July 06, 2015

Caravan to Midnight ep. 317: Jamie Bartlett, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts & Rob Kirby

Hour 1: Jamie Bartlett talks about the 'dark web' and all of its implications.

Hour 2: Dr Craig Paul Roberts talks about Russia, Putin, Ukraine and the neo-con agenda. Highlight of this hour - John B. calls neo-cons 'rats' and asks how we can get rid of them.

Hour 3: Rob Kirby (financial analyst) talks about the Exchange Stabilization Fund, which was created in 1934 and seeded by money from American gold confiscated in 1933. The ESF works worldwide to manipulate the dollar value, operates without any regulation and is above the law. The NWO and the conspiracy against precious metals and financial markets are also discussed.  Highlight of this hour - Mr. Kirby calls John Maynard Keynes a 'filthy piece of crap' (lol) and that his economic theories have proven disastrous for the world.

Download Hour 1

Download Hour 2

Download Hour 3


  1. God damn Jew shills! Never ever do these retards expose Jewish perfidy. Who the hell would pay to listen to these Zio-turds? America deserves to be raped by these Jews given the complicity and utter silence re the Jewish Problem.

  2. Okay, for starters - settle yourself down. Secondly, you probably didn't bother to listen before commenting so who gives a flying fuck what you think. In the future, don't bother listening or commenting. Problem solved. Next.

  3. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is so smaaart he can tell you who did 9/11!!! It's dem darn globalist and dem elite bankers!

    All aboard the RCT short bus has arrived! Retards Can Travel.

  4. Wow - You have it all figured out. Look forward to hearing your first podcast. Send me a link to your new blog as well. Thanks.

  5. Podcast sounds a bit meh but Caravan To Midnight is a GREAT album by Robin Trower! ;)


  6. Thanks for posting. Thought the Rob Kirby audio was especially informative and helpful in trying to understand all the thieving and looting going on with the derivatives. I'm going to follow up on his recommendation and listen to this series on the ESF http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xn4a62_exchange-stabilization-fund-parts-1-to-4-eric-decarbonnel_news

  7. LewRockwell.com the big site blocking Paul Craig Roberts from writing about 9/11:


    Alex Jones trivializing PCR's statement about Romney's Netanyahu groveling:


    PCR pointing out a flaw with free trade in the modern era, that almost all economists ignore:


  8. Also agree with Amanda, the Rob Kirby interview is probably the most informative of the three hours.


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