April 20, 2013

World View Conversations - SPECIAL BROADCAST 2013.04.20

In commemoration of Adolf Hitler's 124th birthday, Rodney Martin will host a special broadcast of World View Conversations.
Highlights from Hitler's career, policies, and speeches as well as his accomplishments and contributions to our Culture and Society will be discussed.  Special comments from invited guests, including individuals who lived in The Third Reich, may also be aired as well.

Rodney Martin



  1. Trolls, Christians, Positive Christians, Atheists, Ariosophists, Thuleans, Christian Identitites, Church of Creatorists, Cosmotheologians, Vedists, Satanists, Pagans..
    Let us all come together one this special and celebrate our good buddy and snappy dresser, Uncle A.

  2. On this special occasion I quietly raise my arm, in defiance, and solemnly remember the struggle for freedom, and heroism he inspired.... the greatest man of the 20th century, Herr Hitler. May his sacrifice and fight for freedom and justice against the international Jewry be an inspiration to us all. Hail victory.

  3. Hail hitler and the Germans For their sacrifice for western civilization!

  4. I love him even if he collaborated with jews and had them in his army. He said all the right things.

  5. I like him because the jew hates him.

  6. 9:48 PM Hail Hitler and fuck you you filthy scumbag, you can't take credit for him or any of them, they were all Christians, they died fighting scumbags like you.

  7. Great man.... Just a great man.

  8. @9:48 PM easy there... There were followers of the Old Germanic Religions AND Christians in the Waffen-SS and their army in general. Take it easy and just remember the man that brought these two elements together in order to fight the ultimate enemy, Internatinal Jewry.

  9. Not @Lugh... That was actually meant for that very angry guy @12:07 AM

    easy there... There were followers of the Old Germanic Religions AND Christians in the Waffen-SS and their army in general. Take it easy and just remember the man that brought these two elements together in order to fight the ultimate enemy, Internatinal Jewry.

  10. Thank you Lugh, one would think that on at least this day, WN, Truthers, etc can NOT form a circle firing squad. This after all has given Jews and their minions great entertainment throughout the years.

  11. Lugh, lets light candles to memories of all dead christians, now and future!

    For sake our our race we must solve christian question now and forever! I recommend mild whipping, crucifiction and then ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

  12. I am christian but i would never sit with them behind the same table, who knows what plans they have to poison or backstab me, but if this is Gods plan... there is nothing i can do...

  13. Jews fear Christianity? Christianity puts a real crimp in what Jews do and want to do?

    Well, if you are living in Jewmerica, do a little experiment to see what Jews and their allies truly fear and hate.

    Select a public place during a time of day when a lot of people will be there (a busy shopping mall, say), and hand out Christian literature. Perhaps some fliers on how you will burn in hell forever if you do not accept Jesus as your lord and savior. Maybe some "pro-life" tracts on how zygotes are really infants, and how contraception is murder. Perhaps some Bibles.

    After doing that, go to a similar setting, and hand out pamphlets published by the Institute for Historical Review, DVDs by Lady Michele Renouf, books by Veronica Clark, literature on the bravery and plight of Sylvia Stolz, some nice photos of Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Hanna Reitsch, as well as a few beautiful photos depicting real life in NS Germany before the final years of the war.

    Take notes, and get back to us.

    Actually, do not do any of that. We all know that there is no need to do such an experiment. In the first situation, you would have a much, much more tolerable and safe experience, even if a number of people found you annoying and obnoxious. In the second situation, you would be risking verbal abuse, arrest, bodily harm and worse.

  14. Hitler was a Christard, and that is why he and the Nazis failed miserably.

    You can't defeat the Jews with a subversive degenerate Jewish religion. That tactic will never work.

  15. April 21, 2013 at 2:43 AM

    Yes, Hitler was a cracy bastard and so are most of whites. I say let them all die and only very tiny super elite or pagan warriors will inherit the Earth.

    I support to vote Lugh as our Superfuehrer and Kyle can be his deputy!

    Hail Odin!, Hail Freya!

    For sake of your future and chindren we must exterminate all white christians!

    Victory is ours!

  16. Lugh, you're the best man, keep fuckin these christian fascists :D

    may power of tor be with you bro, love your work

  17. 3:04 AM

    Lugh rules, dude

  18. All of you dogmatically pro-Christianity twoofers of America,

    don't you ever wonder why it is that your country, which is, by far, the most "Christian" in the Western World today, is the country where Jewish power most shamelessly and blatantly dominates cultural, economic, social and political life?

  19. @2:58 AM @2:43 AM RETARDED keyboard SCUM! Is that why you are winning against the jews now? This is about RACE not religion.

  20. 3:08 AM

    Absolutely, wghites christians are our no1 problem, not the jews, this is only secund rate question, we need more antichristian warriors, whatever it takes,we must take out all christians man! If they cant be dechristianized we must take harsh measures, good christian is dead christian!

  21. It's not much, and it's pretty pathetic, but the only popular opposition to the jew agenda has been Christians opposition to the normalization of homosexuality, which the majority of antichristians support.

    I do not like to preach because I am not a preacher, but the main tenet of Christianity is self sacrifice for good against evil. This is why it so appealing to so many people, regardless of race.

    "What the fuck happened if this is such a good idea." We let jews define good and evil, we let jews define God, we let jews define Jesus Christ.

    We cannot take back money, it's theirs, until it fails, people have been predicting it's failure forever.

    We have to take back God and Jesus Christ, or you can just hate them both because jews would never promote that thought.

  22. 3:33 AM

    fuck you christian scum, i piss on your cross you brainwashed bastard!

  23. Tebow, among many other professional athletes, wears his Christian faith on his sleeve. Sure, he receives a bit of ribbing and snide comments for this unnecessary and rather obnoxious behavior, but he is still a hero to millions and millions of American sports fans. And he continues to make millions and millions of dollars.

    Now, imagine that it comes to light that a widely known professional athlete gives significant donations to a group that supports WW2 Revisionism and, you know, those awful Historians who at least try to be objective and honest (aka: "Holocaust Deniers").

    That athlete's career, if not his life, would be over. Jewish sports announcers (and their Goy friends) would openly call for him to be slowly drawn and quartered and burnt alive. And they would not only get away with it; most Americans would cheer them on.

    Praise Yahweh!

  24. 3:57 AM

    White christians are really wannabe jews and our main problem, you got that right. Christianity has brought dark ages to our people, if one is christian there is really one option left, to isolate them to die out and i mean people as well! White christians - ultimate scum!

  25. Since europeans accepted christianity, they fell into death trap, christianity is like mental HIV, when you got it, you very probably live with it forever. Christians are sick!

  26. Lugh, never mind the trolls, christians are the real scumbags, not jews, jews are only symptoms... When europeans let to brianwahs themselves into christianity they became jews, christian white nationalists are not with you, people they are damgerous and filthy agents of humanity and white race... One who is pure from christian indoctrination is able to see the truth! New nationalism must me antichristian nationalism or we loose again! Christian scum simply must perish!

  27. @April 20, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    That was to Lugh, thanks for your fight man! Christianity is the ultimate filth

  28. Well, i admit it, i was a christian, until i realized sex with farm animals is so much fun!

  29. This was an awsome show, I have to admit it, I have been very skeptical of this John Friend/Rodney Martin- Am-Nat-Network because Martin has been working with Friend and Friend is attached to the hip with that CI gang, but Martin is decent and say he is not a CI tard and seems really dedicated to fighting for his German ancestors and comes off as a real NS. We got to hear a very good talk by a white German guy talking with 2 elderly German ladies who he had taken the time to get to know and who lived in Hitler's Germany and he spoke with them with respect, no ya man and druken renegade or toofmilitia slang. He also knew what the fuck he was talking about, the old German ladies agreed with everything he said. Martin is doing great work for Germans. I do not like Friend, I wish Martin had done this new radio thing with someone else, Friend does not have the knowledge and backbone that Martin does and I don't see Marin inerviewing Mike the Kike or Andre the wigger all the time like johhny not so friend does and Martin is never rude to his guests like yeager is.-so how long before Martin gets fed up with Friend and the CI tard-squad?

  30. Tebow is a fan of Daryl Bradford Smith, but it is not something known pubicly. As for my dear and departed Fuerher, I secretly, several times a day, think about his valiant effort at saving our world, and very proudly give the salut. The man will forever be a true hero to humanity, and eventually billions will come to realize that fact. Thank you Rodney for your very special contribution.

  31. i don't watch sports, but i read the headlines. tebow seems like a guy born with good physical abilities and raised with Christian morality and discipline. these scumbags hate that because they don't have those things. there are millions of "tebows" without his abilities who have been programmed by jew media and money and these retards want them dead, because there is no room for them in the "movement". i can't wait till the tebows kill every one of them.

  32. Friend will never be fully accepted as a white nationalist leader because he has a mixed child. No true white nationalist will ever follow his lead because when push comes to shove Friend will put his mixed child and non-white wife before my 100% white/germanic children.

    John Friend is no friend of mine.

  33. Pagans are not as stupid as some of these comments make them out to be. Christard spammer's only fun in life is pretending to be a pagan so he can make idiotic comments to make them look bad.

  34. Well done. Must listen

  35. Well I say the best strategy is take out Tim Tebow and anyone like him. If his family cries, we just buy them an x-box and tell them to play skyrim. If they still don't get it, we'll send them to Renegade where they can worship some great jpegs stolen from deviant art.

    Long live Odin and Klassen.

  36. All of you dogmatically pro-Christianity twoofers of America, don't you ever wonder why it is that your country, which is, by far, the most "Christian" in the Western World today, is the country where Jewish power most shamelessly and blatantly dominates cultural, economic, social and political life?

    That's just a big coincidence. There's no connection between those two things whatsoever.

  37. Exactly. There's no connection between Christianity and Western society dominating the world. No coincidence that the rise of kikes came with the rise of gaytheists, klassenites, paganites.

    If only we can finish off Christianity for good, we can team up with gaytheists and dominate the world.

    Heil Linder.

  38. LOL! most of these Anti-christian comments are being written by the Same Person its so damn obvious!
    Take your Wannabe viking ass out from your basement for a while and get some fresh air, keyboard warrior.

  39. Anon @ 3:04

    Whatever you say christard spammer. We all know youre the one making all the pro-christard comments. Thats a nice attempt at misdirection though, pointing the finger at a non christian.

  40. 3:28 PM ahhhhh, did I hurt your feelings?? You don't hate Christians just because your unemployed, single, gay, and have all day to spam? your comments truly reveal how pathetic you are, you really just spend your day here spamming anti-christian rhetoric wet dreaming yourself with your Pagan dungeon and Dragons fantasizes? LOL
    you people are truly pathetic just like the AJ tards in the troofer movement, a bunch of single retards who only talk the talk.

  41. Is that all you got christard spammer? Go on, keep spamming and then blaming others for spamming. Its pathetic and hilarious.

  42. STFU Christian. Who says Dungeons and Dragons is fake. I'm in training for the great Pagan awakening and I can already feel the power of the ancient runes running through me. You better watch out because I'm tempted to cast a mutation spell on you.

  43. 3:28 PM It's not just one pal, you clowns better start searching for a new forum, the jigs about up here.

  44. 3:59

    Hey christard spammer, shouldn't you praying to a dead rabbi or something?

  45. Anon @ 4:12, We're aware it's not just one. We know there are a lot of brainwashed jew turds out there. But most of them are you, we're not stupid.

  46. 4:12 PM Hey Fat ass Wannabe Nordic Viking, You finally Got a Girlfriend yet and left your basement?

  47. 4:14 PM ummmmmm yeah, you're stupid.

  48. Anon @ 4:22

    LOL youre funny and really original


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