July 06, 2015

Ursula Haverbeck's Message in English


  1. Ursula. I want to tell you that there are millions of informed British people that agree with you and support what you are doing. We are waking up and will soon bring our power to effect a change to this decades old propaganda myth which, constructed by international Jewry, has been oppressing not just Germany but the whole western establishment. God bless you for your effort in the face of such rabid anti Germanism.

  2. @ Scorpio. Should I be posting the audio version of: " Adolf Hitler - Sieg Heil 10 Hours "? LOL

  3. Yes, excellent comment, Mick.

  4. Now if only spineless retards viz Craig Roberts, Celente, Marlboro Man from Caravan to Israel and the dumb as a bag of rocks SGT Fascist Report had an ounce of this lady's bravery, we could actually begin winning this war.

  5. OH Hell! You mean to tell me that there is no proof of the Holocaust being real???

  6. And I want to ask, "why are the jews the only people that count"?

    There were 100 MILLION N O N - J E W S slaughtered, and in a more H O R R I B L E way than the Germans allegedly killed the jews. Why aren't those non-jews mentioned?

    Why only the jews? Why are they more important than the rest of us?

    I have nothing against those jews or hatred, but I just want them to leave us alone to live and evolve and flourish....without their sticking their claws in our societies.

    I'd like then to begone back to wherever they came from. ....certainly, they're NOT from this Planet. THey're NOT Human.

  7. BTW, the 100 MILLION people were slaughtered by the Russian jews - from 1917 to the "official" end of Communism in the 1980s.

    Communism isn't anew phenomena of the last century. The proto-type, tested and proved was the church Missions run by the church/jesuits from S. Amer. to Calif, wherein, MILLIONS of Indians, lived and died a miserable death.

  8. While it's quite clear the 'Holocaust' is simply a case of criminal fraud....I have a feeling this whole Haverheck episode is a Judeomasonic psyop. Nobody goes on mainstream media to talk about the holohoax - nobody without the explicit knowledge of the Jews who completely control what Europeans see and hear on TV/radio. Why would they do this? Why would they hoax a German historian talking about the 'holocaust' fraud? Has anyone been able to confirm or deny Haverheck's being in prison?? Not that I've seen. The Internet has allowed millions of people to research the holohoax and I would bet millions of Germans are already well aware of this latest stab in the back - hence the need for a deterrent for those who rightly see this as a game changer in German 'democracy'. So they fake the Haverbeck thing to silence the voices that are starting once again in Germany. Hitler did it in the past(Hitler, Himmler and Goebells were all crypto-Jews) with a different M.O....but the aim is the same...


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