February 07, 2013

Ford's Anti-Semitism

Watch Henry Ford on PBS. See more from American Experience.

NOTE: They talk about Fords Fight against the jews about a hour in.

What kind of things did Henry Ford blame on Jews?

Throughout The Dearborn Independent, Ford published articles that would refer to Jews in every possible context as at the root of America and the world's ills. Strikes: It was the Jews. Any kind of financial scandal? The Jews. Agricultural depression? The Jews. So "the Jew," in a way, became the symbol of a world that was being manipulated and controlled.

To me, that's one of the really crucial forces in this rhetoric -- that things didn't just happen; but rather somebody is orchestrating these developments, and it's the Jews who are doing it for their benefit. They're doing it in order [to] gain the twin-linked goodies of power and wealth.  Read more here.


  1. PBS Kikes completely whitewashed the jew.Typical.

  2. Fucking American hero. Thanks mami!

  3. Youtube version for the international viewers



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