February 04, 2023

Truck Trudeau 2.0 - Iron Will + FADE TO BLACK - RageCast 300 + UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS - Citizen Camera + The West Is Impotent - Gonzalo Lira + Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DOD, HHS, Pharma Cartel - Dr. Amanda + Aluminum Snow



 Full of self importance
The West is impotent
Paid for vile malfeasance
The West Is Insolent
Soon to be deleted
The West is depleted
Replete with the conceited
The West will be defeated
America’s Ukraine Screw-Up
Brother Nathanael


  • Fuck Trudeau – Freedom Convoy 2.0
  • Trudeau’s Campaign to De-Criminalize Crime
  • MSM’s Billion Dollar Funeral
  • True North Not Strong and Free
  • Bolshevik British Columbia
February 18, 2022 was when they started unlawfully removing the truckers. It was the day the government jackboots ran down Canadian citizens with horses. Trudeau unlawfully invoked the EMA and illegally removed peaceful protestors.

Unacceptable zewz

We need to go back peacefully and by the millions to show the world we know Trudeau is the criminal and we (as Canadians) stand for the rule of law and our rights. And also to thank the truckers for what they did. If we can get 2 million Canadians to show up on February 18, 2023 (one afternoon) it will send a message that

We Will NOT Let Our Freedom Die!


February 18th is World Wide Freedom Day.


Trudeau Discussed the Political Benefits of Invoking The Emergencies Act



!!! Beware of this Impotent, Ignorant, Greedy, Treasonous, Murderous, Mendacious, and Hypocritical Spoiled Brat !!!
Feb 1, 2023
"The west is Impotent. It is the cuckold watching from a corner, able to do absolutely nothing that will actually change the outcome of this conflict." - Gonzalo Lira

The addiction to cashisch (Fiat "money", US petro-dollars in particular) inevitably leads to Hemorrhagic Stupiditas. - Voltman's Theorem


America’s Ukraine Screw-Up
Brother Nathanael – Real Jew News Feb 3, 2023

Overnight night the head of NATO said that that Russia is mobilizing an additional 200,000 troops readying a massive offensive. Poland is ready to send F-16 jets to Ukraine in coordination with NATO. And Ukraine’s head of intelligence says Crimea will be retaken by Ukraine. Colonel Douglas MacGregor joins Clayton Morris to talk about the latest developments.

GeoengineeringWatch.org will start to release as of yet unseen footage from the filming of The Dimming, this is the first installment. Aluminum nanoparticle fallout from climate engineering operations are building up in our snow, soils and runoff waters, the levels are far beyond alarming. Lab test results of snow from the side of Northern California's Mt. Shasta are a truly shocking example. Testing samples from this formerly pristine water source have revealed levels of aluminum that are so astronomically high that the meltwater can only be considered completely contaminated. This 7 minute video contains important GeoengineeringWatch.org footage.

The testimony revealed in this video is from a highly degreed former USFS government scientist, it serves as a sobering wake up call and warning for us all.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
- Dane Wigington

It's good for the starving peasants to know where all the money is stashed.
Amanda wrote:
Highly recommend looking into the work of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, both recommended by Dr. Mike Yeadon. Watt, a paralegal, has done a great job digging into the changes in public health laws and regulations that paved the way for operation covid hoax: Katherine Watt: In Her Own Words EXPOSES THE 'KILL BOX'

And from

Here's how she explains our current reality: "I was on a legal strategy and information call yesterday with Sasha Latypova and some others, and the discussion turned briefly to how difficult it is for many people to wrap their minds around the horrific truth that the US Government, functioning as a front company and project manager for the owners of the Bank for International Settlements [†][††], is working to ruin and prematurely end the lives of billions of people around the world, and has made a very good start towards achieving the mass murder campaign’s goals since launching Covid-19. " Her substack is here:
Key post here:

Sasha Latypova interviews Katherine: 
Discussion with Katherine Watt on American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

More from Sasha here: 
Intent to Harm - Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DOD, HHS, Pharma Cartel

Good summary of their work here: 

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer “Confidential Report”

It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies


Your time to walk free on this planet is coming to a swift end. Prepare for life in prison.
* Suggested by Ruxpert *
Edward Menez – Are Jewes Still Poisoning the Wells?
(“Jewes” include non-Jewish Freemasons)
HenryMakow.com – Feb 3, 2023
Pfizer Targeted After Thai Princess Falls into Coma
HenryMakow.com – Feb 3, 2023
A few days after receiving her booster injection, the Thai princess “suddenly” collapsed. Three weeks later she remains in a coma. The Thai Royal Family was just informed that the initial “bacterial infection” diagnosis was in fact always untrue; thus, from the very start there was a coordinated coverup by the BigPharma captured authorities.
Kaftan the Unvaxxed on February 4, 2023:
Fraud vitiates everything. At least that will deal with the perpetrators of this monstrous crime but it is too late for those who had to die needlessly or those maimed by the vaccines and without recourse or compensation. How will a vaccine injured make a living in our pitiless societies ?

But the greater damage can not be undone and that is a large part of the population have been made into spike protein factories, they have been made into viruses, shedding left and right into the entire ecosphere. That is the larger problem which may have been the very aim of the criminal perpetrators of this insidious scam from the start and hence their aim has been very achieved no matter what is done next ? Can you imagine a people being led to the gallows tossing high-fives to each other ?

Imagine the irony of it all. Since the early 2020’s Dr. Bhakti was appearing on his home-studio videos not only warning about the known and possible adverse-affects of the mRNA vaccines but he was also pleading with his audiences not to take the vaccines. And if I remember correctly at one time he struggled to keep back tears. The man broke down completely in his futile but genuine attempts to keep us from harm. He is lucky that the damned scornful at the helms of power didn’t make him die of corona. The irony is that it had to take a royal member of his own country to make realize the inherent dangers of the vaccination program. Had it not been so the good doctor would still be sneered and jeered in some obscure corners of Bangkok.

Millions die and nothing. One hurt and FURY!

The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer

2nd Smartest Guy in the World – Feb 2, 2023

  • Fuck Trudeau – Freedom Convoy 2.0
  • Trudeau’s Campaign to De-Criminalize Crime
  • MSM’s Billion Dollar Funeral
  • True North Not Strong and Free
  • Bolshevik British Columbia

Buddhist monks playing dungchen during evening prayer
♪ Beat the drum slowly...Play the pipes lowly...♪

 !!! WARNING !!!
The only thing to ever come out of this asshole is bullshit.
Your world is upside down man!


  1. "He came home from the fertility clinic, in a new suit ... asked: whatsup w the new suit, he said>
    "Doc says that I am impotent, ... so, if Im impotent I might'swell dress impotent!"


  2. Princess of Thailand collapsed after covid booster, and is still in a comma. Thailand may be the first country to nullify the contract with Pfizer because Pfizer lied to them. Pfizer would have to pay back billions to Thailand that could be used to compensate victims.
    12 min. video


  3. . @AlbertBourla
    your time to walk free on this planet is coming to a swift end. Prepare for life in prison.
    International Criminal Investigation calls on every public citizen to recommend indictments for Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Pfizer, BlackRock,Tedros and Christian Drosten for pushing everyone to receive the ineffective highly dangerous lethal experimental vaccines.

  4. Everyone who makes more than $200,000 a year should be investigated for possibly being some sort of criminal and or an asshole at the very least. LOL


  5. Proper RICO Processing/Accountability should de-fund many a-holes.

    And dealing w The FED; Blackrock, etc looting and all their connections should be interesting!

    btw, are the Rothschilds connected to any of this bad stuff inflicted upon us?
    How much they $ got/worth?
    Asset Forfeiture!

    Take Our Money Back!


  6. weneedtoknow says: When the hypocrisy stops
    pretending to be righteous, and then we all start
    to instead decide to be conscious enough to focus
    to unite to do what's right, ... when we decide to
    actually begin to embrace the Accountability we
    supposedly seek, our focused unity regarding what
    we otherwise preach, will require no violence, not
    even marches in the street; ... when we simply
    decide to embrace the Accountability we supposedly
    seek so to unite in support of that
    Accountability/Justice, ... the Justice will come,
    starting with the top criminals first, it will be
    little more than days of shock & awe
    Justice/Accountability singing deeply like a
    righteous gospel proclaiming that American DNA
    Accountability is back on track again, ... then
    you just watch the criminal's trash mouth support
    teams recede as the Top criminals are being
    processed on tv. ;)


  7. Nobody's Distributed Leadership Network: A Call to Action
    Nobody's Leadership Network, Part 1


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