May 18, 2013

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager 5/18/13 by The White Network

Interview with J. Bruce Campbell, American Revolutionary


  1. link won't open

  2. its working now

  3. @1:10 JBC says CI is CIA

    connect the dots

    John Friend promotes CI

  4. Yeah good spot 9.59PM. Also

    @1.12.36 whole right wing was created by Govt.

    @1:13.30 JBC is the only free agent..... [decide in due time]

    @1.32.56 in 1983 CY was "out of touch" then even out of the country. Mysterioso.

    @1.45.45 his wife is an Amerind.

    Concluding remarks on William Pierce; and his business partner having CIA connections.
    Pierce never pushed resolution of the money question, an omission which always looked interesting, but inconclusive.

  5. Friendy friendy friend. Infiltrator par exellance.

  6. John Birch Society = Mezger = Duke = KKK = Fed

    Connecting more dots.

    By the way, Alex Jones has mentioned that his family had connections with JBS.

  7. 10:14 AM

    JBC is also a fed, what he basically says is to start killing the cops, like WTF?


  9. the cops are parasites

    the tyrannize the people

    if they come to your house and tyrannize you are you going to let them?

  10. question: if the cops are told to take your guns how many are going to follow orders and keep their paycheck?

    near 100%

    therefore the cops are the enemy because they are working with the jewish authorities to destroy america

    we can manage ourselves and we don't need courts or cops or state parasites

    the enemy is the jewish run state and the cops are agents of the state/church/crown/JWO

  11. 12:30 PM

    I don't have guns and if you have and they're coming after you, good luck at your marksmanship before you die.

  12. Isn't JBC a racemixer?

  13. What else can anyone intelligently understanding what jews have done to Humanity through countless horrific historical events and anticipating their ever more psychopath maniacal plans for tortures and mass genocide of all non-jews to do in response?

    The message and not the messenger (just who can be trusted 100%?) is all important, JB Campbell has it mostly down to the essentials. The questions for mankind are eternal: Would this jewish tyrannical power stranglehold over the world ever be completely destroyed, smashed to smithereens and be out of existence? Would YOU do whatever it takes to fight to that very end?


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