February 28, 2013

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager Sept. 29, 2012

Can White racial consciousness prevail?

  Don, a lawyer from southern California, is Carolyn’s guest for two hours of discussion ranging from the after-effects of the Trayvon Martin case, to the mentality of those on both sides of the slavery issue in America, to the non-credibility of the Barack Obama persona as sold to us by the media. In all cases, “untruth” triumphs over truth, yet Don remains optimistic that Whites will prevail in the end. Points of discussion include:

  • Obama: “Trayvon looks like he could be my son.”
  • Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter speak against White guilt;
  • White self-hatred of Northern abolitionists who wanted to amalgamate the black-white races;
  • Early photo-shopped pictures of ‘Barry’ Obama and odd-ball errors and anecdotes in his alleged writings;
  • Obama hates Whites, favors Muslims, may be homosexual;
  • And more.
Image: 19-year old Barack Obama and his Pakistani roommate Mohammed Hasan Chandoo at Occidental College in 1980, as described in the program.

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  1. Yeah! Can't wait to hear what Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan have to say about "white guilt." Can't wait to hear about how Obama might be a homosexual. Lord, have mercy! Can't wait to hear about how white people who didn't think to kindly of enslaving other peoples were actually "self-hating" losers who didn't believe that there were any differences between the races.

    God bless the USA! Especially Texas.

  2. Thanks for this introduction to Don, Carolyn. However, I still don't think that the Barack Obama persona is pro-Muslim, and anti-Jewish, but the very opposite.


  3. Whatever Barry Soetoro thinks matters not much at all, except maybe his gay lovers.

    He is a puppet. He makes no decisions. He was assigned to read a teleprompter and play a role.

    Gee, is he pro jew or pro muslim? As if it matters. Unreal.


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