June 04, 2024

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2024.06.04

Tim Kelly with the Thought Crime Syndicate Discuss Erik Prince
 The Thought Crime Syndicate minus the vacationing Dark Enlightenment were joined by Tim Kelly of the Our Interesting Times podcast to play and discuss selected clips from Tucker Carlson's interview with Erik Prince.


Ed in Salt Lake said...

Pretty solid show!

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Looks like Maui's Fire Chief is a sicko! Is it really any surprise? He, of course, has not once spoken to the media to give specific details on the response to the Lahaine DEW-attack,...Cough!..
Cough!...I mean fires!

I told numerous ppl in various comment sections that the residents of Lahaine wouldn't be allowed back in their homes, that the event would become "old news" by Halloween and, that they would get away with it!


zapoper said...

Scorpio said that too. Kind of obvious.

scott said...

Spouting Karens? Fuck you Pete. How many Iraqis or Afghans died because Blackwater became the enforcer of the opium trade and the thief of middle eastern resources. Prince supported the 911 fake narrative and IS now not the sword hand of truth, but a limited fucking hangout like Westly Clarke, General Flynn and Tucker. Your comment about if you had a PMC you would "take the money" is typical of your armchair pretentious realpolitik bullshit. Since 911, anywhere the US has been involved in TORTURE, MASS MURDER, USE OF ILLEGAL WEAPONS, FALSE FLAG CHEMICAL CLAIMS, RENDITIONS, destruction of large civilian targets in Syria, etc, Blackwater and Prince were there to facilitate the dirty work. FUCK YOU ALL and your idiotic bro love of this mass murdering thug who works for the new technocratic tyranny. It is certain his goons are in GAZA training the Jews and killing children. If you think an interview with controlled opposition Tucker changes that you are part of the machine, not against it.

scott said...



Ed in Salt Lake said...

I should have utilized "appears as a sicko" in my comment above because, as anyone who's familiar with how the kakistocracy operates, this Maui Fire Chief and the accusations against him could easily be a smokescreen or misdirection.


Ed in Salt Lake said...

Possible origins of the "Karen-label," which has become overused, hackneyed and part of the everyday internet lexicon!
