October 11, 2023

🐐RageCast 382: MONSTER FACTORY - Raging Dissident + Hypocrites, Warmongering Crybabies & NOTICISM - Jeremy MacKenzie


Scheduled to start at 8:30PM EDT
 Lots of talk about "evil" and "demons" and all kinds of childish coping coming from pearl clutching conservatives who love to dish out violence but can endure none.
Where do ruthless killers and terrorists even come from, anyway?
Are we creating them through our own ignorance?
Hypocrites & Warmongering Crybabies
Jeremy MacKenzie
Jeremy MacKenzie

Hypocrites & Warmongering Crybabies
Jeremy MacKenzie

Jeremy MacKenzie

Israeli citizens live large in subsidized family homes, travel on world class public transport, get American technology on the cheap, and then make a profit selling it to Americas adversaries.

In this piece White-Papers outlines how US support for the so-called State of Israel undermines American prosperity and security, and how the Israeli state abuses and compromises the United States in numerous ways.

For example the Israeli government has been caught:

Placing spy devices near the White House

Planting spyware on the devices of American government officials

Carrying out massive economic espionage on American firms

And is believed to have stolen bomb-grade uranium from the United States

In addition to these questionable acts and crime, the Israeli government also harbors known criminals who face prosecution in the United States, and is one of the foremost global centers of online and cash fraud.

Israeli behavior is appalling, and the American nation gains nothing by having the so-called State of Israel as an ally.
 Philip's Fans (and Jeremy's fans too)
 More Good Stuff here:
And Here:


powder bowl '23 said...

As the Miracle Man, Herald of the Gods, Champion of Righteousness, Savior of Humanity, Greatest Being to ever Exist, Holiest of Holies, Most High, Excellent, Gracious, Supreme, and Rightful Heir of the Emperorship of Earth, I ofc have an easy, practical, immediate solution for your concerns.

An 'All Hollows Eve' day specifically targeting Jews. Say, an international holiday on 11/9, where everybody celebrates 'KAJ Day'. Find a Jew who's wronged you, and deserves to pay the ultimate price, and put it on them. No more than 10 count per person though, we don't want to get excessive.

Like I said, if whites had actual leaders, their own countries, religions, or even something as simple as white women not being the human equivalent of toilet scrub brushes, these are the kinds of decisions you could make on your own behalf.

powder bowl '23 said...

"...and to this toilet brush, I now thee wed."

"shit, can't I have gotten a towel or a nice dishrag, instead? some guys get all the luck."