May 18, 2013

Sherry Shriner 2013.05.13

Last Monday Night with Sherry Shriner

Topics:  Maitreya's arrival signals an Annunaki Invasion and zombie pandemic! They're here, and they're crashing everywhere folks!! Our skies are saturated with Annunaki ships..get the Orgone out folks!...

Sherry is crazy as hell, but you have to give her an A for effort.  Lol



  1. WTF, i thought april is over?

  2. We need to find someone who is militant and strictly against the Jew and their propaganda.... do you guys know anyone??

  3. I think it is relevant b/c Rense/Weidner are pushing some crap like this now.
    -kskirm movie

  4. Anything is better than creaturds. If I wanted to hear all of the negative aspects of white Christianity repeated over and over, I'd watch cnbc.

  5. "White Christianity"? What's that? The vast majority of Christians are non-white. Christianity is a third world mud religion.

    Praise the Lord.

  6. 7:30 PM
    Why are you obsessed with a third world mud religion?

  7. sherry shiner and pam schuffert

    are they the same

  8. You rentafags still yappin about religion? :D

  9. Anonymous BreadInCircedUS said...

    We need to find someone who is militant and strictly against the Jew and their propaganda.... do you guys know anyone??

    There was such a Candidate for the US Presidency in 2007-08 but as you can see his campaign and website got sabotaged and their was a public outcry to destroy him. Absolutely no one would support him.

    Black vs. White crime - A Fair Study by Dane Eric : Gross ... - Angelfire‎
    Aug 30, 2011 – "Gangs, Racism & Discrimination" and "Police officers killed by blacks" by "Coconut John" Tyler Sholtes,. owner of Hawaiian-TV, unfortunately ...
    Romney to Jewish donors: 'I get Israeli briefings' - Page 2 ... › News & Discussion › This Just In‎
    Jul 8, 2012 - 6 posts - 5 authors
    ... a one-term President, a failure in the eyes of history, would be racist. .... Full name John Tyler Sholtes gg grandfather on Mother's side was ...
    John Tyler Morgan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎
    John Tyler Morgan (June 20, 1824 – June 11, 1907) was a general in the Confederate .... Indeed, Morgan emerged as the most prominent and notorious racist ...
    'Jew'-Controlled Media? - Paradise Foundation‎
    What "race" are you of anyway? I would have to say based on your statements that you are of the minority RACIST race. "Coconut" John Tyler Sholtes : "If you ...
    Paradise Foundation - Search Results‎
    Mar 19, 2013 – Sticky: RACIST 'Jew'-Hater : "Coconut" John Tyler Sholtes, descendant of SLAVE OWNER, former united States President John Tyler, is himself ...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am Jesus (Hey Zeus) and I am come from the planet Christard unto earth. All praise my father YWH for he commandeth me to purge the earth of all evil (eVeil) so that the light may shine forth! Be you not silent good christians but followeth the path of thy worldly master jews and your third world brotherly hordes to eradicate the evil white demons! YWH commands this and will give you a place at his feet for eternity! KILL! KILL! KILL! IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER KILL YOUR BROTHERS, YOUR SISTERS, YOUR MOTHERS & YOUR FATHERS BE THEY WHITE! For this you will receive everlasting salvation in Heaven! Amen Ra!

  12. According to military whistleblowers, the U.S. Government's "Red Book" is an Above Top Secret document that details the TRUE history of the Human race on planet Earth. It is a compendium of human information derived from extraterrestrials, who offered the U.S. undeniable proof of historical events. One of the revelations exposed in the "Red Book" is that Jesus Christ was a creation of one particular Alien group (EBE-2). Jesus was a genetically-engineered human-alien hybrid sent to Earth to teach the primitive Humans a lesson of love and tolerance. As writer Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Is it any wonder that ancient people were fooled by the "miracles" of Jesus? This wasn't the first time extraterrestrials tried to influence human affairs. Previously, they successfully appeared to Moses as a "burning bush" and dumped the 10 Commandments on mankind. The Aliens thought The Christ Project would be no different, but needless to say, their little experiment went horribly awry. Supposedly, the EBEN-2's were pretty damn pissed when they came back to check on Jesus' progress, only to find that the humans had killed him. Worse yet, the primitive fools started worshiping him! 2000 years and millions of atrocities later, Jesus the space alien is STILL being mistakenly worshiped as a God. Man is truly a pathetic creature ... desperately yearning for an "almighty being" to control and regulate their lives ... frantically looking for "God" in tortillas, oil stains, and tree trunks. Well, like it or not, hidden somewhere in the bowels of some ultra-top secret governement facility is definitive proof that "The Son of God", Jesus Christ, is a phony. In fact, there is probably clear evidence that most of the "gods" of Earth's ancient religions were Aliens. Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity ... all based on extraterrestrials interacting with humans, displaying technology, and being mistaken as "gods" by primitive humans .. kinda like the Cargo Cults in the Pacific during World War II, who worshipped the technologically-advanced Americans who flew to their islands and gave them food and displayed "miraculous" items like radios and guns Unfortuantely, the Powers-That-Be are more than happy to have the human sheeple believe in false religions, which keep them pacified, compliant, and restrainied. So, it is unlikely the general public will ever actually see the definitive evidence for ourselves. But as logical, intelligent beings, we humans have the capability to recognize the truth about Christianity and Religion for ourselves. Hopefully, maybe in a few decades, we will. So, let's all celebrate this revelation by casting off our religious shackles and enjoying some images of the true Alien Jesus.

    Major Noize


  14. You've got to respect this woman's stamina, she's been spinning thee same yarns for years and years and years

  15. Well the new world order crowd has believed in it and pushed this Maitreya occult stuff along with the pagan new agers for years.

    It doesn't matter what we think, the fact that THEY believe it is important enough for us to research it and keep an eye on it and see how it all fits in with the plans for a global government. Any researcher who doesn't understand that isn't worthy of their own salt.

  16. Ben Klassen laid the foundation for the revival of the White race. Jews and christeins made sure he was never taken seriously.

  17. 12:02 PM Klassen was a Kike jew, like mikes sledges jew kid, crypto at best.

  18. You mean like Jesus?

  19. 1:23 PM
    No, like the talmudic pharisees, who had Jesus put to death for opposing their filth.

  20. Jesus also threw out the money changers (bankers).

  21. What this have to do with major problem that aliens taking over the world?

  22. Is it just me, or does the cover image for this broadcast look like sister of Damien?

  23. @ John Sholtes I said STRICTLY against the Jew not some race baiter.

    Did they kill they race baiter by chance?

    Probably not.

    Have they killed people that understood it was a Jewish problem and worked together instead of dividing and conquering ourselves.


    Huey Long.

    White Nationalists, Religious, even Science, this all comes from a primitive mind that has much to learn but probably wont admit to it even to themselves.

  24. Because we are basing our petty understandings on beliefs based on knowledge that is flawed and this flawed knowledge comes from severely flawed people.

    Einstein, Freud and many others in science, science is THEORY.

    Religion take your pick of who is religious and hasnt fucked up this world more with their death cult.

    And White Nationalism should be renamed Talmudic Europeanism, and we all know how many genocides have come from racial BELIEFS of supremacy.... neanderthals and their cult of believers ...

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.


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