March 24, 2013

Unfairly Banned?

If you think that you've been unfairly banned from the Mami's chat, just pm me on chatango with your first six ip numbers or post them in this thread.

If you don't know how to find your ip, just type " my ip " in google.


  1. Mami's is an excellent web site all the way around & for free speech

  2. If Mami is excellent site for "free speech" why he bans people on his chat, as he himself admitted?

    Why people should give their ip's over here, this is personal very information, hell, this blog could very well be some government data mining operation for all i know. Who the heck is mami anway?

  3. Mami never admitted to banning people. I did and I'm not asking for their ip's only the first six numbers you moron. I need at least the first six to find out who to unban. Fucking dumb troll.

  4. zitpopper is a banhappy faggot

  5. Personally I am just grateful to the people at Mami's for this great service of accessibility to some of the best broadcasts around.

    I am also grateful to see that some of the more unpleasant trolls in comments have been dealt with.

    We don't have to agree with everything we hear... but neither do we need to fight amongst ourselves for expressing what is supposed to be... "freedom of speech".

    Such behaviour is self defeating in every way possible and we already have enough real enemies to deal with; none of us need any more.

  6. What a bunch of asskissers and hypocritical fuckheads.

  7. 'Haters'

    That's the most retarded term ever invented: 'haters.'

    Rappers use it to deflect valid criticism of their shit music & now its use has spread from actual ghettos to the ghettos of the mind of the wider culture. It assumes with no justification that all criticism is motivated out of malicious envy rather than love for that which is good. Without criticism and strictly justified discrimination, there wouldn't be anything 'good' left to speak of, much less a general progressive culture for 'good art' to help improve. There would only be half-measures for half-humans and newer and more absurd returns to tribalism and group-think.

  8. I was banned, but not unfairly. Insane dronken blather gets us nowhere, eh? It won't happen again, &C.


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