April 19, 2013

Why is the glass on the sidewalk and not inside the store?

Where's the blood? 

I guess like the towers falling on 9/11, physics doesn't apply here either.     Source

FBI says not to look at these pics, or any others, only theirs are credible.


  1. Seriously, "A nap"? Fuck man, welcome to yellow journalism.

    Fine. I am guilty of it as well. But, keep in mind that I only did it amongst the insane.


  2. maybe because there was a fucking explosion?

    ps: sorry, incoherency is an art.

  3. Pretty spiffy lookin'. Pass the ketchup.

  4. Hey dumb shit, they are claiming the bombs went off in front of the buildings. The glass should be inside the buildings

  5. Yes, mami. That guy is just taking a nap.

  6. Mami is right. There is a photo of one of the jews and his backpack in that doorway, but the explosion obviously blew the glass OUTSIDE and not INSIDE, so this is a big problem to explain-away. Mark Glenn has some very clear pictures of the mossad jews, and this time they have fucked-up and they can not undo their fatal errors. Good job showing this, Mami.

  7. I heard a reporter on the radio not long after the explosions say that, the bombs were placed inside the shops which would explain the glass being blown outwards.

    The legs under the grill, screen???? Can't say one way or the other, a full picture would shed a little light as to was going on there.


  8. Glass on outside could be from windows above, falling down.

    those "bombs" were tiny, event was mostly for show and media hype so they can increase security and panic sheep.

    its over now, digging thru photos looking for sleeping homeless people LOL and glass, its like getting into planes no planes space beams etc arguments over 911 again.

  9. Check out jimstone's coverage. As usual he has the best investigation on the web.

  10. they werent conventional bombs
    think IRA nail bombs, thats why there was so much damaged limbs, low body count and high injuries

  11. This whole thread carries foward the distraction that Sledge rightly warned of in

    Reconstructions Special Report with Mike Sledge 2013.04.17: The Multicultural Formula

  12. When one thought the MSM could not sink any lower... we get a week like this.

    Thanks Mami for your website.

    PS: Is Charlie broadcasting yet?

  13. Charlie is lookin for a new network and when he finds one we'll post it.

  14. @ "This whole thread carries foward the distraction that Sledge rightly warned of in"

    Fuck your 'distractions,' fuck you and fuck Titorenko 'Sledge' too and his broken dick which only works with Jew broads.

    Stop dumbing down the Jew-wise / anti-multiculturalist crowd like another shilling mental defective useful idiot for the Jews.

    We can handle it, we're not little children who need the putrid guidance and 'protection' of gatekeeping, deliberately lying and agenda protecting SHILLS.

    And you're damn fucking right I'm an 'individual.' I'll never be part of any group a shithead gatekeeper like Titorenko belongs to.

  15. whats the matter alex, where are you 20,000 fans?

  16. Clues Forum thread on the alleged Boston Marathon bombings (warning: photographs being analyzed are gory as fuck):


    37,000 views and 21 pages long already in just 3 days.

  17. The guy with the supposedly blown off legs, the 'double-amputee' everyone is feeling sorry for, is supposed to be a Jew by the name of Jeff Bauman. Isn't that a co-incidence ?

    Jeff Bauman is no more Nick Vogt than the man on the moon


  18. Paul Joseph Watson:

    The Family Guy/Boston Marathon Clip is NOT a Hoax


    Two scenes have been spliced together but are from the SAME episode.

  19. @2:25 AM, Glass is inside the store dumbass. Look closer.

  20. The Paul Joseph Watson Family Guy predicst Boston Maraton bombings video had 750,000 views just one hour ago. Now it has over 1 million views. In just one hour it went up 250,000 views !! That's what you call 'viral' and that's AFTER you tube deleted all the earlier videos busting Family guy. Run you bastards !! There is nowhere to hide now.

  21. The guy laying down with legs crossed is working a camera. His assignment is to get some upward angle stuff. Hey, he is just doing his job like everyone else in the exercise.

  22. If the bombs were outside, there would be almost no glass at all outside, but the exact opposite is the case. As for Duke he took 11 YEARS to admit that the jews, not A-rabs, did 911, and has said fuck-all about the more blatant jew operation 7/7, where it was proven that because one of those trains was late, it was simply impossible for those kids to have done it as was intended for the frame-up, and one of those kids is alive and is exonerated completely!!! Fuck Duke, and eventually people are going to piece everything together, and then God wouldn't even be able to help those truly responsible from the wrath of the people.

  23. A bomb creates a sonic boom and like all soundwaves there is a compression and rarefaction. A strong rarefaction like that I imagine could create a powerful suction force. I don't know for sure I am not a physicist nor do I play one on TV. RBG

  24. in addendum to above the building would have a 15 psi force from inside to outside because it would be at ambient air pressure. This negative pressure would push the plate glass outward. Not unlike how when the eye of a tornado(ie.vaccuum) goes over a house and the windows burst outward due to the pressure differential.

    RBG -not a physicist I only look like one.

  25. The Family Guy/Boston Marathon Clip is NOT a Hoax

    Two scenes have been spliced together but are from the SAME episode.

    So in other words, it's a hoax. The two scenes were edited together to make it appear that they occurred directly in sequence, but they didn't originally. So the clip was a hoax. Paul Jewseph Watson will post any kind of discredited bullshit on Infowars in order to increase the number of hits on that website so Violet and Alex can charge higher rates to their website advertizers. PJW has a decade long pattern of doing this. It's not something that he just recently started.

  26. Anon @ 2:33

    YAA we're gonna wake up all the sheep. WOO! But not to the jews. No, not never.

  27. Thanks for posting these. I'm still not sure what to make of all of this.


  28. I'm coming in cold (no reading about this topic yet, no TV) but you guys realize that it matters if the inside of a building that has explosions from the outside has any other path for air to escape (a back window, open, for instance).

    It could be as simple as that, no other way for the glass to blow, so it CAN go to the outside, it's not that simple, but it is something you are not fully considering.

  29. Totally busted:

    Obvious green-screen image used in the background of this video of Carlos Arredondo, the William Rodriguez of the Boston Marathon 'bombings':


    Pay attention to the background, how it stays stationary like a piece of cardboard when the camera moves in and out just a little.


  30. The reason there is no glass inside is because the window is made of tempered glass. The glass is designed not to shatter and fly but to crumble fall straight down. It's designed to do this. Even if someone were to hit this glass with a chair from the outside the glass would shatter but hold together until it crumbled straight down. This is safety glass that's why it looks like snow on the ground. Regular window glass would be big shards that could stab someone.


  31. Emergency Medical Technician explains why legless guy is an actor:

    "This is the stuff they don't want us to see. Please share this information with everyone you know.
    (Warning, some of these pictures are gruesome at first glance. I assure you though that the blood and gore is all fake, I can prove it simply by informed medical observation.)

    I've studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I've been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa's. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.

    Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis.


    If you loose both your legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, youre dead after two. Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue. The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it. You would also see what's called arterial spurtting from the injury. Most likely he would vomit after turning ghost white from shock, then turning delirious or passing out. As for the "tourniquet"...

    Its not even tied off, its suspended via gravity, which would literally do nothing to an arterial sever. There's no pressure applied. There's no knott with a turn stick for leverage. You can clearly see a gap in the nonexistent wrap job on his left inner thigh (left anterior proximal for you experts) His hands have no blood on them. There's no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation.

    This is an actor. This is staged. How did they pull it off though? I can show you.

    Here in frame six on the left we see the the man with a hood setting up the fake leg wound prosthetics. His attention and hands are right there. The woman is acting as a shield covering what's happening."

    Full post with all photographs here:


    Full original post by the EMT here:


    All photographs used archived here:


  32. was the man under the glass pic originally on the reuters link? cause if it was its not there now ,there are 32 potos and the one with the feet sticking out id not one of them

  33. And you're damn fucking right I'm an 'individual.'
    You didn't even critique Sledge's position. The only thing your solipsistic harangue tells me is that you're just another cipher embracing the spirit of disorder propagated over the last 50 years. Enjoy living in a cave, being economically marginalised and shitting in the woods.

  34. @"You didn't even critique Sledge's position"

    His position is this: IGNORANCE IS BLISS, bury your head in the sand, ignore all 'distractions,' all false-flag Psy-Ops, pretend the Moon Landings were real, pretend the Planes on 9-11 were real, buy all of the Jew-Media's techniques of trickery, forget about all that and stay retarded y'all, the only thing that matters is all white people coming together and kicking niggers, kikes (includig Sledge's half-kike kids), spics and chinks out of America and having a white buttfuck lovefest in a 100% white separatist state of our own, cut off from everyone except other whites.

    What 'critique' would such a position deserve, you pretentious French motherfucker ?


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