December 05, 2023

Albert Pike 3 World Wars Hoax Letter Promoted By Mainstream Media


Scorpio said...

This is an interesting topic.I don't have a definite position on this yet. However, the guy making this video is apparently a western convert to Islam who seems to do a lot of debunking of other conspiracy theories. He could be right however that the letter is a 'fraud'. A lot of people have debunked the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as well but that doesn't mean the information is incorrect. The same could very well apply here. Whoever wrote the protocols had a deep understand of power and the methods those (((people))) use.

The only evidence I've seen put forward about the letter's existence is that it was once on display at a museum in London until 1977. I can't verify if this is true.

ZyklonMe said...

The question as to whether or not there was a letter from Albert Pike to Mazzini doesn't particularly matter. The significant thing is that the entire "Three World Wars" portion is commentary from William Guy Carr's awful book 'Pawns in the Game', which followed discussion of the dubious letter about "atheists and nihilists", and was then modified (slightly) and attributed to it. You can check a pdf of the book and see that Carr never even presents it as anything but his own words.

That said, the same people who deny The Protocols are the ones who push the "Three World Wars" myth the hardest, like Jonestein, and all of the Black Popers, who argue that the letter "proves" the Zionists are just puppets of the Jesuits, or whatever.

Adanac said...

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Scorpio said...

@Z - Black Popers - lol

I'm not sure how this letter proves the Zionists are just the puppets of the Jesuits but those types were never strong on evidence or logic. Let's not forget the bible of the Black Popers, Vatican Assassins, was written by Eric Jon Phelps, a diamond merchant who somehow managed to be invited on Israeli radio shows on a regular basis.

A coming staged war between Zionists and Islam doesn't seem to be beyond the pale, given what is brewing in that part of the world, nor does the concept of unleashing the nihilists and atheists. As I said on a recent show, Israel was partly created to be a problem that can't be solved. Such problems are why we are led into wars.

I agree that Carr's book sucked - I read it years ago and was greatly disappointed.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Ol' school predictive programming? Like the Book of Revelations and the Protocols... and maybe the 1492 letter from the Grand Sanhedrin?