see through their empty kvetching about "anon trolls". Last I checked "Keith" and "Rich" without pictures is the same thing as being anonymous. And what's so bad about hiding your identity anyway? It's a more effective way to concentrate on the content of the comment instead of ad hom'ing someone because of their name.

  73. Here are some words out of the mouths or pens of the Talmudists themselves on the subject taken from speeches at a B'nai B'rith (Jews only masonic lodge) Convention held in Paris, France in Feb., 1936 as published in "Le Reveil du Peuple," a Parisian weekly:

    "As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come."

    "We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we cannot yet claim that the whole of our work is done. We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent; the Catholic Church...."

    "We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of Israel...."

    "That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic Church to her very foundations. We have spread the spirit of revolt and false liberalism among the nations of the gentiles so as to persuade them away from their faith and even to make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their Religion and obeying the commands of their Church. We have brought many of them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants of the ape! We have given them new theories, impossible of realization, such as Communism, Anarchism, and Socialism, which are now serving our purpose....The stupid Gentiles have accepted them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realizing that those theories are ours, and that they constitute our most powerful instrument against themselves...."

    "We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities. We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and have thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side.... So much so, that we are now witnessing, to our greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries.... We have turned her clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd... We have caused the practice of the Catholic Religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time...."

    "We have induced some of our children to join the Catholic body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Catholic Church, by creating scandals within her."

    "We are the Fathers of all Revolutions-even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was trusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation."

    "Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success...."


  74. "Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught...."

    "We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes-although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us. We are grateful to them for the wonderful help they are giving in our fight against the stronghold of Christian Civilization, and in our preparations for the advent of our supremacy over the whole world and over the Kingdoms of the Gentiles."

    "But the Catholic Church is still alive..."

    "We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy. Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of world against the Catholic Church."

  75. The truth will out, articles like that were common back before world war 2 when people were openly anti semetic. It's just there for the Catholic church to make itself look good and shit.
    Another example of this is that "Albert Pike's Three World Wars" thing, which a catholic bishop admitted was a fraud.
    It's just an attempt to get people who are able to do something into a hive mind slave religion like Christianity where their voices will go unheard among the ignorant and irrational masses.

  76. ALL Freemasonry is jewish kabbalah. And the jews say a lot of things to make it look like they arent the ones controlling it behind the scenes. Christianity is just a program that they know won't last forever. Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.

  77. The Jews needed to give some power to the goy slave religion so they could help them crusade the planet. Just because they had to reel in their fish at some point doesnt mean they werent holding the line the whole time, and it also doesnt mean that the catholics werent mind-fucked by jew-ghost worship that kept them from slaughtering every last jew. Exile, return, exile, return, exile, return. They just couldnt kill those bless-ed chosen ones.

  78. Delaney, his cronies, etc.: These people are not our allies. They would have us NEVER solve our problems, NEVER talk about solutions, NEVER hold people accountable, NEVER talk about REAL VALUES and what it means to be a good, honorable white man.

    They are running scared. Look at all the comment spam they've put in this thread trying to bash ZCF, bash me, bash this website's owners, bash anyone who has a shred of integrity.

    Jews and their anti-white allies clearly see us as a threat because we represent ideas that will give us a fighting chance against our true enemies. They don't want that. They want MONEY. They want to ENTERTAIN.

    You won't see me begging for donations, selling t-shirts to promote my site, you won't see any of that shit. I have dedicated FIVE YEARS of my young life to learning the truth about what ails us. Only recently did I fully understand the Jewish connection. It fit perfectly with everything else I know. I haven't earned a DIME doing my research. In fact I've only received hostility from people like Delaney, he is not the first and he will not be the last. He is not even the best.

    Real men expose the truth at their own expense, because we value something more than money and fickle power plays. I don't want to own this movement, our people. I want to provide you with the information we need to get the job done.

    Anyway, I'll be writing more about what I intend to accomplish on my tiny, ugly, unadvertised blog. I'm German. I just tell the truth. I don't spice it up and make it pretty. The truth isn't pretty.

    I hope that you will HEAR ME.

  79. I hear you J3133. Theyre pulling out all the tricks to confuse the shit out of us and stifle real conversation. Anyone with a brain can judge by their reactions and see that you, me, and others are making them drop their bagels and expose themselves for the frauds that they are.

  80. Lugh DeSidhe said...

    The church has been the eternal enemy of judaism for 2,000 years, it has stood in direct opposition to judaism for roughly 1,950 years of it.

    Britain, America, Europe and all it's colonies lost WWII.

    The School of Frankfurt was a Jewish supremacist thinktank with the goal of destroying Christianity and the West, they fled Germany when Hitler got into power because of the horrors of Marxist Bolshevism.

    They set up in 1930's in America, the ideology was then amended from the plan to to corrupt, control then destroy Germany to the USA.

    When Germany fell, Marxism was in full swing in the US and reconvened after the war in Europe and has slowly dismantled Europe and the West ever since.

    The holocaust hoax didn't just signal the end of Germany as a sovereign nation, it also began the infestation of cultural Marxism that sought to destroy Western Christian civilisation in America, Europe and all its colonies.

    The holocaust has been a device with which to beat down all the European races and Christianity as a whole.

    All them holocaust movies (over 400 of them!) weren't just to defame the Germans alone, to our shame most people let slide cos they hated the Germans.
    The device of the occultist Six Six Six myth of the holocaust was to keep each sovereign nation state in a perpetual state of arrested development, it was used as a tool of destruction of all our Western societies.

    It was used as a cover and defence for their infiltration of our highest halls of political office, our media was utterly dominated by the anti-Christ cult from the 1800's.
    This enabled the cover up of their subversion of our legal, financial and academic institutes.

    The Vatican II Reformation council was the final curtain for the church, a stated objective of their for nigh on 2,000 years.

    All of these organisations have combined to destroy us all while keeping us confused and distracted so that many couldn't even see the man behind the curtain.

    All of these institutes have been compromised, all being destroyed from within and thus our society has fallen apart.

    The church was a significant binding agent to all our Western societies.

    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he doesn't exist...

    "We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of Israel...."

    In the good old days, a priest would tell his flock to keep an eye on the corrupting, Satanic force of the Christ killing jew... that message has sadly been lost in time.

    QED 2013 jew world order now around the corner.

  81. "We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of Israel...."

    What a load of bullshit, if it wasn't for batshit insane puritans the Jews wouldn't get jack shit.
    At the end of the day, the only thing keeping Israel and the Jew from being torn from power forever are these fucking little retard Zionist Darbyite losers in the USA.
    The Vatican was always run by the Venetian bankers. And they slaughtered your ancestors to force them into this Jew religion in a 1000 year dark age. We'd be exploring other planets or something right now if it wasn't for that dark age. If it wasn't for Christianity do you think the Jew would be able to walk among the Celtic and Aryan people and claim he's the son of God and that they should pay them 10-20% of their earnings?
    NO! They'd cut his fucking head off!

  82. By the way, this really is NOT the Delaney vs ZCF saga.

    It is a battle of petty charlatans vs. genuine men who truly want to solve our problems.

    You cannot trust people who have no integrity, who have no honor, who show such disrespect to our allies, to our movement, to us, to all whites who look forward to having a future.

    No true ally of whites would remove arguably the most valuable website on the internet for convincing people of the Jewish problem, ZCF's site, even for a MOMENT. That lack of maturity, the pettiness, the total disregard for the consequences of this disgraceful act, prove beyond any doubt that these sorts will only lead us toward destruction.

  83. Ha- I'm comment 88 lol

  84. The Talmudic cult have been running riot since Babylonian times, here's what just a few had to say about them.

    "The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers." Marcus Tulius Cicero 106 BC – 43 BC

    "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it." Jesus Christ

    "The ostentation which possession of great wealth enabled the Jews to display, and their unconcealed contempt for the practices of Christianity, made them an object of universal dislike; as usurers, moreover, they had gained a strangle-hold on the recently founded monastic houses whose splendid buildings they had financed, and on many of the smaller aristocratic families..." From Domesday Book to Magna Carta

    'The experience of the Jews at Norwich must have taught every Jew in England how necessary royal protection was, and how easily religious passions could be aroused, even among the highest clergy. For it was the Bishop of Norwich, William Turbe, who was most active in prosecuting the charge of ritual murder against the Jews of his city, up to the supreme tribunal, the court held before the King himself.' (See Jessopp and James, St. William of Norwich pp. 92-93, 103-10.)

    "All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate peoples into a state of poverty, especially farmers, working-class people, and the very poor." Pope Clement VIII, 1592

    "Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible." Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1771 - 1789)

    In his The New Atlantis, he remarked that Jews "hate the name of Christ and have a secret and innate rancor against the people among whom they live." Francis Bacon 16th century British writer, politician.

    See henry Ford's International jew the easy to read version of the Protocols.

    Christians never worshipped jewry in the past they actively opposed them, this is a very recent phenomena.
    Once the juwes had sucked the last drop of blood from Britain, France then Germany in WWI, they then hopped onto the back of the last of the West's superpowers the USA and held the nation in a trance as philo-semite lackeys who protected them from the world's anti-semites.

    No one blames Americans for this, even if I did when I was a kid growing up wondering why you all worshipped jewry.
    It's just history repeating itself.

    It was our rulers that brought the juwes into our lands, the only defence the people had at the time was the church it was working well enough [109 times to date] until the church was completely overthrown after WWII, where the decline of the West has been rapid in the space of 50 years all European lands have been conquered by foreign invasion without a solitary shot fired.

    That wouldn't have happened in 1291 England, I can tell you that.

  85. C.I=CONVICTED INMATESFebruary 18, 2013 at 6:26 PM

    @the truth will out!

    I havwe to trow up cause of your comments!
    You suport CI freaks that banned free speech and then come here to enjoy the very same thing your gurus are banning!

    You wont converte here anyone belive me,pepole here are smart not to belive the talking JEW donkey!


    Here in Europe that is very well known!
    People are waking up and stop beliving the jewish FILTH ideology!


    SUPORT TO ZCF,DANA,LUGH,GIULIANI who have balls to atack this JEW WANNA BEES!

  86. I was simply demonstrating that it wasn't Christianity that was responsible for letting juwes into our lands.
    They were the one's actively opposing them and doing all the kicking out.

    It was all our traitorous rulers that took in the juwes by virtue of their greed.

    Once king Edward I kicked them out of England in 1290, under guidance of the church, it wasn't until Cromwell started his attack on Christianity under the Empire, where the juwes came back into Britain in the 17th century.

    Seriously people read at least one book that wasn't presented to you by your jewish college professor.

    It seems the only understanding you have of Christianity is what Hollywood has told you.

  87. "The truth will out" is a kike CI plant, for anyone that couldn't tell. YOUR GOD IS A JEW.

  88. Christianity is a jew religion from the start. Of course the rulers were in bed with the jew, while the common folk were sheep, thats how history works. The common folk never killed the jews like they shouldve because the jews are "chosen" and they worshiped jewsus and yahweh. They just wanted to be separated from them due to the jew's usurious tendencies. Not to mention how they gladly helped the jews and the goy rulers slaughter millions of pagans who were wise to the kabbalah tricks and idolatrous bullshit, but I guess yahweh commanded it so its justifiable to ignore, huh truth boy?


  89. Can't any one read properly?

    I'm simply correcting the mistaken belief that is was Christians that worship jewry, every word I have written can be corroborated with little effort.

    I have nothing to do with CI, so I cannot speak for or against it.
    I simply respect other people's faiths from Hindu's to Rastas.

    I only oppose judaism, it means the death of my people to allow it to fester.

    I just understand Christianity's role in opposition to Judaism a little better than it appears most do one here.

    How can anyone claim to know anything about judaism yet spout such shit about Christianity being the philo-semite catalyst for their plans of domination?

    Christianity was born as a response to combat the practices of the followers of the Talmud.

    The greedy ruling masters are the ones who protected them and provided shelter for them.

    To suggest otherwise means you simply read up on your Ladybird book of WoT Iz ChrIsTiANitY - written by A. Scheming Kike handed out in RE class at school 1st year.

  90. Jews didn't kill anyone to convert them to Christianity. It was great warriors like Charlemagne who did so because your faggot pagan warriors thought they were the toughest mf's going around.

    Well in between building hospitals, schools, feeding the poor, the Christian warriors still managed to wipe these pussy pagans out. God is with us.

  91. JEW ON A STICK. Christianity needs to die for us to ever have a shot at the jew's throats, and that's just reality.

  92. As I said before no one hates Hitler and Jesus more than the juden.

    Only a jew could ever contemplate the notion of destroying Christ to defeat them

    1. Jews hated Hitler so much that they funded him and used him to round up the jews to send them to palestine, which he did.

  93. Christ is a Jew. Matthew 1.

  94. ADLaney is SO legit that the Department of Defense advertised his bus tour. LOL.


  95. J3133 screams to the Almighty Builder of worlds:

    “But if someone’s going to tell me I need to stop using the word n***** or c*** when it is indeed an accurate reflection of the individual at which it is directed, what they’re telling me is to be nice? To turn the other cheek. To embrace the slave morality. To LIE. To avoid telling the truth because the truth isn’t politically correct. All this has ever led to is pandering to the mainstream, the mainstream that is owned and operated by J***, the mainstream that will never actually support us as long as they cling to their false religion: liberalism, modernism, feminism, weakness.”

  96. @Lugh DeSidhe said...
    "The truth will out, articles like that were common back before world war 2 when people were openly anti semetic. It's just there for the Catholic church to make itself look good and shit.
    Another example of this is that "Albert Pike's Three World Wars" thing, which a catholic bishop admitted was a fraud.
    It's just an attempt to get people who are able to do something into a hive mind slave religion like Christianity where their voices will go unheard among the ignorant and irrational masses."

    Finally !!! A true pearl of wisdom arrives from Lugh. By opposing your opposition on paper, you give your false opposition street-cred and draw the gullible in. It's a very old tactic. Best example of a current, ongoing worldwide use of this is with regard to Iran and Ahmedinejad, a controlled opposition if there ever was one and yet most people in the anti-Zionist movement are completely taken in by it. Jews are against them on paper, so they must be good and not controlled from behind the scenes since Khomeini was installed from his safehouse in Paris.

  97. "To consolidate Roosevelt’s power, his backers used the typical World Order scheme – they set up his

    In August, 1934, the principal architects and financiers of his New Deal formed the Liberty League, immediately characterized as an “extreme rightwing” organization. Pierre and Irenee DuPont put up $325,000 for it.

    The League was also financed by J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, J. Howard Pew, and William J. Knudsen (who was later appointed by FDR to an important position!). The backers of Liberty League, who were busily denouncing Roosevelt & his staff as “Communist”, which many of them were, were also the organizers of American International Corporation, which had been formed to prevent the economy of the Soviet Union from collapsing.

    Liberty League successfully corralled the opponents of FDR and branded them as “rightwing nuts”. Roosevelt was given the opportunity to rant against his opposition as “economic royalists”, “the Old Guard”, and “princes of privilege”.

    Gerald L.K. Smith was then brought into the picture, in order to smear Roosevelt's opposition as “anti-Semitic”. The ploy operated from 1934 to the 1936 elections, when it effectively destroyed London's campaign. No effective political opposition was organized against Roosevelt for the rest of his lifetime in office. It was one of the most successful political hoaxes in American history.

    Roosevelt then married his son to an heiress of the DuPont dynasty. At the very time that Eugene DuPont, cousin of Pierre, was one of the most active members of the Liberty League, F.D. Roosevelt Jr. was courting his daughter, Ethell ! They were married June 28, 1937, in what Time Magazine called the 'Wedding of the Year,' presided over by Dr. Endicott Peabody."



  98. wake up whiteman!!!this infighting fukn getting funny now! you guys think sitting behind some keyboard or listening to a podcast or makn some comment here constitutes a movement!!!! to mami and the mods here you do great fukn job guys!!!pity so many fukwits here now!!!i reckon a lot of these anoms were the same fuks who trolled concen comments and we all know what happened there lol signed skrewdriver!!!

  99. Skrewdriver sounds a little like Keith after going an hour without a snack. How angry you are! LOL... Just finished listening to most of the last TM show in disgust at the hosts behavior. What used to be humorous is now simply pathetic. The so-called "network" is on its last leg. Looking forward to engaging with solution oriented motivators and critical thinkers!

  100. ZCF has done some great work that I would recommend to anyone to wake them up to the power of organized Jewry and Zionism... NOT.

    Would anyone honestly recommend ZCF's work to anyone to wake them up? I honestly think it would scare them off.

    The reason white supremacists are roundly despised by non psychotic people is because of their often crude and hateful bigotry directed at other races. Ultimately they are destructive not only to their own cause but to that of the moderate nationalists.

    This is the sort of approach taken by possible government assets Prothink and Adam Austin (Interestingly Austin took nutjob genocide advocate Salman Hossain under his wing for a time the same as Prothink did with ZCF) against those of jewish descent.

    Maybe the crudeness is due to the Prothink influence and hopefully he can wake up, and do more scholarly work instead of being so blindered.

  101. "Only a jew could ever contemplate the notion of killing Christ to defeat them"

    - Truth Will Out

    This statement, as well as several others by the same writer, is profoundly vapid.

    It lacks respect for reason and fairness. It smacks of the intellectual dishonesty we find expressed in the comments made by so many writers.

    Some examples of this kind of thinking:

    -- If you believe that any given nation has a finite amount of resources, and that, because of this, overpopulation is a legitimate concern, you are "a Marxist," even though you may absolutely despise Marx

    -- If you cannot help but notice that the teachings of Jesus often flatly contradict one another, and that sometimes he seems to have been hostile to Jews, Judaic law and religious dogma, while, at other times, his admonitions appear to have gone in precisely the opposite direction, you are "an anti-Christian," even though you may very well deeply appreciate much your Christian heritage

    -- If you think that our Puritanical (Judaic, that is) views of sex and the human body are unhealthy and perverse, you are "an admirer of Freud," even though the thought of Freud may make you want to vomit

    -- If you object to misogyny and thuggish behavior, you are a "Commie,Jewish Feminist," even though you may very well recognize those man-hating, sex-hating, joy-hating, family-hating subversives as being the destroyers they are

    We see this all over the place within the so-called "truth movement." This unpleasant and widespread reality is why it deserves to go nowhere.

  102. JewStink is a floundering fish trying retain its unworthy credibily by putting up pictures of felon ADLaney "beautiful and vivacious" family. Truly pathetic.

  103. "this-that and the other" Einstein. put that $40 bucks a month towards your cable bill you recliner sitting hypocrite.

  104. TomatoBubble.com and ZCF's Jew World Order piece and Truther piece were INSTRUMENTAL and EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE at convincing me of the Jew problem. After I read JWO I was thoroughly convinced.

    So, YEAH, ZCF's site brings new people in. And ZCF could easily tailor his articles to bring even more people in. His writing is on a nigh academic level, something I can't do.

  105. I don't think Delaney realizes how transparent using his family pictures is. A good man wouldn't use them like that. And it also kind of tells me he's willing to do ANYTHING to get $$$$$$$$$$ to take care of them. His priorities are not in line with ours.

    I really do hope the ADL keeps funding him though because he is the type that will probably try to kill people he disagrees with online. Why do you think he's claiming stuff about "death threats"? It's CLASSIC psychological projection. He's already admitted he wants to kick ZCF's teeth in.

    FYI if you're reading Mike I'm really not ZCF like you accused me of so uh please don't try to kill me or any other people around here for that matter.

  106. Some americans seem to be damaged by the jewish brainwashing beyond repair and hope.
    Grow up, you are pathetic with your jewish induced hate for Christians, stop this childish infighting.

    The jews are problem no1, they have fooled you now for exactly 100 years officially. Do something, or be destroyed by this dangerous parasite amidst you.

  107. Christianity is jewish. And it's a BIG problem that may be harder to exterminate than the jews.

  108. And how would you go about "exterminating" it, Annonymous?

    1. With the truth, and by force if they become a nuisance to the overtgrowing of the "chosen" jews. Jewsus is a copy of dozens of earlier sun gods.

  109. The anon kike-alike @8:20 AM is right about one thing, Christianity is a massive problem for the juden that will be impossible for the juwes to defeat alone, without the aid of their communist Marxist shabbos goy tools.


    Delenda Est Judaica!

    1. Christianity is WHY the jews are so powerful and get so much worshipful support, dimwit.

  110. If Prostink reads this, he should realize he is white trash

    "The key thing is, its the TYPE of white racialist that matters, quality over quantity – any intelligent, loyal, mature, and noble Aryan racialist will indeed be able to fight and fight hard/smart with his fellow warriors, as well as with any other soldiers against ZOG and the ultimate enemy, regardless who they might be."

  111. @anarchore wrote: "The reason white supremacists are roundly despised by non psychotic people is because of their often crude and hateful bigotry directed at other races. Ultimately they are destructive not only to their own cause but to that of the moderate nationalists."

    You can be anti-multi-culturalist and not a racialist. In other words, while not ignoring general statistics of certain behaviors more prevalent in certain races than others, you don't make race or DNA the issue but whether or not an individual can live up to a certain set of standards, the standards of the people that built that particular culture. In the case of the USA and European countries this would be anyone of any race that can live up to the standards and culture set by the whites. This is possible, only in a free society (unlike today's) where people are free to ostracize (without direct force) and separate from those that don't live up to their standards. Without welfare or hand-outs, the incentive becomes productive work, the meeting of standards or falling into disgrace.

    Racialists, on the other hand, do not believe that people who are not of the same genetic group are even capable of living up to the same standards and it's wasted effort to allow them the same rights. The most important factor is the individual's rights since all criminal behavior starts from initiation of force (or fraud, the indirect force) on an individual and when governments do this, this is just as criminal but is 'rationalized' as good for society.

    Guys like Prothink, having been sold down the river of half-assed Libertarianism by guys like Alex Jones & Ron Paul, have come to hate the individual and freedom of expression and basically advocate collective suppression of individuals in the name of their own highly questionable dogmas and beliefs (which they claim as 'the truth'). It's the father-with-a-firm-hand attitude which considers the entire country of grown adults similar to a bunch of children who need to be physically forced for-their-own-good to do certain things, to perform certain duties for the family unit of the nation.

    Now, there is no denying that depending on how fair and reasonable the father-with-a-firm-hand was this system has worked in creating successful families and clans & countries with booming economies (Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Chavez, Gaddafi, Assad, etc.), at which point, the people who were formerly forced to do their 'duty to the father or fatherland' would now do it voluntarily, since they have seen the results and are looking to continue benefiting from more results.

    This is the opposite of Jewish funded Marxist tyrannies that put up walls to keep people in. No Fascist or National Socialist 'father-with-a-firm-hand' system that banned usury and created a booming economy has ever had to put up walls to keep people in (in the case of Hitler, Austrians freely voted by a 99% majority in 1936 to re-unify with Germany).

    The American system, on the other hand, says that duty to the individual is automatically duty to the family and cannot be otherwise; it says that the people are not children who need a father to guide them and can guide themselves and as long as they're not demonstrably harming other individuals (physically or psychologically) then it's all for the better good. This may have been to some degree true in the 19th century when the usurocracy was kept at bay & the dollar maintained its value but since 1913, all the lip service to individualism has been mostly but a sham to keep people from seeing that their 'real father' has become the Jew mass-media and it's a psychotic and ruthlessly abusive and criminal counterfeit father who deliberately created children and childish minds to destroy and rules over, and to whom it feels no loyalty whatsoever.

  112. CI=CONSTANT IRATIONALISTSFebruary 19, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    truth will out@@

    How are christians a treat to judaism when they OBEY their orders and go around the world killing other people(even christians,SERBS) for the jewish cause???

    Christianity divides white people,just look at how many fractions there are that were killing each other for their mambo jumbo and talking donkeys!


    Untill then i dont belive this INCEST JEWISH FILTH!

  113. OMG, OG leader of CI is Captain Kangaroo #RaceMixer

  114. ZCF/J3133 "I don't think Delaney realizes how transparent using his family pictures is."
    it means he is a politician, zcf can't figure it out b/c he does not have political skills.
    hummm, I wonder if this is the reason they hooked up w/ each other,

  115. In response to this dribble...
    "How are christians a threat to judaism when they OBEY their orders and go around the world killing other people(even christians,SERBS) for the jewish cause???"

    So we have juwes corrupting our lands setting our people against another to die in WWI & WWII.

    All down to judaism, all of it, white Christian Europe that was under attack.

    Hitler stood up in opposition to jewry, like other great men today like Assad and Ahmendinajhad.

    Just how do you equate culpability with the Christians, for America; the current superpower that juwes have been eating inside out, being hijacked after WWII by the juden virus?

    Everyone that ever voted in a 'democracy' since the war has voted for a jewish meat puppet, all bar the one guy they had to murder, for his sins of standing up to international jewry.

    That Christian guy John F Kennedy, being the only US president in any of our lifetimes willing to stand up to the juwes.

    The rest of secular America through believing the jew lie of 'democracy' have voted cryptos and other jew-bought leaders who allowed the US military to be used as jewish mercenaries, killing Israel's enemies ever since.
    Yeeeeea haw!

    Hardly Jesus' fault that, my kike-alike fiend.

    That's what juwes do, they attack great men like Jesus Christ and turn everything they touch foul.

    If America was actually Christian and not Judaically compromised like it is they'd put people that insulted Jesus in gaol, instead of in your schools & colleges and on your TV sets that program you each day.

    You see, that's how you spot these soulless vampires...

    They hate Jesus even more than they hate Hitler.
    Atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist, Agnostics just aren't sure.
    Anti-Christ is the anti-Christ.

    Delenda Est Judaica!

    1. Jewsus was a jew. And the less powerful jews are train to hate the fictional character and his sheepish religious followers because its a spiritual fuel to empower them to stick together and for motivation to rape and rob the goyim throughout the centuries. The "holy book" is a program for jewish world domination. It even has a little spice of anti-semitism in the New Testement mixed in with the rest of the self-destructive content to provide jews with a reason to stay ethnocentric when they faced "persecution". It really is very simple.

  116. Freewheelin' FranklinFebruary 19, 2013 at 9:04 PM

    Let's take this puppy up to 200 comments!!
    Say it with me "YES WE CAN!!!"

  117. Free men aren't equal and equal men aren't free. The founding US system of 'Equality before the law' in no way implies equality of results or egalitarianism. It's just equal opportunity to achieve unequal results, people of vastly different abilities and talents being allowed to make the most of their talents, whatever they may be, little or large, unique or common. It's only when 'equality of results' are made the standard by communist Jews (for everyone but themselves, since they're at the top writing the laws) that the rot takes effect and soon becomes a cancer. Fascism was basically a systematic attempt to cut out this cancer and save the dying patient of Europe. Similar defensive surgeries happened in 19th century USA in order to maintain 'freedom from equality' or rather freedom from worthip of the lowest-common-denominator which is the essence of communistic systems. The names change but the the conflicts are similar and fundamental to that freedom of thought and dissent without which no standards, honor or civilization are possible at all.

    Forced equalization of results destroys the very notion of honorable conduct from human relationships.

    "Lastly, if it be allowable to suppose that all the races of mankind should be commingled, and
    that all the peoples of earth should ultimately come to have
    the same interests, the same wants, undistinguished from
    each other by any characteristic peculiarities, no conventional
    value whatever would then be attached to men’s actions; they
    would all be regarded by all in the same light; the general
    necessities of mankind, revealed by conscience to every man,
    would become the common standard. The simple and general notions of right and wrong only would then be recognized in the world, to which, by a natural and necessary tie,
    the idea of censure or approbation would be attached. Thus, to comprise all my meaning in a single proposition, the dissimilarities and inequalities of men gave rise to the notion of
    honor; that notion is weakened in proportion as these differences
    are obliterated, and with them it would disappear."
    ~Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America - Chapter XVIII:
    "Of Honor in the United States and in Democratic Communities -"


  118. I don’t like to brag about shit…but here’s my role in Missing Links…

    I had to educate that ghetto trash cum White Supremacist Mike Delaney on the joos…

    One Third of the Info/Script for Missing Links was given by ME to Mike D from a University of Toronto paper I had written at the end of 2007/early 2008 – back when I was in Canada…

    JAM Jr. made the video Missing Links… Mike D did the part about the Liberty and whats his name Khanverse did the part on the US Embassy bombings in Egypt – I focused superficially on those but the bulk of the info I provided for Mike’s video was on the main perps for 9-11 – I still got backup copies of that essay if anyone is interested in reading it…. I have the email transcripts to PROVE it that I sent it to Mike…

    Mike shoulda been better working for Alex Jones…

    we don’t need wigger turned White Supremacist clowns for this cause….

    Missing Links is primarily the work of JAM and a good chunk of research provided by me to Mike Delaney…remember the part in the video where credits are given to “independent investigators”?

    well I’m one of those researchers that helped Mike out in 2008…now I consider him a lost cause…totally useless to our struggle…

    Salman Hossain

  119. as zioncrimefactory.com is the known name of the zcf & its web ranking is substantially better than prothink.org, I order Delaney to turn over ownership of zioncrimefactory.com to zcf
    -non-zion Judge

  120. Man what a day. My dog got hit by a car, my car broke down, my wife left me. But hey, it could have been worse. I could have been Delayneed.

  121. J3133 screams:

    “But if someone’s going to tell me I need to stop using the word n***** or c*** when it is indeed an accurate reflection of the individual at which it is directed, what they’re telling me is to be nice? To turn the other cheek. To embrace the slave morality. To LIE. To avoid telling the truth because the truth isn’t politically correct. All this has ever led to is pandering to the mainstream, the mainstream that is owned and operated by J***, the mainstream that will never actually support us as long as they cling to their false religion: liberalism, modernism, feminism, weakness.”

    Shall we call the waaaambulance?

  122. One nice thing about the CI agitprop spam is, they commonly expose what they're about within the first half-sentence, and honest readers can just skip past it to the next reply.

    Are ZCF's "My Research Articles" essays posted anywhere? In the zcf/prothink thread, someone commented that they're at

    but I go there and it's "nothing found"

  123. This whole fucking drama is a hilarious farce straight out of a lunatic asylum. Prostank steals Zion Crime Factory's website and hangs him up to dry for being 'an arrogant jerk' and 'disrespecting C.I.' Apparently, C.I. being the single most arrogant, supremacist and bloodthirsty religious cult on the planet & disrespecting all non-whites as subhuman, that's just fine and dandy. A psychotic racist sadist murderer that beat a guy to death (and who knows how many other vicious murders he got away with in the past), that's not 'an arrogant jerk,' that's a guy to make your guru and 'moral' leader to emulate.

    I mean, can anyone possibly get any more TWISTED and sick-in-the-head than that ? How vile can you possibly get ? And for Zion Crime Factory to actually consider a guy like this as a 'friend' for a whole year before finally telling him to fuck-off, that doesn't speak too well of ZCF's moral judgement either but at least he got his shit together enough to disrespect this vile C.I. crap. Better late than never and hey the fucking kid is still only 21 years old and how many of us were as smart as this guy at 21 ?

  124. to anon above ^^^
    you can get zcf here
    I was deeply hurt when mami deleted thge comment I left on the renegade will miller show thing
    the kyle hunt started attacking me.
    all I said is that I hope Dana from truth militia would be able to do his show that I liked somewhere.
    Dana was supposed to do a show this week about CI being just no good & truth militia cancelled the show.
    Now Mami is deleting my comments talking about this actual thing
    that happened with Dana.
    I was thinking about this because I was hurt & I started thinking about if it was possible that truth militia could do in Dana over CI.
    I decided to look at the last host truth militia fired, Greg Whitaker. I went to his website and discovered the show he was going to do when he was fired was critical of Christianity.
    I now believe that CI found about this and told truth militia to get rid of him. All this junk happened about the time, CI went after zcf.
    I think we should go to Greg's web site & support him & him's shows instead of going to truth militia anymore.
    I give you something positive.
    Go to Greg's site leave positive comments & support him.

  125. Here's a great site debunking the Jewish mythological deity known as "Jesus of Nazareth":


  126. A common myth that needs to be dispelled is that the "Jesus Christ" figure of the New Testament is a compilation of previous Greek Hellenistic solar deities. I suspect this idea was first popularized in the online "truth" movement by the Jewish disinformation film Zeitgeist. However this idea is not true. In fact the "Jesus of Nazareth" character from the New Testament is a direct copy of previous Jewish mythological characters in the Old Testament, primarily the characters of Elijah and Elisha. This has been know by bible scholars and historians for many decades and it is not a controversial idea. I will list a few links in my next posts that contain a mountain of proof showing that virtually every element of the Jesus story from the NT gospels is simply copied from Old Testament stories.

    The "Jesus Christ" character is not a pagan Greek myth. It is a Jewish myth, through and through. This idea needs to be understood by everyone in the online anti-Jewish community. You can't begin to understand Christianity without knowing something about its origins.

  127. Evidence that Jesus is a Myth, Part 1: The Elijah/Elisha Connection

    Evidence that Jesus is a Myth, Part 2: Likely Old Testament Sources

    Evidence that Jesus is a Myth, Part 3: Indisputable Old Testament Sources

  128. New Testament Narrative as Old Testament Midrash

    Jesus, Constructed from Moses and other OT passages — According to the Gospel of Matthew

  129. So where do we Satanists fit in here? As a bona fide Satanist, I oppose atheism, which itself is the religion of anti-religion. It's like the anti-fascist fascists.

    Everybody's a critic.

  130. Satanism has no meaning outside of the Judeo-Christian religious framework, since "Satan" is a Jewish/Christian mythological character.

  131. latest truth militia show w/ siegfried had some crazy woman named lynn spouting her version of CI.
    promoting CI is very friendly truth militia it is.

  132. Jews are working this post, hard.

    Protocols of Zion #14..Read It.

    Detailed instructions on Destroying Christianity and Christ.

    Wasnt CI adherents that expelled Jews from 108 Euro states, it was Catholics.

    Same goes with Hitler, again a Catholic, who united Germany and Europe to fight the beast.

  133. Jews are working this post, hard.

    Protocols of Zion #14..Read It.

    Detailed instructions on Destroying Christianity and Christ.

    Wasnt CI adherents that expelled Jews from 108 Euro states, it was Catholics.

    Same goes with Hitler, again a Catholic, who united Germany and Europe to fight the beast.

  134. "Jews are working this post, hard."

    CI, J ews, what's the f ucking difference?

  135. now truth militia are blocking Dana from broadcasting hoping he'll get the point & leave (b/c he's against CI)

  136. what sledge said a/t them hiding in the closet & plotting applies to Yeager, Finck, Friend & Delaney are plotting to destroy us, to become the new jews, keep the old jews & get rid of all of us.

  137. yo, last anonymous, turth militia keeps talking how they want to get rid of at least 90% of white peoples

  138. tWn_Saturday_Afternoon_with_Carolyn_Yeager_20120922 "women are just as screwed up as the white nationalist racialist men are"

  139. truth militia join Delaney Friend Finck Yeager, threaten to physically attack ZCF, this is what they were all plotting together recently:
    John Friend creates CI money making scam out of thin air


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