November 26, 2023

No Agenda Episode 1611 - "Podcast Pro" - 2023.11.26


Adanac said...

LOL, You think the No Agenda show is more than a condensation on the news cycle twice a week? Settle down Panzerfaust, the No Agenda show is not the beacon of truth. Get a grip!

The UN is a banking apparatus that has further enslaved humanity since the war. They have bypassed almost every country's fraudulent federal, state, regional corporate governments, by infiltrating almost every major and smaller incorporated CITY with their international banking agendas using NGO's to get the job done. The Universal Declaration of Human rights is a shady document at best.

The "Universal Declaration of Human rights" states in Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

However through the right of contract you can volunteer to be a slave. It's through the right of contract that the slave trade is run today. The vast majority are enslaved through signing in to some statute for a benefit. What they give up to become the "PERSON" as defined in the statute and what they bound to perform by the obligations defined within.

What's going on presently is more smoke, mirrors and distraction whilst our masters rush to finish the the final touches on their, but also through tacit agreement, our final electronic panopticon.

Settle down Panzerfaust! It's just THE NO AGENDA SHOW!!! You remind me of the guy that Bill Burr jokes about in this bit...

Bill Burr Airplane Turbulence

Panzerfaust said...

Thank you for the elaboration on the issue but that said who the fuck are you to order me to calm down?

Adanac said...

I've seen you get excited about the No Agenda show before. Seems someone had to tell you. LOL

Panzerfaust said...

One hour in and not a word about Israel"s brutality on Gaza or the western media's whitewashing.

I'll like to see the financials of this pair, who donates under as well as on the table, who handles their investments, how does Adam Curry afford a Texas Hill Country ranch house, aircraft, frequent European vacations, etc.

Oh well they'll always have a flock of hoity toity camp followers pitching money their way.

Panzerfaust said...
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Panzerfaust said...

Here's Adam Curry's house. Make sure to donate for an on-air pat on the head lol (reposted with address deleted because I don't want to be blamed for shit)

Sean said...

Isn’t that zap’s place?

zapoper said...

My cover is blown.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Chainsaw arguing with panzi is lulz

Panzerfaust said...

Chainsmiller lol what a dickhead should have guessed.

Adanac said...

"One hour in and not a word about Israel"s brutality on Gaza or the western media's whitewashing."

Yeah Adam and John! Why are you not condemning Israel properly?!! I'm so confused and now I support Israel because of your show! DEMONS!!!!

Maybe I'll get a better perspective from John C. Dvorak and Andrew Horowitz on the DHUnplugged #673: War Is $$ show! LOL$$/id305561100?i=1000631680278

Panzerfaust said...

1611 is way way after 673. Is that your portrait up there in the banner?