September 12, 2012

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2012.09.12

Dollars: Print Them Now Or Print Them Later?….That Is The Question

We start the show with Andy’s analysis of the options Ben Bernake has,(to be announced Thursday), and how his choice may affect the marketplace.

Todays Topics:
-One thing is certain, there is three times more debt than money out there.
-Whatever the FOMC chooses and when, The private Fed will be happy to accommodate
-The private bond dealers world wide, take the cream of QE off the top. If you want to know who they are see The Owners of the NY Fed.
-The Boys can get dollars sloshing around out here, but the people have to spend for the game to continue
Japan’s lost decade
-German Supreme Court and a big kick of the EU can down the road.
-Euro up, dollar down, gold may go up if history serves us
-We hear Andy’s take on the coins the USG says they own from found private collection
-Twenty dollar gold piece vs. Krugerrand
-Real wages are flat, matter of fact if minimum wage was truly keeping up with inflation it would be $30 per hour.
-The evaporating middle class. Why?
-True inflation is 10-15% per year as far as the eye can see
-The number one reason Mom and Dad both have to work is because the USG doesn’t create it’s own money
-Civil unrest, divide and conquer: the tools of the trade
-Trade imbalances and lack of tariffs may be the downfall of The Republic as we know it
-Where’s Ross Perot when we need him?
-What ever happened to the Amero or the crash?
-Visa and MasterCard entrenched in Canada
-Your Clout score and class warfare
-Total Information Awareness and DARPA
-The boys don’t take our privacy, we willingly hand it over to them….on a silver platter!

The Real World of Money Archive 

Andrew's Site


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the 64k quality Man. It souunnddzzz GOOOOD! :lol:


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