June 02, 2013

Mike Delaney's Prothink Radio Show 5-27-2013

They love and worship the Jew.

Prothink's audio archives

Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of The Big Lie



  1. Just look at that picture and you can tell right away that you're dealing with a douchebag

  2. here's the May 31 Spingola show where Kike ADLaney (or, Hal-Turner-2.0, whose FBI bosses remind us, it's no longer cool to remain anonymous! ;)) called in 2x calling Deanna a yenta-whore... what a model of chivalrous CI behavior!


    ADLaney's tribe of kosher schreechmonkeys have flung their poo all over the comments, as should be expected.

    I rather liked the other pic of Kike ADLaney which Mami's posted some time back,


  3. To read the May 31 Spingola show comments without the black background and with a more reasonable font size,


  4. He's an ADL/FВI asset. Don't listen to him.

  5. @ 10:35, "Kike ADLaney (or, Hal-Turner-2.0, whose FBI bosses remind us, it's no longer cool to remain anonymous! ;)) "

    John Friend agrees!
    "[...] About two months ago, Monday, January 7th to be exact, I was abruptly fired from my job for "personal email and internet use". I had been employed by my former employer for over two years, had a flawless record, and was a very productive and professional employee. I received no warnings or communication from any of my superiors about my personal email and internet use, which was minimal and to my knowledge well within official company policy, prior to my termination.

    One week before my sudden termination, I received an email from a man named Danny Levi, who claims to be associated with a Jewish supremacist terrorist organization called the Jewish Defense League.
    I bring this to your attention not for publicity or sympathy, but simply to inform you that there are ramifications for doing the type of work I am doing, using my real name and being open and honest about who I am. [...]"


    So Kike ADLaney's FBI/ADL bosses remind everyone: USE YOUR REAL NAMES! OTHERWISE YOU'RE A COWARD!


  6. I ain't listenin' to this CI skinhead tard who can write or spell. Get a girdle, Delaney!

  7. "I ain't listenin' to this CI skinhead tard who can write or spell. Get a girdle, Delaney!"

    I ain't listenin' to this CI skinhead tard who cannot write or spell.

    That's what I meant to type.

  8. ArminiusratkikejewheebNaziJune 2, 2013 at 11:45 AM

    No one has told Andre he's black yet ? That's really really mean. NTSeeker is an annoying douchebag spammer though and jews are a race.

  9. my issue w/ comments is that I listened to his last show, when someone posted it was a good show.
    it was not.

  10. kike delaney had a good show? you're a fucking tard tard.

  11. 11:48 AM

    Is "with" too long word for you?

  12. Delaney is a liar, pure and simple. He justifies his acts of violence towards others with different stories every time he gets on the air waves.

    Delaney is a deranged psychopath -- his words, his behavior. Anybody got a real problem with that, except Delaney?

    His attack on Spingola is all about his trying to make his attack on ZCF stick as a justifiable act and people just won't accept it. Waauuggh!!! He needs Roberts and Anglin to join him in order to attack an older White woman.

    Oh, no, that's not psychopathic!! No, Delaney is a decent guy. Trust him! Delaney wants Spingola to give him a decent hearing -- or else he'll cut her, slander her, get his bros to go after her.

    Delaney is SICK! He ain't normal, folks!

  13. Delaney can't face the consequences of his violence towards ZCF. He can't face the consequences so he's going to MAKE others listen and understand -- or else!

    I can only hope Delaney slips somewhere soon and fast and really breaks the law instead of just breaking hearts and confusing minds, so the prison system will have to deal with his "truth."

  14. Delaney ain't even Mama's Shit. He keeps claiming he's speaking the truth. Since when is outright hatred and violence towards others "truth"?

    It just ain't so. If the truth isn't the truth, but pure emotional hatred and violence, then Delaney is a just a looney-tune liar! Logic is Delaney's weakness. It goes along with his weak abs and weak biceps.

    How hard is it to go to the gym, Delaney? You can't lift the groceries for your wife? Lift your children as weights. Just giving you the benefit of a practical health tip, Jewtard.

  15. Yes and Delaney loves YOWEE and claims to be a real jew.
    What a fukn jew.
    Give Delaney a yellow star.

  16. Delaney has a picture of hook nose Jewsus sticking us the finger. then he tries to put Adolf Hitler into his jew camp showing a German walking hand in hand with jewsis.Between him Andre and John Friend they are all liars and frauds and living off having no job so like Gordon Duff who knows because of his CIA connections that they are ADL plants.


  17. Snordelhans posterboy for True tv is a Semite. Take this video for example, where he claims Israel is the "continuation of the Nazi state"

    Another of Deleny's associates and business partner

  18. Snordelhans is a South African Boer Christard. That's why Delaney likes him. Christards stick together, you know. Christards place their imaginary Jewish rabbi above everything else.

  19. 1. Jesus was a Kike.

    2. Mike Delaney is an Irish white trash whigger.

  20. Snordelhans is a tard, his youtubes are hard to watch and annoying packed with visual and audio bollox. enjoy if that is the best method you have to adsorb information. lol idiot

  21. As long as he isn't talking about white interests and focuses on the jew he's safe from childish insults on the show's post...Praise Allah

  22. Using the word "tard" = anti-racist pro muzzie...Praise Allah

  23. Hi everyone. I'm from Salem which is also what I used to smoke ironically enough. Can anyone tell me where I can find some nice nubile wenches to confess? I boilem' in a vat of oil or burn'em at the stake.(Brother Marrano Moses invented the burning bush. I carry on in the tradition.) Works wonders. Haysoos is gonna reward me good for the work I do once I come through the pearly gates. Gracias.


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