February 28, 2013

Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report Feb 28, 2013

Jonathan Azaziah opens the show an exposure of “Christian Identity” and the deceptive notion that Zionism and Judaism are different before analyzing recent developments in occupied Palestine, Syria and Lebanon and noting that a Third Intifada combined with a Syrian victory over the Western-backed rebels will bring the Jewish New World Order to its knees.




  1. All Abrahamic faiths are jewish. Period. Azaziah cannot take the high ground here.

  2. "All Abrahamic faiths are jewish"
    Really ? Then why does the quran curse the jews ? Why does the quran state "Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheists"and also "you and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him. CLEARLY ISALM IS NOT JEWISH .

  3. The members of the KLA, the Northern Alliance, "al-Qaeda," etc., were all lovely gentlemen before the evil Europeans got their hands on them. They went from occupying their time with song and dance and walking through fields of flowers with their beloved wives to doing really nasty things, like torturing and castrating their enemies before killing them and using rape as a weapon of war, thanks to the dreadful influence of The West. It's like night and day.

  4. Dear Europeans,

    You are to continue feeling guilty and ashamed of what your forebearers may or may not have done ages ago.

    You are to be punished for what your governments did without your knowledge and support.

    Even if you live in a country in which the overwhelming majority of the native population opposes what Israel and the JewSA's government do (and this is the case in almost every Western country, including England), you and your countries deserve to be destroyed.

    If you have a problem with the radically increased rates of assault, rioting, rape and gang rape in your countries, a glorious new reality that exists thanks in most part to the massive influx of Muslim immigrants, be assured that you asked for it-- kind of like how your daughters, mothers, sisters and wives ask to be called "whores" by perfect strangers on the street, and to be physically harassed, jostled and much, much worse.

    You, your countries, and your cultures are on the chopping block, and it's a wonderful thing because you are evil.

    With boundless love and mercy,

    A Devout Follower of an Abrahamic Religion

  5. it's a race. if your moms jewish so is you. even gordon duff admits this much.

  6. I surely hope the Jews lose. They are the richest social-economic class in America, or otherwise the USA would not be financing the Jewish State of Israhell. Keep giving them hell, Jonathan, and get married, bro.

  7. Really ? Then why does the quran curse the jews ? Why does the quran state "Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheists"and also "you and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him. CLEARLY ISALM IS NOT JEWISH.

    Islam curses everyone who isn't Muslim. That's how Jewish cults work.

  8. That being said, I still have a lot of respect for Azaziah and he's probably the best of the crew.


  9. Azaziah is on the wrong network. He belongs on Renegade. Renegade needs to share its voice to include all those that have been fucked over by the criminal racist politician bribing jew. And, if people are into using the jew "color chart for goy", that would include the red, yellow, brown, black and whites. All of us have a stake in this. All of us have been fucked over by the jew. We can all live as separate as we want. No need for jew rainbow bullshit. All non-jews have a common problem. The common problem needs EVERY resource available.

    The jew is using the mass media and education to stir up racial tensions with the so called "white man" as the primary evil target. The racist jewish community should suffer for this in a very very big way. The criminal cult know as Judaism should be outlawed. Practicing Judaism should be cause for execution, similar to how they executed so many non-jews. Or maybe it is best to allow them to continue to genocide all non-jews until they get their jew world order with a much smaller herd of goy to serve them.

  10. The Ugly Truth has more international recognition while Renegade does not. Azaziah's mindset appeals to the international community. So, I disagree that he belongs on Renegade.

    I mean, look at Lugh's above comment, "Islam curses everyone who isn't Muslim. That's how Jewish cults work."

    The guy lives on an island in Canada and thinks he knows how every Muslim mind functions and thinks.


  11. If I were to live with ten people I would rather all of them be Muslims than have one of those ten be a jew.

    If each and every religion on the planet was spawned by the jew, I don't care at the moment; it is the jew that is causing mass genocide for profits and control.

    The jew problem is foremost. What messes the jew created can be cleaned up, if possible, after the jew genocide programs are neutralized. Programs such as "health care", food, air and water.

  12. Talmudic Judaism is the eternal enemy of humanity, it needs to be exposed, destroyed and eradicated from the Planet Earth!

  13. freewheelin' FranklinMarch 2, 2013 at 3:26 PM

    worshipping a black cube is so much more rational than talking donkeys. Who gives a fuck what what a muslim thinks about any branch of Christianity?
    People who live in glass houses.....

  14. Death to all Abrahamic jew religions. Azaziah is biased in his rhetoric because of the great arab-jew in the sky that tells him and the rest of the mud tidal wave that they need to convert every other race to their creed, and rape and death to those that dont accept. Burn the jew books, I or any rational being would say. Some creator these guys worship, huh. He's so narcisistic that he requires them to drop whatever productive task they *could* be doing 10 times a day and kiss the ground to hail their allegience. Yep, only a kike could come up with that one.

  15. An inside look at the Muslim community in Europe.

    Another Muslim rape-gang in Birmingham

    Jew inspired race war...it's here. It's GENOCIDE. White "leaders" silent.

    Pedophilia Part Of Islamic Tradition: Hamas throws wedding for 450 pedophiles and their CHILD BRIDES! Just following in the footsteps of their pedophile prophet. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=eaa_1323282071


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