June 12, 2014

Organized Jewry concerned about rising "anti-Semitism"

In an interview with Dr. Yoel Rappel for the Israeli daily, Wiesel conceded that anti-Semitism "will likely never be defeated." Of course, "anti-Semitism" is a direct result of Jewish treachery, criminality, and subversion. Where ever Jews go, "anti-Semitism" inevitably follows, because sooner or later non-Jews get fed up with Jewish behavior.
Jewish radicals and the Jewish mass media and "entertainment" complex are responsible for the promotion and elevation of homosexuality, transgenderism , sexual debauchery and promiscuity, and other perverse social and cultural movements, which have thoroughly debased and perverted our culture. Organized Jewish groups have promoted massive non-White immigration to traditionally White Western European countries, including the United States, and have fostered an extremely anti-White political and educational environment, resulting in White displacement and disenfranchisement.
Due to the Jewish control of information and education, our history has been weaponized and used against us. The mass media media and Hollywood, totally controlled by Jewish financial and political interests, have systematically engaged in psychological warfare against the non-Jewish world, and have created an artificial reality and entirely fabricated history we are expected to accept.                ***Read full article here***

*Internet anti-Semitism a ‘mortal danger,’ says Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman MK Yoel Razbozov

*Abraham Foxman: you can’t call a Jew a traitor, unless you’re an anti-Semite 
*Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism 
*"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it" 


  1. Antisemitism is the moral foundation of any honorable society.

    Jews wanted Palestine. Why don't they just move there now and separate themselves from the antisemites once and for all?
    Oh yeah, somegoy has to do their dirty work and pay foreign aid. Right. Can't go, goys.

  2. @ Tele Funken - You say "Jews wanted Palestine" but the historical record is quite clear that from the birth of modern Zionism up until today the majority of Jews were/are opposed to Zionism or offer only token support of it only to avoid negative PR being labeled as 'self-hating Jews' and such, so it was actually "some Jews wanted Palestine".

    Those Jews like Theodor Herzl were legitimately opposed to the Jewish leftist Marxist agenda to assimilate the world into a global NWO communist state and desired instead a dedicated Jewish state and a gentile society free of direct Jewish presence.

    However being a supremacist Jew(like them all pretty much, but none worse than Marxists) Herzl did believe that all of gentile society should be led by gentiles friendly to the Jews or easily manipulated by the Jews to ensure the 'proper place' in global society for the "chosen people".

    To achieve that goal however required the unifying and "rejuvenating" of the Jewish people worldwide and working with, honestly and dishonestly, the international Jews as well. And there were many factions of Zionists as well of course with different ideological leanings.

    It is the NWO, Marxist assimilationists of "international Jewry" that NEVER wanted Palestine or modern Israel for segregating Jewish and Gentile society that have been using Israel to further their NWO agenda.

    This is what Hitler and the National Socialists worried about and why they backed off from giving full support for Zionism in the late 1930's and only would support a British controlled Jewish territory and not a sovereign Jewish political power that would become a tool of "international Jewry".

    True Zionists do exist, or at least they did at one time, but today most of "political Zionism" is controlled by the internationalists of the NWO such as Louis B. Marshall who described Zionism in 1918 as "a peg on which to hang a powerful weapon" as part of a "far-reaching plan" to encourage belief that we are all in the "Messianic Era"(which ends with Jewish World Order aka "the Kingdom of God" in Jewish prophecy).

    Perhaps there was never a real difference and all were just playing parts in a bigger scheme but the spirit of Zionism is in fact opposed to the NWO agenda.

    I support the spirit of Zionism, just not the tool of NWO it has become or possibly was secretly created to be.


  3. For the record I do actually agree with the Jews in regards to the suggestion that there is a fair amount of "antisemitism" in the activist and "white nationalist" movements these days, though almost wholly provoked by Jewish actions and thus not true antisemitism.

    A number of such people I've noted say they don't like Jewish domination in our gentile societies and they want to remove the Jews from our societies - yet they also oppose Israel and Zionism and the notion of Jewish nationalism/statehood, very bitterly in some cases.

    What happens then to the Jews if they are to be exiled with nowhere to exile them to?

    Force them on some other Gentile peoples deemed less worthy of living free of Jewish domination?

    There are peoples in this world that would probably benefit from it to be honest but they'd have to choose it willingly or be well compensated for it at least.

    It doesn't take a big leap of thinking to conclude such people support physical extermination of Jews - they themselves never or very rarely suggest alternative plans, just "get rid of them" incitements with followers left to judge for themselves what that means.

    As Hitler often stated there can not be any success without the foundations of a good plan.

    Many of the true 'truther' movement(not the controlled 'Jewfers') offer lots of anti-Jewish sentiment but little in the way of a plan on how to deal with the Jewish question humanely and legitimately.

    That to me is a kind of antisemitism - not because of it's anti-Jewish sentiment but because it is not constructive to building a real plan of action that respects all people's human rights(Jews included) and is only useful for those of 'Jewish Power' to use to smear and tarnish legitimate opposition to their agenda(s).

    I will say that the presentations on this blog do offer discussions of plans and possible solutions and as such are not a target of my above rant, though some of the commentators here may apply.

    Thank you Mami for an excellent resource.


    1. Jews need a nation state but it's not up to us to realize that. If Palestine is not conquerable, then some other area. Some place in Russia for example. Jews need to live on their own by their own means though. No more wars, money or support for the Jews. Problem solved. At least for the Goys.

  4. @Tele Funken - Alright, a simple plan.

    So how do we enforce it? How do you remove the Jews from society if they don't want to? Threaten to or actually imprison them?

    Establish a registration system and make life difficult for them to "encourage" them to leave? What standards are used to determine Jewishness to enforce registration?(some/many modern atheistic Jews have no real discernible Jewish bloodline connections).

    Do we send police teams to drag them from their homes or businesses to be taken to an airport or seaport for removal?

    Are they allowed to choose where to emigrate to or do we deport them somewhere specific by force?

    Are they allowed to take their physical and/or financial assets or be compensated for them or will they be seized?

    Would they ever be allowed to return as visitors/tourists or foreign workers?

    What do we do with all the "artificial Jews" aka "righteous Gentiles" of Masonry and other occult Jewish mystical groups that assist their agenda(s)?

    Are we going to have all the necessary non-Jewish professionals to replace all the Jews and possibly 'righteous gentiles' that are removed without serious troubles or do we completely rework the system then regardless of hardships that come with it?

    'Get rid of them and let them fend for themselves' sounds simple but it still requires a lot of planning and logistical support to carry it out.

    Unless you plan on relying on the honesty of the Jews themselves to self-enforce these policies it requires much involvement of gentiles to make it work too.

    With a proper plan however such as Hitler's labor camp system and use of Jewish labor while also using the camps to train Jews for life in Palestine as the pioneers of a Jewish society and such in preparation for deportation at war's end it is possible that involvement and the planned operations could be beneficial in many ways to gentiles and Jews alike.


    1. I don't even care if they take all their fraudulant usury wealth with them as long as they are banned from reentering our countries and manipulating our societies in any form or shape in the future.

  5. I should state that I am not meaning to belittle those who know there is a problem and want it fixed but can't even begin to comprehend the amount of 'details' such an action would require to be addressed to formulate a plan.

    An honest and open public discussion of the 'Jewish question' and the possible solutions to it should be raised so that those who can comprehend the details can help those who don't to come to reasonable conclusions of what needs to be done and what the details of such a plan would require.

    Hitler believed himself to be the only one capable of truly understanding all the details and thus he only trusted himself and put forth the totalitarian doctrines and motto's such as "Hitler is always right!" which the rest of his people merely followed - trusting his view of things, right or wrong in the end.

    I myself do have a rather detailed plan but it's only ideal for my own views, and most who recognize the problems that I've come across likely wouldn't support my kind of plan as it doesn't require forced deportations and allows for Jews to remain around the world in gentile society.

    Dual citizen Israeli Jews would be "deported"(humanely), Jews that provide direct financial support to Israel or Zionist causes would be deported, Jews who have significant business interests or holdings in Israel would be deported, etc.

    If you want to support Israel as a Jew then being in Israel is the only honest way to do so.

    Those international Jews who don't desire to live in Israel and are not active Zionists would be able to stay in their current country but would be segregated into Jewish communities 'buffered'(but not completely cut-off) from gentile society.

    They would have political representation with the Jewish community(ies) serving as their own political districts, but there would be enforced "proportional representation" for the Jews in politics - though technically they would still have a slight advantage unless every political district were established based on a singular ethnic identity. Their influence in regards to gentile society would be non-existent though.

    I've got nothing against Jews as to me they are merely doing what they were 'designed' to do within the natural order of things and the concept of duality requires them - either they will shape a new world order or the gentile world will shape a new world order out of opposition to their agenda.

    I don't agree with punishing them but merely stopping them as to me it is the gentiles that have been lulled to sleep and are not doing what they should be doing to protect themselves.

    The Jews understand this basic concept of Jewish vs. Gentile natures and hence as Rabbi Harry Waton noted in 1939 the greatest prophet in their Talmudic doctrines is a gentile antisemite that sought to destroy the Jews to stop their "inheriting the Earth"(NWO) but was ignored by his fellow gentiles -

    "The Talmud tells us the reason why Balaam was greater than Moses. When in the Last Day of Judgment Jehovah will judge the nations, the nations will say to Jehovah: If Thou hadst sent to us a prophet like Moses, we would also have accepted Thy Torah. To this Jehovah will answer: I sent to you Balaam, who was even greater than Moses, and yet you did not accept My Torah. But the greatness of Balaam appears in the method he used for the purposes of destroying the Jews. ..."

    Note: Balaam = Jesus


    1. We had Jewish Ghettos for centuries and every time they weaseled their way back into our societies. It doesn't work. Non-zionist Jews must form their own country then, aside from what is typically a Jewish state. A second Israel for the other type of Jew. Those two states can then go to war if they desire and fight over the true interpretation of their book, yet leave the goys out as their pawns.

      Your interpretation of Hitler is wrong and influenced by the Jewish media as the "great dictator". Hitler was a reasonable man and often followed the council's opinion. Of course, he had the last word. But what does that mean if everyone is against you?

  6. My views are influenced by everything I take in from all sources, just like everyone else - that doesn't mean I accept the 'mainstream' views in the slightest.

    "Adolph Hitler/The Fuhrer is always right" was a common 'slogan'/motto and I believe also part of Germany's 'pledge of allegiance' during the National Socialist years.

    Such supremacist ideology, although understandable as noted above given the complexity of the Jewish question he sought to solve and the dangers of Jewish manipulation of public sentiment/opinion, is something I reject and one of the only negative's I personally apply to Hitler's base character.

    It is the same primary issue I have with the Jews as to them "the Jews are always right" and that supremacist thinking guides everything they do.

    That type of thinking is dangerous as duality requires it also means "Hitler/the Jews are never wrong", no matter how wrong they really are.

    That Hitler acted more honorably through those supremacist doctrines than the Jews tend to(toward gentile society anyways) is indisputable to my view, but I still don't agree with such dangerous doctrines in general and any respect for Hitler will not make me knowingly be a hypocrite by approving of it in this case.

    That Hitler and the Jews shared this base ideology is not surprising given as mentioned before Rabbi Waton's comment that "Nazism is an imitation of Judaism" - it is the Jews that have maintained their solidarity as the 'Jewish Nation' by ethnicity alone without any physical nation-state to bind them which Hitler based his ethnic German nationhood concepts on.

    He created a gentile version of the 'Jewish Nation' with many of the same principles and ideologies but also with the backing of a powerful political nation-state and with that he would be a modern Balaam and try to destroy the Jews.

    But the world, or not enough of it anyways, decided not to heed his words, and the 'curse of Balaam was turned into a blessing' for the Jews.

    Now that blessing is that the Jewish Nation has a powerful political nation-state to back it's global agenda(though not as strong as Hitler's Germany).

    And the power they wield today is always unquestionably used the "right" way because they say so and they are "always right".

    Anyways this is my last post here so no more walls of text, I apologize for that.


    1. Who says the Führer is always right other than the Jew you cite?

      And even if. If the German leader is always right in regards to German people, it has no impact on non-Germans. Jewry on the other hand, wants to be right regarding themselves and everybody else.

      Don't you see the difference? Again, what's your source that the Führer is always right? Primary sources only.

  7. I apologize if I have offended you, it was not my intention.

    Issues of importance were certainly discussed and debated among the Reichstag and the public prior to the Fuhrer making the final decisions but once a decision was made by Hitler there could be NO debate on that matter without possible consequences.

    Imagine if no debate or discussion whatsoever was allowed regarding 9/11, the war in Iraq or many other issues dating all the way back to WWII and Hitler's Germany and beyond because the U.S President is always right and his decisions are final and unquestionable.

    Again Hitler was a man with a lot of honor and he did admit his mistakes most of the time(or Goebbels did for him anyways) and that honesty was one of the reasons the German people trusted him.

    My issue again is the totalitarian principle behind it which I disagree with and my personal views of Hitler will not make me agree with it in this case.

    Revisionists despise the censorship and persecution they get for questioning the laws, policies and official histories of WWII and much more yet ironically some of them would have no problem with the same type of censorship under Hitler's NS government and seek to justify it.

    PS - Am I supposed to be a "chozen"? Lol, I'm sure they are far more offended than I am by that but whatever labeling floats your boat is fine by me.


    1. Scumback leaders are not to be trusted but a man of honor can. NS Germany didn't outlaw science to seek historical truth but subversive Marxist degeneracy. And even that was still visible in certsin "degenerate art" museums. Marxism and Capitalism was also constantly explained to the people. That is why NS Germany was such a success.

      What is your point? If you wanna live in a "democracy", I'm not against that as long as it is a nation state of one people without Jews or Jewish ideas.

      I support any non-Jewish democracy as I support a Jewish democratic state without goys. But there can be no middle way. If a democratic people decide to install a fascist system or national socialism, isn't that the essence of democracy?

      You seem to admire the party system, where the people are partitioned by parties. That's fine. Others do not. Finland was a democracy when it allied with Germany. But it was a democracy for, by and of Finns without Marxist doctrines.

      No matter how you design your state, it has to be racially homogenous and serve the people. Usury has to be abolished. From there, you can utilize variations of political forms as it fits. Be it a kingdom or anarchy. You still believe Hitler was a dictator. Germans saw the Versailles Treaty as a dictate, even though the majority of the world agreed that it was just.

  8. Oh, and I'm still looking for direct sources but the only one I have directly accessible is the interview of January 1940 with Heinrich Himmler by Lothrop Stoddard in which referring to the main principles of the NSDAP Himmler stated -

    "Our second principle," he went on, "is absolute loyalty and obedience. So long as a plan is under discussion, it is carefully weighed from every angle. Once debate is closed and a decision is made, everyone gets behind it one hundred percent. But behind both those principles is a third which is even more fundamental. This is what we call the Gemeinschaft -- the organic unity of a people, founded on identity of blood. Germany is fortunate in being racially united. That is the ultimate secret of our harmonious strength."

    From Chapter 20 of Lothrop Stoddard's "Into the Darkness: A Sympathetic Report from Hitler's Wartime Reich"(revised title for later editions)


    More of chapter 20 presented by the IHR -


    As far as the 'pledge of allegiance' goes my source was a revisionist article on either CODOH or the IHR, though I can't recall the article's title or main subject I believe it was by either Weber or Irving - neither the most trusted people and hence my "I believe" statement in that regard.

    I know there is a website that includes a lot of NSDAP official policy documents but I can't recall what it is right now - I think 'Justice for Germans' linked to it a few times so I'm checking there now.

    I have limited time right now with plans for the weekend though so I may not get back to this for a few days.


    1. Volksgemeinschaft. Yes. So? The Volk comes to a conclusion and stands 100% behind it and enforces the will through the Führerprinzip. That's the nightmare of Jews that manipulate the Goy-Volk for their will. And everytime the Goys start to rebel against the agenda, you get a new party presented, controlled by the same Jews. They lie before the election and go right back on track where the old party left of, once in office. Real alternatives that put an end to this farce are shunned or outright outlawed, as the Golden Dawn.


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