May 26, 2013

Adam Kokesh EXPOSED - Works for 'Organizing for Action' / 'Obama for America' - DO NOT ATTEND MARCH
*Whois data shows FREEADAMKOKESH.COM created 6 days BEFORE KoKesh (staged) arrest!*
The Smoking Gun
Paid Russian Agent Kokesh Won't Discuss Rubles from Putin at Jefferson Memorial
Interesting thing about 'Organizing for Action' is it's Obama's key gun legislation project that he is pumping masses amounts of resources into, from, and I quote CNN, "powerful grassroots organization and social media operations"

"Washington (CNN) -- As President Barack Obama begins his second term in the White House, the remaining structure of his re-election campaign will re-launch as a new political organization with a mission to advocate his agenda over the next four years.

CNN has confirmed that Obama for America will transform into a non-profit, tax-exempt group, that will attempt to leverage the re-election campaign's powerful grassroots organization and social media operation, as well as its rich voter database and vast email distribution list, to build up public support for the president as he pushes for agreements over the debt ceiling and the federal budget, gun control legislation, immigration reform, and other objectives."


  1. He's a kike. That's why you shouldn't attend.

  2. Jews always play both sides, in order to move you into their Jewish control paradigm they play you, they know what they are doing and they know how you think and feel.

    The little goy are upset that the big "change" Obama and his Jewish pals in Congress are going to take their guns.

    Along comes the big bad wolfie disguised as a sheep, Adam Kokesh a Jew is concerned about our gun rights.

    He says all the right things, he pushes all the right emotional buttons. Alex Jonestein jumps on the bandwagon.

    Their should be an armed march with loaded guns, but it should be in the form of a mass military style attack on the criminal government.

  3. Great post, very interesting info.

    Kike Cock-esh can suck his own dick.

  4. OMG I thought i saw Fritz Berg!

  5. proof that Adam Kokesh arrest was staged, free adam kokesh domain created 4 days prior to his arrest

    Registered through:, LLC (
    Created on: 12-May-13
    Expires on: 12-May-14
    Last Updated on: 12-May-13

  6. Yes ,and according to the Pakistan Daily, this slimy , ugly Hebress ,
    "Israeli spokeswoman Tzipora Menache stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She said 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well,that we control their government,irrespective of who sits in the white House."
    Adding to her boasts, Tzipora Menache said :" You see , I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinable. What can they (Americans )do to us ? We control Congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America , you can control criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."

  7. Americans love to suck the " Chosen Ones " , the Hebrew dicks they cannot get enough . They even go so far in their love for Hebrews , they mutilate their dicks,to please that Hebrew 'God'!!!
    And assholes like that claim to be 'white people' !!!!!!!
    Americans love , that Hebrews control their Media , Politics , Congress, Senate , the Federal Banking System,their clergy ,their daily life , they love to fight
    the Hebrew's wars out there in the world,sacrificing their lives for them and nuking , napalming , phosphorising and holocausting tens of millions innocent people .
    They obviously love to be hated by the whole world .Yes, "WE" are the greatest nation on earth, yeah, yeah , and our Hebrews are the "Chosen People of a 'God'" yeah , yeah ...Americans LOVE TO GET FUCKED IN THE ASS BY THESE ROTTEN HEBREWS 24/7
    Ridiculous bunch of ass kissers,the Americans
    BTW, Shove that jew book up your assholes
    thank you

  8. shut the fuck up, sholtes

  9. Youtube - supporting illiteracy since 2005!

  10. Jeesh wtf Alice Jonestien is promoting him!! He is probably fucking his kike wife!



  12. Here were my concerns from the beginning. So what is Kokesh' one knows? And ppl are going to blindly trust him because Judas Goat Alex Jewn$ says it is OK? This is what I mean...what is his background....Is Kokesh a freemason? Ties to some secret society? Maybe a relative in a secret organization? He was in the military, did he have any dangerous missions there? Or was safely behind then scenes? Who besides AJ is or has promoted him? Who was he or where was he 2, 5, 10, 15 years ago? These are the type of questions ppl must be asking if they plan or planned to trust this person with their gun rights....face it guys...there is a LOT at stake here.......think about it.......

    Now that hopefully some woke up. We still have to face the fact that the march will go on with or without him. Unless I missed the story about the march being canceled. This thing about Kokesh being arrested. Lest I remind you of the time famous mafia boss John Gotti took the rap for a gun charged and was jailed for 2 years and came out a hero to the mob community and helped paved the way for Gotti to rise in the ranks of the mafia. Being jailed whether bogus or not gives the person 'credibility' to the target sheeple that will eat this shit up like it was gospel. Thus elevating Kokesh to hero status and the clueless legions blind followers of Alex Jones that would heartily agree.

    These clueless idiots who will march lock step July 4 in DC with Jones and perhaps Kokesh will be the ones responsible for the loss of YOUR gun rights and likely martial law.

    It doesn't matter if the Kokesh is Jewish or not, supposed his name was John Smith from North Carolina with ancestry tied to the Mayflower and as WASP as they come? Would THAT make it ok then lead a march on Washington DC armed? Wake the fuck up! Because he is Jewish that makes it bad? No, it makes it bad because leading an armed march into DC by even Mother Teresa would still result in loss of gun rights and possible martial law. The fact about Kokesh being Jewish just makes it worse and only confirms what many have suspected anyway.

    I can't believe that EVERYONE is missing the fact that no matter who leads this march, it is going to turn out bad. Lest anyone forgot, it was Linda Thompson (the Indiana attorney who produced WACO The BIG LIE) who advocated exactly the same thing back in the 1990's and it was denounced by major conservative and pro-gun rights organizations.

    Remarks like "He's a kike. That's why you shouldn't attend." . Is way too superficial and gives the impression that you would support the march (and Jones) if Kokesh didn't organize or come up with the march...and that is scary knowing that only because Kokesh is Jewish is why you think the march is bad without looking at any of the other facts...And If John Smith did the same you would support it? Then this country is doomed...march or no march....

  13. he worked as a right wing disruptor for the police @ #OWS like John Friend

  14. John Freund is a suckup leach and slick bastard.

  15. all resistance movements are started by, run by ,or co opted by JEWS

    you just have to have a decentralized way to get rid of the jews and their golem minions ,somethng like anonymous, just put out messages and orders anon to attack certain targets, with certain methods ,no central connection between people

  16. We need to start national socialist 4chan!



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