April 19, 2013

Reconstructions Live with Mike Sledge 2013.04.18

On tonight’s episode, Mike Sledge is joined by Siegfried to discuss the much needed kick in the head the white youth require in this centuries old Multi-Cult Empire.

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  1. Is that a Picture of Kike Sledges Jew Wife??

  2. That picture looks exactly like me without my toupee on.

    Has anyone seen my beastly Jew of a boy Hymen Wedge Jr? Named after his mother.

    Alas, I do dearly regret the day I lost my foreskin when I let my rat faced ex perform metzitzah bpeh on me, now I forever remain a brother of Israel.

    My main goal is to make the truth about the Jews look completely ridiculous and laughable by creating my white supremacist movement of 'truthers' that Americans will not even give the time of day.

    If all goes according to plan this movement should be dismantled within 2013. And maybe then little Hymen Wedge Jr finally live in a world free of antisemitism amen.

  3. The Dynamic Duo! Sicilian Crime Factory and Kike Sledge! yea

  4. Keep it up trolls! You have no idea how laughable you are.

  5. "Kike Wedge"?? What are you a retarded 10 year old?? Seriously! And we are suppose to take you seriously? LOL

  6. My main goal is to make the truth about the Joos look completely ridiculous and laughable by creating my retarded trolls movement of 'truthers' that Americans will not even give the time of day.

  7. @Anon 12:51 AM

    No thats a picture of yo mama! LOL

  8. @Anonymous April 19, 2013 at 1:02 AM

    I can bet his IP address traces him stright to Tel-aviv!

  9. Hi christard spammer!

  10. Excellent show guys! Appreciate the humour and the information shared.

  11. Agreed! Excellent show once again targetting the right targets ;)

    Yawn... trolls are getting really predictable & boring now... Ignore mode fully engaged.

  12. Excellent show. Good balance of humor and info.

    To the trolls...if all you can do is bash peoples children than you need to go back to your trailer, have a nice squirrel dinner and rethink your strategy.

    Nobody wants to hear your pathetic dribble attacking peoples children. Can you even grasp how ghetto your argument is?

  13. It just shows how whiggerized the white man has become.Yo mamma this,you mamma that.Keep them coming Mike.Good show as always.I don't know how long we can tolerate the nonsense coming out of these immature Americans.That goes for the real world as well as the internet.Very sad.They do not have a clue as to what is coming.Everything is a childish criticism or an infantile joke.

  14. http://archive.org/details/KLASSEN---A_Revolution_of_Values_Through_Religion_1991

    Benedict Klassen's book on religious absurdities. He surveys the major religions - and the minors, including CI, Odinism etc etc etc.

    No need for your religious warfare - he already summarized the issues :D

  15. Wow, Klassen wrote a book so we better listen. Wasn't there a time where a person's actions determined their importance. But hey, JK Rowling wrote a book too so we better take it seriously.

  16. Fuck off jew. Klassen created a modern religion for the betterment of white people. Too bad the christards were too stupid to listen. Thanks morons.

  17. Mike Sledge rants and raves against multiculturalism, yet he married a Jewish woman and had a couple of mischling kids with her.

    Does anybody see the contradiction here? No, I guess you don't.

  18. Good show!LOL

    To trolls i have nothing to say,its bad enough for them that they are jews and have to live with that filth!
    I sugest you put the plastick garbage bag over you so that garbage bag can be cemlete with its content,garbage!


  19. i meant COMPLETE@@@

  20. 1:16 PM
    Klassen was a divisive piece of shit riding on Rockwell's coattails. Klassen never did anything of note but stir up shit, you're a good follower of his.

  21. Jesus is real u guys he'll save the white race a bloo bloo bloo

  22. "Klassen created a modern religion for the betterment of white people. Too bad the christards were too stupid to listen. Thanks morons"

    That's great. Maybe I'll write a book and create a religion. We can hold festivals dedicated to kiebler elves and some comic book hero. I'm guessing clowns like you will eat it up.

  23. 2:09

    You're looking down on me because I "ate up" an ideology based on science, reason, and the advancement and protection of white people?


    I guess following a semitic religion based around a pacifist multi-cult rabbi is less clownish? Tell me how that works out in your christarded mind.

  24. 2:09

    You don't have to write another book for that. We already have the jew bible, and you ate it up good. Yum, rabbi knowledge.

  25. Jesus will come back and burn you heretics in a lake of fire!

  26. OMG creaturds, ci's sister religion, two divisive religions that "magically" rise from the dead when ever antijew sentiment rises.

    How's matt hale doing?

  27. They're actually polar opposites. Cromwell didn't use COC to murder 40% of Ireland

  28. 2:54 PM
    You must be one of the "gifted boys".

  29. Hell, at least ci people take pride in their name, you people won't even mention yours, you know everyone will laugh in your face, creaturd.

  30. 2:54 PM If Cromwell was a creaturd he would have murdered all of them, they weren't white.

  31. I have the ideology of a "creator" but I'm not in the church, because thats just stupid, and the name is stupid also. But that's okay because creativity is just following the laws of nature. It should be natural for white men to want to protect their own, breed with their own, expand their own territory, and especially not want to accept a jewish religion as his own.

  32. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 19, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    Everyone is a brotha in the name of Jesus!

    You know where you heard it. Peace to my goys! Israel represent.


    First you have Gook Friend with his Half Mongol kid, and then you have Kike Sledge with his half Jew kid, I MEAN IS THIS ONE GIANT FUCKING JOKE? HOW ARE PEOPLE EVER GOING TO AGREE WITH YOUR POINT OF VIEWS WHEN YOU YOURSELVES CONTRADICT YOUR BELIEFS!!

  34. 3:23 PM Who the fuck told you there were laws of nature? The only laws of nature are, cheaters seldom win but winners always cheat. Natures a no holds barred, winner take all fuck fest, jews are natures finest.

    Christianity raises us above all of that. If you think you are going to defeat the jews by lowering yourself to their level, go for it, you're going to get your ass kicked.

  35. Amen, Rabbi Jesus. We're all brothers in Christ.


  36. Christianity raises us above all of that.

    Yeah, Christinsanity has such a great track record of dealing with the Jews historically, doesn't it?

    Oh, wait.

  37. We can hold festivals dedicated to kiebler elves and some comic book hero.

    Better yet, we can hold festivals dedicated to a "holy ghost" and an imaginary Jewish rabbi.

  38. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 19, 2013 at 4:25 PM

    The only laws of nature you need to know are love your enemy and jews are the best ever and for all eternity on this planet and beyond. Thank you.

  39. 4:07 PM Christianity does have a good historical record of dealing with jews, every time someone presents factual evidence of this, you ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda, creaturd.

  40. With the power of God we can still beat jewish system. Christianity creates unity, nihilism and atheism creates hatred and violence.

  41. Jeezuz Christ, you're still yappin' about christianity? :D

  42. Christianity has a long repetitive history of getting frustrated with jews and being afraid to do anything besides move them around and then let back in because theyre gods chosen people and their messiah is a jew. This is the only way jews could have taken over the world while parasiting off white people. Pagans would have never taken it easy on the jews. So they created a religion that would keep them from getting harmed. Hence why the jews had hoardes of christards slaughter them.

  43. Frau Siegried is a godamn hippy violin fiddling faggot.

  44. PagantardsAreSATANApril 19, 2013 at 5:31 PM

    These pagantards are the embodiment of the heretic satan! I swear it in yahweh's name!

  45. Christians always killed everyone who wasn't a Christian or a Jew meanwhile their laws were set up so only Jews could run all the medicine and money.

  46. How come you creaturds aren't promoting your creaturd religion? I don't go to church but I'm still a Christian, you're creaturds.

    How does the creaturd religion spring magically to life when it was dead, same as ci?

    How many creaturds are in prison for committing ignorant violent crimes that made white people look bad and any opposition to jew domination and multiculturalism look really bad?

    How many undercover feds are in the creaturd movement, promoting ignorant violence? I've seen a couple of them here promoting genocide.


  48. 5:13 PM Do you get your version of history from the great and powerful klassen? Is that why you are so ignorant? You do know that klassen was at best an amateur historian, he didn't have the internet when he wrote his books, he just made stuff up. We have the internet now, you can look up information for yourself, you don't have to be ignorant anymore.

  49. If it was genocide of jews then I dont see anything wrong with that. How else will they be stopped? And kept from repeating their plans? Plus theyve genocided enough people themselves, we all know they deserve it. Whats the problem, are you awaiting the return of a jewish messiah?

  50. Another excellent show guys! I never read any of the comments now as it's all the same boring, predictable, infantile garbage but will continue to just tack on a note of positive support where it is due.

    Does anyone really care what some anonymous imbecile types as inane commentary in a tiny, mostly unnoticed corner of the internet? No, of course not. But like wanking it gives them something to do with their time as a substitute for engaging REAL LIFE, albeit completely meaningless.

    Keep up the good work and keep ignoring the insignificant!!

  51. Jesus, Jesse was still in communist college back in 2008 and now he is leader of great white resistance?

    This MUST be a jewish psy op.

  52. Anonymous said...
    We have the internet now...
    April 19, 2013 at 6:07 PM

    All hail the new religion of the pseudo-intellectual!!! The Holy Church Of The Virtual!!! LMFAO!!!

    As fucked up as that commie piece of shit Jello Biafra is at least he spoke one truth - "ALL RELIGIONS SUCK!"

  53. Klassen was just another cult creator, Mighty Aryan Church of Dubya. America is promised land for cultists as is also founded by one.

  54. AntiDefamationLeagueApril 19, 2013 at 6:24 PM

    We threw Matt Hale into prison without mail privileges because he was doing such a good job promoting jewish interests. Christianity on the other hand is so evil that we decided to subsidize it tax-free.

  55. 6:08 PM Only immoral degenerates and feds promote genocide on the internet. Are you one or both?

  56. 6:23

    Yeah all religions suck, excelt religion of Satan and self hatred.

  57. 6:23 PM You describe a pseudo intellectual in your first sentence, in the next sentence, you tell us you are one.

  58. 6:26

    You're either a christard that doesn't want to accept the reality that killing gods chosen people is the only way to stop them, or you're a jew that is assigned to these blogs to promote pacifism and make it seem like the only solution to the jewish problem is unreasonable.

  59. 6:24 PM Contracting a fed for murder promoted white interests? Funny how you choose your martyrs. Of course hale did deny association with his friend after his friend went on a shooting spree, that's pretty heroic.

  60. Boy you Christards sure are hypocrites. When someone insults you you're supposed to turn the other cheek... and GIVE HIM YOUR COAT! I have rec'd no coat from you,all I get is imprecations. If Rabbi Yeshua were here he would be so disappointed in you. I dare say it would bring a tear to his eye your unchristian behavior. Shame on you! RBG

  61. 6:49

    Better turn the other cheek then be a mass murderer.

  62. 6:49

    Thats an outright lie. Hale didn't contract anyone. The feds (jews) paid some half-wit to say he wanted to kill someone, Hale said he wanted nothing to do with it, but the jews charged him because he didnt report the guy. Now I know you're a jew because you kikes hate everything to do with Creativity and you'll employ any tactic (trolling and gatekeeping) to demonize it. OH NO, A RELIGION JUST FOR WHITE PEOPLE! ..IT DOESNT EVEN HAVE A JEWISH PROPHET EITHER! WTF DO WE DO?!

  63. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

  64. 7:11

    Jews arent human. It wouldnt even count as murder. Do you call it murder when they kill cancer viruses?

  65. Anon @ 7:14, thanks for the random bible babble. We felt rabbi jesus rumble in our chests.

  66. 7:11 PM Sure jews hate creaturds. Jews hate divisive freak shows that make anyone opposed to jews look like a psycho.

  67. Jeremiah 3:21 ... for they have p e r v e r t e d their way, and they have forgotten the LORD their God.

    Slander, perversion, obstruction and obscurantism are main tools of nihilistic communists, disguised as white patriots to wipe our 2000 years of our own history.

  68. http://www.catholic.com/quickquestions/if-jesus-was-a-jew-why-are-we-catholic

    Christians are jews

    The term Jew is used in at least two senses in Scripture: to refer to those who are ethnically Jews and to those who are religiously Jews. Jesus was a Jew in both senses. In fact, he completed the Jewish religion by serving as the Messiah (Christ) whom the prophets had long foretold.

    The completed form of the Jewish religion is known as Christianity, and its adherents are Christians or "followers of the Christ." Unfortunately, many people who were ethnically Jewish did not recognize Jesus’ role as Messiah and so did not accept Christianity, the completed form of Judaism. Instead, they stayed with a partial, incomplete form of Judaism. Other Jews (the apostles and their followers) did recognize that Jesus was the Messiah and embraced the new, completed form of Judaism.

    Shortly thereafter it was recognized that one could be a follower of Christ even if one did not ethnically join the Jewish people. Thus the apostles began to make many Gentile converts to the Christian faith. It is thus possible for a person to be a Jew religiously (because he has accepted Christianity, the completed form of the Jewish faith) but not be a Jew ethnically. This is the case with most Christians today.

    It is this difference between being a Jew ethnically and religiously that lies behind Paul’s statement in Romans 2:28-29: "For he is not a real Jew who is one outwardly, nor is true circumcision something external and physical. He is a Jew who is one inwardly, and real circumcision is a matter of the heart, spiritual and not literal."

    Christians are those who Paul refers to as being inwardly (religiously) Jewish, while non-Christian Jews are those who he refers to as being outwardly (ethnically) Jewish. The former condition, he stresses, is the more important.

    Unfortunately, over the course of time some Christians broke away from the Church that Jesus founded, and so a name was needed to distinguish this Church from the ones that broke off from it. Because all the breakaways were particular, local groups, it was decided to call the Church Jesus founded the "universal" (Greek, kataholos = "according to the whole") Church, and thus the name Catholic was applied to it.

    That is why Jesus was a Jew and we are Catholics: Jesus came to complete the Jewish religion by creating a Church that would serve as its fulfillment and be open to people of all races, not just ethnic Jews. As Catholics, we are those who have accepted the fulfillment of the Jewish faith by joining the Church that Jesus founded.

  69. 7:43 PM

    What do you have against jews?

  70. HAHA stupid christards are jews, wow.

    So your guys solution is to convert jews to FULL judaism?!

  71. to 7:43

    All you are quoing are citations from 1945-2012, when total jwish infitration of catholic church was taken place. Todays catholicism has nothing to do with real christianity as well as heresy called "christian zionism".

    You are just useful idiot of jew marxists.

  72. One of the books I read on tour was Fritz Stern’s Five Germanys I Have Known, a memoir by the distinguished Jewish-American historian who grew up in pre-war Germany and emigrated with his family to the US. The five Germanys are Weimar, Nazi, capitalist West Germany, communist East Germany and today’s unified Germany, and he provides an insider’s account of his experiences of all of them and "America’s interaction with them. In 1987, he met Pope John Paul II and enthused about the large number of bright Asian students there are at American universities these days, remarking, ‘They have taken the place of the Jews.’

    The Pope’s response was a little chilling: ‘Yes, but they [Jews] still control the media and finance."


  73. One of the first official acts of the newly installed Pope Francis was to reach out to the Jewish community of Rome—as his predecessor Pope Benedict had done—and he is being greeted warmly by many Jewish leaders worldwide. For most of the last 1,500 years, though, Catholic-Jewish relations have not been so warm. In fact, there was a time when the Catholic Church was rocked with a scandal: It was alleged that the Pope himself was J e w i s h.


    - Jew total infiltration of catholic church is now complete.

  74. 7:55

    Oh ok. So it's not the pure rabbi worship that you're into. I get it now.

  75. Anonymous said...
    ...excelt religion of Satan and self hatred.
    April 19, 2013 at 6:26 PM

    What does this even mean?

    (obviously THE christard!)

    Anon @ 7:11

    LOL. I read some klassen way back when. It was the most sense I've seen in this struggle. "Is it good for white people?" is all you have to ask yourself before you do anything.

  77. Anonymous said...
    Better turn the other cheek then be a mass murderer.
    April 19, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    THE christard spammer strikes again ;)

  78. Anonymous said...
    All you are quoing...
    You are just useful idiot of jew marxists.
    April 19, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    Yep, you guessed it - THE christard spammer yet again!

  79. Hahahaha! You're right - just add a jewish accent when you read THE christard's dribblings and you got it perfectly!!! LMFAO!!!

  80. JesusImmortal said...
    Jesus will come back and bum you heretics...
    April 19, 2013 at 2:33 PM

    Are you saying your lord is a fag?

  81. Christianity has a long repetitive history of getting frustrated with jews and being afraid to do anything besides move them around and then let back in because theyre gods chosen people and their messiah is a jew. This is the only way jews could have taken over the world while parasiting off white people.

    Yep. Good post.

  82. THEchristardspammerApril 19, 2013 at 8:35 PM

    You're all filthy heathens! Jesus can't save you now! You lost your chance to enter the tribe of Israel!

  83. Lugh, are you denying that christianity has been most powerful anti-jewish tool, since the creation of national socialist doctrine?

    Why don't you fags never bash Hitler's catholic roots?

    You are excatly like these useful idiot weaklings of libertarian left.

  84. Christianity creates unity,

    List of Christian denominations

    As there are reported to be approximately 41,000 Christian denominations,[2]

  85. Why don't you ridicule national socialism, because it also failed bring down jewish world order?

    You are just bunch of self hating whites, real life creations of Anton LEVEY and his satanic cult of hateful atheism.

  86. you gaytheists and pagans can go play your WoW and Skyrim.

    i will stick with my holy bible and the jesus christ.

  87. What a laugh these renetards are, almost as fanatical as historically illiterate and self obsessed.

    Wedgie and Liardi - your pathetic narcissistic impersonations are straight out from fifth rate titty bar standup act.

    You cant unify whites and you also fail on entertainment arena. Why don't you wankers just give up already, you drunken losers.

  88. Anonymous said...
    Better turn the other cheek then be a mass murderer.
    April 19, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    LOL! At least THE christard spammer speaks the truth here "turn the other cheek THEN be a mass murderer". That perfectly sums up the schizophrenia of the judeo christian mindset - first pretend to "turn the other cheek" THEN go in and slaughter everyone who doesn't agree with you. This is the pure psychology of ALL judeo religions - that lying is just another tool in your toolbox because your religion is ALWAYS right (even when it's wrong)! The bottom line is that you simply can't argue or discuss anything intelligently with someone who's been brainwashed by religion hence the comments here and elsewhere will go on ad infinitum until a "final solution" is found.

  89. Be quiet, pagantard gaytheist!

  90. THEchristardspammer said...
    You're all filthy heathens! Jesus can't save you now! You lost your chance to enter the tribe of Israel!
    April 19, 2013 at 8:35 PM

    Nice try but we know you're not the real THE christard spammer - your correct use of grammar and punctuation gave you away! LOL!

  91. Anonymous said...
    ...are straight out from fifth rate titty bar standup act.
    April 19, 2013 at 8:43 PM

    THAT'S the real THE christard spammer! See the difference? LOL!

  92. By turning the other cheek Jesus meant not to surrender but weaken your enemy with YOUR INNER STRENGHT. Relatiation is not always possible, but ypou can always beat your enemies, by being morally suprrior to them.

    This is not paganistic/athesist call for slaughter, this is ultimate spiritual superiority to the EVIL.

  93. Anonymous said...
    ...but ypou can...
    ...being morally suprrior...
    April 19, 2013 at 8:56 PM


  94. "are you denying that christianity has been most powerful anti-jewish tool"
    Anon @ 8:35

    The most powerful anti-jewish tool we have is our instincts. But christianity was designed by rabbis to retard the section of the white man's brain that tells the body to react to threats to its existence. Instinctually the white man doesnt like jews, most are slimy assholes, which is why jews are portrayed as deniers in the new testament. But at the same time the white man has to worship these jews because their tribe produced the messiah of the religion. Thus the white man can never do violence to the chosen jews, even when theyre lining him up for extinction.

  95. Instead of confronting the real acusations, you are trying to escape from facts with ridicule and slander, like you did with John Friend's invitation to religious debate. You are such coward, Lugh.

    Truth is tha nobody gives a flying shit about your autistic ramblings on radio, spamming mamis is your only creative outlet. Why don't you visit speech therapist instead wasting your life on booze and internet forums?

  96. Relatiation is not always possible, but ypou can always beat your enemies, by being morally suprrior to them.

    Yeah, we see how Christians defeated the Jews using this strategy over the centuries, right?


  97. Anon: THE christard spammer, you're drunk!

    THE christard spammer: No im not! Stop pikcin on me. Jesus is lodr and he will save everone, incldinn retraded!

  98. So you retrofag are totally given up confronting with historic facts and playing grammar nazi now? I can pick up several mispellings and typos from your every second sentence, but i am not lowering myself to your standards. By the way, first learn to speak, if you want to be real radio host, Luggghhhh

  99. Anonymous said...
    You are such coward...
    Truth is tha nobody...
    April 19, 2013 at 9:03 PM

    Actually it's pretty obvious by now that it's YOU who needs to visit a speech therapist! LMFAO!!!

  100. Why are you talking to Lugh? It's pretty obvious you're a nutjob without having to let slip about your hallucinations as well!


  102. Anonymous said...
    So you retrofag are totally given up...
    April 19, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is great!

    Anonymous said...
    playing grammar nazi now?
    April 19, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    Yep, it's fun to play with trolls, especially the really nutty ones. Please keep the comedy show going as long as possible - it's the best entertainment I've had in ages!

  103. The entire section of Jesus sermon of the Mount in wich this verse is found can be understood as one where Jesus actually serves to elevate importance of following moral law beyond the letter to the spirit of the law.

    Much of the material terein compliments the nature of His coming characterized by mercy sacrificial love and long-suffering toward sinners while at the same time affirming the "last is first" principple upon which te kingdom of God is based.

    For instance, we are told to go the extra mile for someone who abuses us and to pray fo enemies instead of resisting them. All of this can be generally summerized by saying we need to be pure inside and out and should be as acommodating as possble for the sake of the lost world.

    Christ always recommended revolutionary methods of resistance in ancient barbaric and ultraviolent world.

    Did you even know that your great pagan emprors and ceasars killed thousands of slaves just for fun of it. And there wa not even moral or religios framework against these kind of atrocities? Only christianity is the tool what brings justice, peace and progress to the world, everything else is an illusion.

  104. Anonymous said...
    April 19, 2013 at 9:17 PM

    HAHAHAHA! Talking to one of your personalities as another personality is EXACTLY the kind of entertainment I'm talking about! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My sides are hurting sooo much!!! I need a break from all this laughter!!!

  105. Anonymous said...
    Only christianity is the tool what brings justice, peace and progress to the world...
    April 19, 2013 at 9:20 PM

    Ok, you got me right there - SOLD! I'm getting baptised first thing Monday!!!

    Not. Keep the show going though you crazy motherfucker. Hey wait, isn't it time for your hourly meds?

  106. "playing grammar nazi now?
    April 19, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    Yep, it's fun to play with trolls, especially the really nutty ones. Please keep the comedy show going as long as possible - it's the best entertainment I've had in ages!"

    Of course, because you don't have any content and you lack of solutions, all this renegade wankery is nothing but another trooftard ego game.

    Why even call up to action, when in next show they act like drunken morons from jew media. And thse people suppose to be leaders? Phhhuuleaaase!

  107. Ok mami, can you put my payment through now for the last batch of 100 comments? Thanks mate! Post counts are looking good now huh?!

  108. Oh shit! I thought I was posting that last comment in PM! Delete quick!


  109. The sermon on the mount is what robbed the white man of his ability to be his own master. Through rabbi jesus' teachings he learned that jews are superior and that its more righteous to love your enemy than it is to take control of your reality and stop being a pansie jewish slave.

  110. You creaturd scum still running your mouths? I bet matt hale is running his mouth, all over some niggers cock

  111. Did they recruit you scumbags while you were in prison, or are you waiting to get set up by the feds so you can do time?


  113. LOL @ THE Packet Sniffer (and your pic link)

  114. You renetards just make me laugh. I imagine empty bottles od diet cola pizza boxes and cheap whiskey all over your dirty apartement, paganistic cunts.

  115. 9:44 PM You should start wearing a jumpsuit now so you are used to it when the feds "find" explosive residue at your house.

  116. These bastards are dumb as fuck. I don't think they know they are prime targets for fed setup. Hell, they hate everyone, who wouldn't convict them?

  117. There are tens of thousands of atheists in internet community right now. But they never will accept nazis in their brotherhood, you guys are outcat of the outcats. Even agnostic or theist nationalists will never accept your crap, losers.

  118. Anonymous said...
    9:44 PM You should start wearing a jumpsuit now so you are used to it when the feds "find" explosive residue at your house.
    April 19, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    See THIS is the real problem here - your very limited scope of reasoning. You have ass-u-me-d that I live in the US and hence "the feds" finding "explosive residue" at my house. Did I hit a nerve? Idiot.

  119. Thats right, Loogie, but Canada is not much different, infact its not a surprise that you worship liberal atheism in this communist hellhole.

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. In order to become a real christein you have to listen to at least 40 hours of Rabbi Fink's radio broadcasts.

  122. You forgot "Hail Satan", kike sholtes

  123. What is common with all white people?

    They all hate each other.

  124. To all yall MuthaFuckaz!

    ............/....//........... ...\\....\
    .........../....//............ ....\\....\
    ...../´¯/..../´¯\.........../¯ `\....\¯`\
    .././.../..../..../.|_......_| .\....\....\...\.\..
    (.(....(....(..../.)..)..(..(. \....)....)....).)
    .\................\/.../....\. ..\/................/
    ..\................. /........\................../
    ....\..............(.......... ..)................/
    ......\.............\......... ../............./

  125. Anon @ 9:48

    We're supposed to be afraid that a jew like yourself might report us to the jews in the fbi and tell them that we mentioned the only solution to the eternal jewish problem on Mami's Shit? HAHA. You kikes are such ratfinks. You know what you deserve, and you know its the only choice youve left us. We will have your heads.


  127. 10:56

    Christard spammer, you're a jewish troll, we get it


  129. DaveJeremy(Ronjeremylookalike)April 19, 2013 at 11:19 PM

    Allright my fellow pagans, make sure you put your pants down and stick your winkies out like Satyr and say hail satan on sunday! mkay

    yours truly, dave from texas

  130. Church of His Holy Devilness St Anton LEVEY's tactical response team riding Texas Dave's cock as they type.

    What a joy!

  131. Of course jews started the church of satan, they created christianity. Satan is the hebrew word for enemy and they use it to scare christards away from the occult. Actually if you call yourself a satanist thats dumb because its a jew word.

  132. Wedgie is preaching collectivism now? I can clearly remember that just few shows he claim that it's the "rugged individualism with the touch of nationalism is the way to go". So what way is it then? How can you even trust leaders who changes world views so quickly?

    He even had speech patterns like Rectal when they did their little anal cult expose's together. If someone takes them seriously, i feel really sorry for them.

  133. What the fuck man ?!!

    This place is like TROLL CENTRAL !

    132 comments for this lame-ass show ? Not one new thing was said on this show that hasn't been said on Stormfront a thousand times.

    Lughawitch Pagansack keeps sending his trolls here 10 at a time and he still can't get more than 600 listens for poor Sludgy boy in Albany.

  134. 10:02 PM The only thing I have assumed is that you are a moron, feds are everywhere, your lack of knowledge of this proves you are a moron.

  135. 10:52 PM Who the hell has to report you? You brag about wanting to "exterminate" opposition. I don't think there is anyone even on this website who buys your retarded rationalization.

  136. You scumbags still trying to sell that lone Christian spammer horseshit?

    I think half these people opposed to your garbage aren't even Christian, they just know you're divisive scumbags.

  137. Lugh is the official spamtard of Renegade now. Because of his autistic abilities, that prevent him to be active radio host, he can still save their face by directing every valid criticism into mindless christianity bashing.

  138. There are tens of thousands of atheists in internet community right now. But they never will accept nazis in their brotherhood, you guys are outcat of the outcats. Even agnostic or theist nationalists will never accept your crap, losers.

    There are tens of millions of Christians in internet community right now. But they never will accept nazis in their brotherhood, you guys are outcat of the outcats. Even agnostic or theist nationalists will never accept your crap, losers.

  139. The entire section of Jesus sermon of the Mount in wich this verse is found can be understood as one where Jesus actually serves to elevate importance of following moral law beyond the letter to the spirit of the law.

    But the Sermon on the Mount is lifted straght out of the Talmud and the Tanakh.

    Only christianity is the tool what brings justice, peace and progress to the world, everything else is an illusion.

    So you're indirectly saying that Judaism is the tool that brings justice, peace, and progress to the world. Because almost all of the teachings of Jesus are found in the Talmud and the Tanakh.

  140. 1:25 AM

    Liar, Jesus never told to sacrifice babies unlike pagans and jews all like to do.

    But you've never read the bible, we all know that, Lube.

  141. This is anecdotal, from my own experience, so I guess it doesn't mean much in the world of "internet fact"

    Christians see their reality slipping away, when you try to explain why, they won't here it, not because of the gospels, because as the antichristians like to point out, they don't read the gospels, but neither do the antichristians. They've been programed by media and money.

    Antichritians see themselves as the avantgarde(not the retards here, but the average communist atheist but you can probably include these morons here too, although they have no effect) They've been programmed by media and money.

    Christians are much more receptive to information because it may improve their position, while you will have no luck at all with antichristians because it destroys the very foundation of their belief in absolute equality.

    In the end though it's all about media and money.

  142. It was funny seeing the creaturds finally reveal themselves. In terms of impotence, they'd be at the bottom.

    Irrelevance List -
    CI Zanies
    WoW Pagtards

  143. Rabbi Azazel-AsmodeusApril 20, 2013 at 3:54 AM


    'Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, believes that the Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing.

    "With the help of God, the gentiles there will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt," he explained.'


  144. Rabbi Azazel adds:April 20, 2013 at 3:57 AM

    Following the election of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman as the mayor of the Bosnian city of Visoko for the first time in continent's history, the student asked the rabbi on the Kipa website: "How do we fight the Islamization of Europe and return it to the hands of Christians and moderates?"


    Efrati wrote in response that the Islamization of Europe was better than a Christian Europe for ethical and theological reasons – as a punishment against Christians for persecuting the Jews and the fact that Christianity, as opposed to Islam, is considered "idolatry" from a halachic point of view.

    "Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there," the rabbi explained as the ethical reason for favoring Muslims, quoting shocking descriptions from the Rishonim literature (written by leading rabbis who lived during the 11th to 15th centuries) about pogroms and mass murders committed by Christians against Jews.

  145. 2:20

    Good one christard spammer.

    The first ever religion for only white people makes the bottom of your list. That makes sense being that you worship an egalitarian rabbi.

    Enjoy sucking mexican and nigger cock on sunday mornings for the rest of eternity. Christianity aint dead its just getting started fool.

  146. "In the end though it's all about media and money."
    April 20, 2013 at 1:54 AM

    Would that be jewish controlled media? And, maybe jewish controlled debt notes created out of thin air and traded for goyim life's blood in the form of labor? The "media" and "money" controlled by a fraction of 2% of the population? The ones that hide under a religious banner but which is in fact nothing more than a crime cult? A crime cult that has been thrown out of 79 countries 109 times? The racist inbred chosenite cult?

  147. Christianity aint dead its just getting started fool.
    70% of Americans are Christians.
    Once the baby boomers die off that number will decrease significantly and the world will be a better place.

  148. http://www.pewforum.org/uploadedImages/Topics/Religious_Affiliation/Christian/christianity-graphic-01.png
    Note that "Americas" means South America and the Carribean who make up 25% approx. of the total world Christians. Also 1/2 of American Christians are non white as well.
    So you're left with Whites being 30% or so of the world Christian total. And that's being conservative.
    Sure is going to save the white race!

  149. But don't worry once the Aryan breaks free of the Christian shackles you are free to go to Peru or Rwanda where you can be one under God with your Christian brothers! Shalom!

  150. Who do you think is going to take the place of white Christians, you, you're a joke. Christian mexicans, in the u.s. and muslims in europe.

    When "aryans" break free of the shackles of Christianity, they turn into progs, not vikings.

    There is 0 evidence of any rebellion amongst white youth. 20 or 30 years ago there were rebellious youth and many of them got steered into the dead end that you morons promote. You should be able to tell by your ratings, that your ideas just aren't going over. It's all old shit, nothing anyone hasn't heard before, you morons were just the last ones to here it.

  151. Well I get the best average ratings after Dave so you're clearly retarded.
    I've said for a while now that Renegade looks to be the SS of the antisemetic truth movement.
    And the majority of our audience are into that sort of thing. We have never tried to make things look otherwise nor have we tried to.

  152. You're talking to someone who's been there, it's an absolute failure. I just hope you scumbags get sent to prison or shot, instead of the retards who listen to your horseshit.

    Kind of funny how all this klassen horseshit, and ci horseshit came back to life at just the right time

  153. Christian mexicans, in the u.s. and muslims in europe.

    But I thought Christinsanity was a white religion?

  154. while you will have no luck at all with antichristians because it destroys the very foundation of their belief in absolute equality.

    Christians who take Christian doctrine seriously believe in absolute equality too. In fact, modern Western universalism and egalitarianism come straight out of the New Testament. That's where these ideas originated.

    You can't legitimately claim to be a Christian while simultaneously claiming to be a racialist. Those two belief systems are mutually incompatible.

    So basically, you don't know what you're talking about.

  155. 2:54 AM This is not true, unless you have bought into the jewish agenda. Jesus just said we were equal under God, the same way the founders of the u.s. said we were equal under the law.
    jews have manipulated both to mean absolute equality. Your head is full of jew propaganda.


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