February 17, 2013

The Piper Report 2013.02.17

Piper discusses how the recent gun control controversy is a distraction. The Jewish Elite (who benefit from higher gun sales) have little interest in gun control but rather keeping us divided over issues that have little significance to them.

Mike Piper Report.com



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  1. titanic was sunk to stop Nikola Tesla, somebody tell Jeff Rense the news.

  2. The TUT blog guys continue to alienate me with their coordinated & nauseatingly ongoing 'anti-Sandy-Hook-skepticism' campaign, spearheaded by Glenn, Piper & Tillawi.

    Main problem AFAIC is their 'must protect our movement from ridicule!' argument is thin at best, in spite of all their emothional puffery of it. And their main 'instrument of persuasion' in making their case since the start has been... drumroll... RIDICULE. Their campaign basically launched a preemptive ad-hom attack against all who may be tempted to explore the S.Hook-skepticism avenue of inquiry, or to converse with others about it, GASP!

    It was Jan 13 that they put up their unusual tri-hosted Tillawi/Glenn/Piper podcast:


    ...which banged the ad-hom/ridicule drum right from the word 'GO', reaching even those who passed by but didn't listen to the podcast, via their short TUT podcast description which reads, "The kookery of the various Sandy Hook conspiracy theories and how it is being exploited by the JMSM to label all ‘truthers’ as crazies". Resorting to use of JMSM thought-control buzzwords like those bolded, when communicating to 'your allies', is very bad form!

    In that podcast they belabor how "we" shouldn't "go there", out of concern for magically somehow "discrediting" all the other past (non-sequitur!) issues of concern to truthers/patriots/pick-your-label for whatever this "we" thing is supposed to be. And they gang up on caller/guest Jim Fetzer (an S.Hook-skeptic) through about 1/2 the show. This podcast rolling out their 'anti-Sandy-Hook-skepticism' campaign was a resounding flop with loyal listeners, as reflected in the comments you can read at the TUT link above.

    Then despite some early words from the TUT gang about wanting to put the issue behind them and ignore/'remain above it' from then on; they haven't. Virtually every podcast I've heard since, including this Feb 17 Piper show, they spend a good chunk of time berating S.Hook skepticism, ridiculing & beating the straw out of their own straw man arguments which cite the most extreme of the alt-theories (IE, "S.Hook was 100% hoax") eminating from the diverse population of folks trying to better reconcile the official narrative with the known facts.

    In Glenn's most recent podcast Feb 15(?), he feigns a 'semi-retarded Southerner' accent in reciting the "...was 100% hoax" strawman, in wielding his ridicule sword against all S.Hook skepticism. This same sort of ridicule gambit has been the core of their 'anti-Sandy-Hook-skepticism' campaign all along. Not credibly-sourced REASON, no... TUT gang has studiously avoided that; rather, they've sought to deter (weaker minds) almost solely by beating their ad-hom/ridicule drum, ad nauseum. :(

    [continued next reply]

  3. [cont. ^]

    What they seem to have failed to consider when deciding on their 'TUT-united campaign strategy' for their appeal to 'maintain our movement's cred by giving the official S.Hook narrative a pass' is: their targeted 'select audience of truthers/patriots/anti-zio's/etc' are, categorically by their nature & experience, already largely immune to such cynical appeal-to-emotion/ridicule inquiry/thought-deterrent attempts. Otherwise we'd still be FAUX News Channel marinating sheeple. We EXPECT such gambits to be wielded against us by our enemies, and for us it serves as instant confirmation that our enemies have no compelling reason-based case. All that's already baked into the cake-- but we don't expect our ostensible allies to engage in such cynical manipulation attempts, esp accompanied by the near-total lack of a credible/compelling reason-based case, as has been the situation with the TUT gang's campaign.

    As to the thin strand of a 'case' which the TUT gang has so laboriously puffed up, namely the 'fear of how the JMSM might label & marginalize us all' angle; I submit, "yeah, WE KNOW, next case... " When in Glenn's recent podcast he noted how Limbaugh had recently, as GlennCo astutely predicted, conflated S.Hook skeptics with 911 Truthers and sought to give the lot of us JMSM ridicule treatment; my first thought was, what took Limbaugh this long? I certainly wasn't concerned with any negative consequences from JMSM's utterly predictable approach to SLOWING the opposition to their S.Hook/gun-control psy-op!!

    Taking 911 Truth as an example, ask yourself: has zion.media.gov's ad-hom/ridicule/marginalization campaign against the movement worked? It's only worked in SLOWING the weaker minded demographic from waking up, sure- no question. But has it stopped/silenced, or reversed the growth of the 911 TM? NOPE, quite the contrary. You and I both jumped zion.media.gov's mind-control coral at some point between 9/11/01 and today, because we checked out the evidence which the 911 TM 'nutjobs' [per zion.gov's JMSM] had assembled and made available, almost entirely via the internet. And as we 'awakened Truthers' well know: there's no putting that Truth Genie back in the bottle once it's escaped. So 911 TM growth only moves in one direction, with JMSM only acting as speed bumps.

    Now compare that with where we'd be today, had early 911 skeptics layed low for the exact reasoning GlennCo appeal to Sandy Hook skeptics to censor ourselves today: fear of how 'they' might ridicule 'us' [GASP!]. So therefore imagine we didn't share knowledge, or engage in activist outreach; but rather we just politely, meekly handed zion.media.gov carte blanche in the info war.

    [continued next reply- and in disbelief this spiel exceeds 4,096 characters!!]

  4. I so appreciate all those who are STILL independently investigating what happened at Sandy Hook, free of charge. It appears from Mike Piper's latest shows, that Mike is in love with himself. Thanks to anonymous, 5:12 a.m, and I look forward to more thoughts from him/her. Signed, notzapoper

  5. [cont. ^]

    Would there be MORE, or FEWER 'awakened [911] Truthers' today? We all know the answer; we'd be lucky ourselves respectively to be 'awake' & conversing today. 911T would've just rolled over and handed 'them' the win, without a fight!

    S.Hook was/is 'The 9/11 of Gun Control'. Regardless of where you stand on the veracity of zion.gov's official S.H. narrative; there's no denying that their post-event management of perceptions has been full-on psyop-- S.H. families in presidential photo ops; singing at Superbowl and Oscars, etc. And they're rushing through new gun-grab legislation while the S.H. evidence all remains 'sealed'-- ala the post-911 Patriot Act. NO WAY! Credible, academically rigorous S.Hook skepticism work can be found at, for example, Prof. James Tracy's blog at


    So to wrap up, I propose GlennCo abide by their mid-Jan expressed wish to ignore/'remain above it' WRT their anti-S.Hook-skepticism campaign. From my perspective, the campaign has been a flop; it'll remain a flop; and it's time to 'quietly' drop it. Coz if I keep hearing future 'see, TUT told yuh the JMSM was gonna [fill in utterly predictable JMSM tact here]' updates, I'm gonna have to shut off the podcast and perhaps tune out TUT altogether. I obviously don't want that, as evidenced by my composing this wordy appeal; but if the TUT campaign doesn't end- I could not reconcile that with the notion that TUT are my 'allies' in Truth and resistance to Jewish Supremacist Tyranny/JWO. They only "hurt TUT" by staying this unsuccessful course. :)

  6. And it appears that Mark Glenn is now also madly in love with himself. Anybody who makes fun of the way some white Southerners speak is not trustworthy, and a bad advertisement for Catholicism.

  7. Go away Hoothers. You got made to look like fools by Glenn and co. and now you can't handle it.

  8. @Anon w/the three part comment-

    Thanks so much for the update on Glenn and Piper continuing to attack those of us who question Sandy Hook. I haven't listened to them since Sandy Hook and I have no intention of listening to them ever again. As far as I'm concerned, Mark Glenn is a bit too arrogant and full of himself. And Piper has always been that way. Plus, Sandy Hook is an obvious hoax to anyone with any critical thinking skills. But Mark Glenn never bothered to look at the incident critically--same goes for other false flag shooting events involving white shooters (and the whole "white thing is not even my issue, but I definitely noticed that he's always quick to call a false flag if a muslim is involved--what a hypocrite). Anyway, I know longer consider Mark Glenn, TUT, Tilawi, or Piper part of the real truth movememt (they belong to the ugly-half-truth, or truth-when-we- feel-like-it-b/c-we-are-so-full-of-ourselves movement). There are plenty of other real truth tellers out there who I would rather spend my time listening to.

  9. They're not attacking anyone who questions Sandy Hook, they're attacking people who believe everything some retard on youtube says about it. It's hindering serious research and considering the grave subject matter it's doing more harm then good.
    And if the Jews could pull off a hoax of this magnitude they would pull something off much worse.

  10. The Vatican and the Nazis did Sandy Hook.

  11. Robbie Parker didn't cry like a Hollywood actor so all the youtube idiots that grew up on Hollywood movies thought that he didn't put on a good enough performance.

    The fact that he didn't cry on cue for the cameras like a professional actor would is conclusive proof that he is a professional actor.

    Excellent job Sandy Sleuths, making skeptics look like douchebags harassing the families.

  12. my guess it was the leftover cia trash like ci that did it, as in the Shimatsu theory
    somewhat b/c:
    Gordian Bluff fronting the israel assassins seems a logical deflection
    from his team and onto his 40% disinfo hole.
    but shady hook is fishy

  13. Shimatsu thinks that Nazi death cults were behind Occupy Wall St.
    No I'm not exaggerating.

  14. Eh? Total nobodies at each others throats. How exciting.

  15. Sandy Hook is meant to be used as a vehicle to eventually disarm Americans. So far New York State has proposed and passed very draconian gun laws. California is on the way as well with talk of Colorado being the next. (Please remember the incident took place in Connecticut).

    But here we are dicking around talking about meaningless podcasts including this one while the powers that be are planning the next Sandy Hook while we all point fingers at the podcast hosts.

    I'm sure 'the powers that be' are proud of themselves with starting the infighting with us about meaningless podcasts instead of us focusing on what is most important and that is losing our gun rights. After all hasn't that always been their mode of operation?

    So, after they pass sweeping gun legislation because we have been too busy pointing fingers at meaningless internet hosts and wild tales of 'Libor connections' and allegations of 'actors' . At least know and be rest assured that we are done for as a nation, and as a free people.

    Then once we go the way of gun confiscation like our friends in the U.K and Australia did. We can really find out which podcast was more correct than the other one!

  16. By attacking those that question Sandy Hooknose discrepencies and Lies, TUT, (Mark Glenn, Michael C. Piper, Trellawi) attack the truth itself.

    They resorted to name calling-'Hookers, Truthers, Tin foilers, conspiracy theorists', when anyone with a reasonably high 2 digit IQ, knows the narrative of Sandy Hook is a Bold Lie.
    I refuse to listen to them any longer.

    The 'word' on Piper is he is a Homo(50 and single) living in DC. They are easily compromised, and why he/they are always covering for
    J e w Mass shooters (Columbine, Loughner, Brevik, Lanza) calling them white and part of a degfenerate society.
    Sandy Hooknose is the 911 of Gun Control. A False Flag with a political agenda.

  17. Are ZCF's "My Research Articles" essays posted anywhere? In the zcf/prothink thread, someone commented that they're at
    but I go there and it's "nothing found"


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