July 06, 2014

Black People in Nazi Germany

*Black Cab Driver Gabriel Diaz
*Black people talk about Jews
*Black Teacher talks about the Jews


  1. This is to appeal failingly, to the wrong people, Blacks and other non-Jewish non-Whites. People who have no power - and won't, until racist, White supremacist Whites give it them.

    The revolutionary appeal needs to be made to White people as White people. It therefore must overstep all that B.S. about racism and White Supremacism ALTOGETHER.

    It needs to be in fact an appeal that positively shits on worries about seeming waycist or wite supwemacist.

    We are us. We are not them. We want to exist and by fucking MIGHT we will exist!

    Every dumb fucker on the planet can see what happens after White people throw off the Jew: No more global Jewish banksterism enslaving the world; no more wars for Israel; real national sovereignty for the White and non-White peoples that want it; no more Hollywood/Pentagon destruction of your national cultures as promoted by Ralph Peters on behalf of his Jewish paymasters.

    All of that would follow as everyone knows from White people distinguishing ourselves from Jews. It's therefore a mistake to counsel Whites against waycism and wite supwemacism - the very first charge that will be levelled against us when we start to defend our own interests as White people not Jews.

    Fuck that bollocks!

  2. Lt. Col Ralph Peters on the destruction of non-Jewish cultures globally thru Hollywood:


    I don't know for a fact he's gonna burn in hell so I'd like to make sure we get to burn him alive down here. That means above all, we Whites distinguishing ourselves from Jews.

    We must be waycist, like the Third Reich was.

  3. Hey Nick,
    I saw your 23andme results. You have 1.1% Ashkenazi DNA, correct?


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