June 02, 2013

BNP And Anti BNP Demo London June 1

Great example of how deluded, brainwashed  & cowed the British Public are. The true face of Police State Britain 2013. 108morris108.


  1. British people are perfect sheeple, product of hundreds of years of special breeding of domesticated peasants.

  2. Not again that "morris" twit. Kikes love to do truther shit, even "jew-wise" tfooferism. Goys suddenly forget all their antisemitism when jews speak for them, totally forgetting that blood is always thicker than water. No wonder 2% rules the world.

  3. morris! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPSjcqp8EtE

  4. The protesters carried signs saying Nazi police state?
    Then the counter protestors were pro multiculturalists.

    England really is lost.They got what they deserved a multicultural Communist police state with a brainwashed population where both sides promote communism.

    It is amazing.

  5. Speak out against muslim immigration and you are a tard, neo-nazi, racist redneck who really serves jewish interests...praise allah


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