March 08, 2024

🐐RAGECAST 431 - What You're Hiding - General Jeremy Mackenzie +The Trumptards Are a Deranged Cult - Umbra Bellator + Jewish Depopulation Document - Deborah Tavares + THEY ATE THE GLUE - Raging Dissident

8pm EST
 The Trumptards Are a Deranged Cult
Umbra Bellator

Airport vs. Border - You vs. Them
 What You're Hiding
General Jeremy MacKenzie

Umbra Bellator on March 3 wrote...

“So we have an all-powerful machine, a system (I call it a beast system), that runs the country and the world” … The “machine” and “beast system” Hohmann and Miss Piggy are too cowardly to actually name is called Jewry. Jewry is only “all-powerful” these days because our ancestors were suicidally dangerously stupid enough to grant international satanic Jew psychopathic parasites control over the systems of credit and currency of cuntries, one by one. Through that, they quickly looted the Treasuries of every cuntry, bled the citizens dry through onerous taxes that didn’t exist prior to the “central banks”, and started creating “money” out of thin air which they and their Jew friends then used to acquire key institutions to aid in their relentless drive to degrade and destroy everything not of their satanic tribe of homicidal maniacs.

Take away their keys to the magikal money machine and they have no power. It has been criminally insane to continue to allow the Jew to have the power to create money that they use to destroy everyone else.

“If the choice is between Trump or Biden I’d take Trump any day of the week. But that’s not much of a choice. ” … There is a third choice, and it’s the choice that has to be taken: Revolution to take back control of our cuntiry and restore a legitimate constitutional republic. The large majority of plebs and gentry don’t have the balls for that, even after the vicious Covid-1984 genocide was launched on them by the cartel occupying the capital. Most Americunts seem placated enough as long as their electric Jew tell-lie-vision still fires up and the doors to Walmart still automatically open on their approach to waddle their fat asses in to buy a bunch of poison and other shit they don’t need.

Trump is a sleazy imbecile. The Trumptards are a deranged cult. Anyone who doesn’t think Shlomo has plenty of video of Trump fucking underage girls and it’s not a Sword of Damocles dangling over his puffy orange face is kidding themself.

The only choice is revolution….unless you prefer abject slavery and being constantly bent over a barrel to be sodomized by slobbering Jews.

The former president ‘put $10 billion into a military program to depopulate Americans’


 Airport vs. Border - You vs. Them


 What You're Hiding
General Jeremy MacKenzie



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