November 15, 2012

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.11.15

Napoleon and the Jewish supremacist factor.

Show Notes

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  1. The Jews might be behind a lot but Charles seems to think they are behind everything. Discuss.

  2. Discuss it with your Rabbi.

  3. Everything? I wouldn't say even Charles would go that far. When you control the monetary system however you can control all the important areas power. Discuss.

  4. Charlie the dago is an old man in a molding house coat, Id kick his ass and shuv a tomato up his rectal tract

  5. You said that like a true Brit, anon Lol

  6. I really like this guy Charlie,lotta heart, however I also like the Buddha as I've always assumed he was an atheist. He espoused no divinities. Is there any info out there that can back up Charie's claim that the Jew's started this religion. That is pretty hard to swallow. Anyone else that stated this and I would say disinfo.

  7. France was the 2nd counrty the Jew created a revolution in and maybe the 3rd the took control of.

    The 1st being Netherlands
    2nd being Britian

    Napoleon rose to power and was backed by Jews. Then when he decided to go his own way they:

    Sent him to Russia and did not supply the army on purpose

    Redirected Reinforcement armies at Waterloo

    Finally poisoned him.

    Napoleon was their creation and their monster.

    1st poster has a Good "EdJewcuation"

  8. The fact that Bhuddism is big among Hollywood types tends to makeme suspicious of it.

  9. Budhaism is great bussines,today and yesturday,just like all religions!!Long live Charles!!

  10. "Buddha as I've always assumed he was an atheist"


    assumptions are the mother of all cock ups, you just made a big one...

    Charles and all this lackeys on this blog are a bunch of know nothing retards :-) all of you who lick his ass and enjoy it, I am happy, so happy you have found a home.

  11. Buddha needs to lose some weight

  12. The reason I was intrigued about his Charlie's Buddhas assertions is because I thought it was only Joo worshippers,i.e.,Christians that jooz had any control of.

  13. You guys are gonna drive Charlie into taking another cruise. All that wonderful food, booze and worthless chit "nice face" chat to strangers that are farting almost constantly and moving about so you can't tag the culprit. Fun.

  14. Charlie wrote a lot of books and is so well off that he eats out 99% of the time. Some of you are jealous of his wealth. He hates brainwashed christians because they are going to kill us when the jew threat is eliminated. Listen to Charlie. He has been around. He even went on a cruise. Remember, Charlie does not need you, you need Charlie.


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