May 26, 2013

Abraham is not MY father

The reaction of Jewish leaders to the Church of Scotland report, “The Inheritance of Abraham,” casts in high relief distressing characteristics of Hebrew scripture and Zionist practice. 
In contrast, the history and culture of Iran are more in tune with the teaching and actions of Jesus that Christians profess to value, as well as of universal human values.
What is so special about Abraham?
Why does the Church of Scotland
feel bound to the so-called Abrahamic tradition?

Look at Abraham critically: 
His behaviour is, shall we say, not very appealing. 
His earliest public act was to destroy the religious icons of other people’s beliefs.
He was likely kicked out of Ur for some outrageous offense against a civilized and prosperous community.
He impregnated Hagar, and then abandoned her and her child, Ishmael. 
He prostituted his own wife. 
He was prepared to kill his own child to serve the voices in his head.
Read the rest on Noors Blog


  1. Oh shit, here we go...

  2. It's the " Zionists" maaaaaaaaaaaan. WTF are we going backwards with this shit ?

  3. Noor is washed out hippy in mid-life crisis.

  4. Forget about jews or hebrews or whatever. Go and read the way people acted 3000 years ago, ALL PEOPLE. FFS I don't know if this Abraham was real or a hero or whatever, but the stuff he did wasn't anything especially 'evil', that's for sure.

    This sounds like a spastic Mark Glenn talking point, only MG never applies these retro standards to his hero - Mohammed lol.

  5. Mark Glenn is race baiter and you are buing his crap.

  6. book: "Abraham: The World's First Psychopath"

    "If you consider it impossible that the True God of moral perfection would ever order a father to make a human sacrifice of his innocent son for no other reason than to demonstrate absolute, mindless obedience, then the God of Abraham cannot be God. So who is he? The ancient Gnostics had the obvious answer - he's Satan. Doesn't that immediately explain the horrific history of the Abrahamic religions and their grotesque propensity for violence and terrorism? Abrahamism is a terrorist religion, led by a terrorist God who demands unwavering obedience even when it contradicts morality. The Jews, Christians and Muslims who trace their common ancestry to Abraham are thus revealed as evil Devil worshippers.

    This book provides a theological and philosophical dissection of the tale of Abraham from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim perspectives. It reveals Abraham as one of the most evil men in history and unquestionably the world's first psychopath."

  7. Who gives a crap about jewish mythology. Americans seem to be absolutely obsessed with it. Must be that puritan heritage.

  8. Well, you can't criticize Christ, or you'll look like a piece of shit, so let's drag up Abraham.

  9. Neither Abraham nor Jesus nor Mohammed actually existed. They are fictional characters.

  10. Anonymous retards who question the existence of historic religious figures don't exist. I took a poll.

  11. Oh gawd more christian filth.Dave just put out another followup on Stupidianity on Renegade a must listen.

  12. 4:36 AM
    Did you get tired of talking to yourself at rentagay forum, so you came here to be told to fuck off?
    Fuck off.


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