April 20, 2013

Psychologically controlled Masshhole slaves cheer after Boston bombing suspect Tsarnaev arrested



  1. thanks for posting. This stuff literally makes me sick!

  2. Tsar Naive, probably an allusion to the 'naive Tsar' who thought he had things under control in Russia and whose whole family they massacred after the commie takoever and the guy's name is Dzohkar or Joker, either making fun of the guy they're going to frame (if he's even a real guy that they framed and not just another bullshit actor) plus probably another allusion to that stupid-ass Batman movie. They're just playing with the sheeple now, just laughing at them, rubbing their faces in it and especially rubbing the faces of all the 'truthers' in it too, saying: "Hey look what a death-grip of brainwashing we have on all these millions of morons, do you so-called 'truthers' doodling around the internet behind your silly keyboards think you're going to wake these TV-addicted lobotomys up ?"

  3. Just posted this video with this comment on my Facebook page:

    USA, USA, USA! We're the most ignorant, shameless, and propagandized people on the entire planet! We love the Jewish tyranny we live under, and believe everything the government and our Dear Leader, President Obama, tells us because we are Good Citizens! We support all the illegal, immoral, and genocidal wars our country is fighting for Israel, and we love giving money to crooks on Wall Street that have robbed us of all our money! In a nutshell, we love tyranny! USA, USA, USA!

  4. Here is the full episode of Family Guy called Turban Cowboy that contains these clips.

    Aired on March 17, 2013


    One scene depicts a mass killing of participants at the Boston Marathon:

    At 3 minutes, 33 seconds into the episode: As Peter is skydiving:

    Peter: Holy crap, this is awesome! I haven't felt a rush like this since I won that marathon!

    Cue flashback: Peter is speeding his car, killing runners at a marathon

    Cue news interview after marathon killing:

    Bob Costas: I'm Bob Costas, here with Boston Marathon winner Peter Griffin. Peter, how did you do it?

    (background image shows Peter smiling in his blood-drenched car, raising a clenched left fist as he crosses the finish line past many dead bodies)

    Peter: I'll tell ya, Bob, I just got in my car and drove it. And when there was a guy in my way, I killed him.

    The second scene shows Peter activating twin explosions:

    At 15 minutes, 6 seconds into the episode Inside of a tavern:

    Joe: Peter, I think you joined a terrorist sleeper cell.

    Peter: What? That's crazy. Look, I'm gonna call Mahmoud right now on this cell phone he gave me. He'll tell ya.

    (Peter dials phone) (An explosion sounds in the distance)

    Peter: Damn phone's busted. Maybe I dialed wrong.

    (Peter dials again) (A second explosion sounds in the distance, multiple people are heard screaming)


  5. This people are gone! Sheeple to the bone! And I'm FORCED to suffer the consequences of their foolishness, of their 'votes', of their opinion by being in same country as them!? No WAY! I want separation! Let them cheer to oblivion! I want nothing to do with them. I'm a proud seperatists! and anyone with a brain is also one.

  6. Well with only the whole Boston Police Force, the FBI, Homeland security and probably the National Guard for resources it is amazing how they managed to take a 19 year old boy. But this goes to show how brave they were.
    We will have to get back at the Arabs and carpetbomb every muslim country now.

  7. That's right. Cheer slaves. Cheer with the gullibility of donkeys. Cheer you lil jew bot whores.

  8. Scary thing is they are young enough to be my grandchildren.

  9. 1:06 PM You old muzzie bastard

  10. No one with a brain believes this nonsense. I could tell from the beginning how set up is was. They used to many Arabs as bate and it was beginning to look like a patter. They had to make it look legit so they took a caucasian Muslim and framed him. This is ridiculous. The first thing his parents kept saying was "SETUP!". I am telling you, America is turning into a dangerous place for smart people!


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