September 12, 2012

"Me Ho" Rivero - Wha's Happenin 2012.09.12

"Aloha Puto's & Puta's

Today I read you da same ol newz, but I change it around to fool my cabron's.

Me ho's Site




  1. He probably could if he chose to do so , but he won't .
    He concentrates on three issues and those three issues only .
    The Wars , the Banksters and Israelie aggressions .
    Take what you get and that's that .

  2. Why would a Jew ignore the historical record of Jewish crime and endlessly bleat about "bankers," "the corporate media", and "Nazis"?

    He does have time to attempt to ridicule Christianity and relies heavily on a quote from a Jew-installed pope, Leo X. Lots of repetition of "persecution" and "Inquisition" plus them "Nazis."

    Hope folks have gotten a copy of E. Michael Jones' The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which does an outstanding job of countering the Jewish history we're fed like pate geese. Truly essential reading.

  3. In regards to the E. Michael Jones book, I found this:

    Sounds like it's quite a good read!


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