November 15, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.11.15

Guest: Dr. Mark Millar talks about the benefits of lithium.

12-1: Anita Untersee talks about the kosher film, Behold a Pale Horse

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  1. Hour 1 really peaked my interest. I know plenty of people (seriously) that could use this supplement. I highly recommend giving hour 1 a listen. I haven't listened to hour 2 yet so no opinion yet.

  2. Hour 2...yikes, just another patriotard video. The argument could be made that it is a 'newbie' video but it doesn't even mention 9-11. The only good part about the hour 2 is listening Deanna point out the problematic areas of her video for example this ladies acceptance of official narrative of WWII in which she states "I'm no historian here" and Deanna say, "yes, I agree". I about lost my morning coffee on that one. Than when Deanna mentioned that cops in NY were trained by Israelies she completely dodges this and you can almost here her squirming. I may watch this video for giggles but I won't be making a purchase any time soon.

  3. I wanted to say something since it hasnt been said. the Irish government, I believe either puts or wants to put lithium in the water supply, and that is obviously because since the kikes have looted and gutted the moronic Irish who only needed the vision of a one eyed man with cataracts to see what the jews had inevitably planned to happen, the Irish people are increasingly depressed and despondent. they do not put the POISON fluoride in the water to help the people, but rather to make morons and slaves who are docile, so why would anyone think that this is any different? also, hour 2 proves why Deanna is overalll the best host on 'patriot' radio. she is articulate, polite, know true history, and tries to out shills and fools without having a screaming match...or even without the shill or fool realizing that they have been outed, as was the case with Mike Hansen who 'snuck into' Bohemian Grove with Alex Jones, and then supposedly found an exit to a secret tunnel while running through a fucking kitchen!prceles

  4. " why would anyone think that this is any different?"

    Got any links indicating lithium is baaaad?

    Tell us more.

  5. OMG. What two great interviews, and outstanding info.


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