February 28, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.02.28

Guest: Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, author of The Synagogue of Satan and In The Name Of Yahweh

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  1. After having followed media censorship very closely since 2008, I can't say for certain whether Deanna was the victim of losing her time slot because of her coverage, or whether it was John Stadtmiller's opportunism and lack of care for things like loyalty.

    There is a host there who was behind troubles at Oracle, so it's possible he or others may have been involved.

    In the first segment, Hitchcock referred to those hosts who are still broadcasting, telling us all about the Illuminati and New World Order, whereas the ones who talk about Zionists (and especially Jews) are reshuffled or given the boot.

    Deanna even said publicly that she was talked to after she had a guest on questioning the Holocaust.

    And for Stadtmiller to talk about "we know who controls the media" and that he wanted to have a stealth infiltration of the more mainstream media with RBN, as reported by zapoper, is just pure bollocks on Stadtmiller's part.

    When I was looking for a new home for my radio show after Oracle was taken down by some anti-free speech radicals, I was told that RBN was a better network than the one I went to. No, it's not, because of the guy who runs it. Just ask Charles Giuliani, Lee Rogers and others who have been on there.

    And speaking of Charles, he could only get a spot on a fifth-rate network because of how powerful and dangerous his message is to the ones you can't criticize, and therefore rule over us.

  2. John Stadtmiller also relegated Rick Adams to a mere 2 hr. show on Sat. after having an hourly broadcast every evening, M-F. Too many references to the synagogue-of-satan for John to handle.
    Do we see a pattern here?

  3. Great analysis FauxCapitalist

    Quandary in a word... Stadtmiller can't decide whether he wants to go full on Patriot-Tard/the Alex Jones way, ie more money by avoiding taboo subject matter or just plain ole sticking with the truth.

    I'm surprised Deanna lasted as long as she did on RBN but she was very popular and I suspect still is but the whole SH debate-which in my opinion should continue until we have a consensus- may be hurting her ratings and if that's the case Stadtmiller has NEVER shown that he has been loyal to anyone.

    Lee Rogers was the only reason certain hosts like Giuliani were able to stay around because Lee finally came to the truth about jews whereas Doug Cohen wanted to play it safe Jones style.

    Thankfully Deanna still has a home at AFP if Stadtmiller goes complete wimp mode.

    Giuliani takes truth telling to a who new level and is not afraid to say what needs to be said about the Abrahamic relgions and religion in general. I know that's not popular to say but as Deanna always says "the truth is not popular"

  4. I have been on JS's list since May 2011 with regular reprimands and dare I say threats. One might look at my program schedule to determine one of the reasons for my first run-in with him. The ADL or one of their lawyers, contacted JS in June about a music copyright issue regarding a song that I used for 21 days. I note that other people regularly use pop music, including the Beatles, and do not suffer any consequences. However, RBN removed a whole month of programs that did not feature the copyrighted music. Rick Adams had a two-hour program on RBN from 9-11 pm. He had me on as a guest several times. I became a target at that time. My listeners have been very generous in their donations which is a possible reason why I am still on RBN. JS asked my good friend, Clint Richardson to take my spot several months ago. Clint told me about it and told JS that he would never think of doing that. Sandy Hook, while controversial, has really not affected my ratings which have increased. I cover a lot of issues. However, I have received a lot of email and phone calls about my coverage of SH, asking that I reconsider my views. It may be just a coincidence that JS selected this week to replace me as he may have been trying to do that for the last several months. I actually thought that he was coming around when he had me as a guest on his program a few weeks ago to talk about Hitler and WW2 so I let my guard down. I failed to remember the analogy of the frog and the scorpion. I have had other offers but am going to take a bit of time to finish two projects. Doing a daily radio program requires time and effort and I look forward to doing some additional research in the next few weeks. I felt sad that JS, perhaps using and then blaming Rivero, chose to announce my replacement on his program without talking to me first. I do not know why I naively thought that he would treat yet another truth-teller any different than he had treated other hosts who he has dismissed without any consideration, gratitude or courtesy. I am grateful that I had the opportunity on RBN and that I still have the Sunday program though I was initially reluctant to accept that offer. I also believe that people make their own opportunities. While I am grateful for RBN, it is not the only vehicle for the expression of one's views.

  5. It was speculation on my part of course so thanks for clearing up any assumptions Deanna!

    It's Stadtmiller's loss is all I can say!

  6. I had a conversation with JS on September 8, 2013 (which we both recorded) during which he told me that he had only listened to two of my programs and that he then went to the guest's web sites and found images of Hitler or swastikas. He called me on 7/31 at the end of my program with Friedrich Paul Berg and asked me not to have anyone on that had images of Hitler, as Berg did. Io I told him that I would never have Berg on again or anyone who had an image of Hitler on his/her site. It is kind of funny, but I have an image of Hitler on the cover of my upcoming book, an image of which is on my web site. I asked him if I could talk about Hitler in the context of history and he said that it would be fine. I have tried to abide by what we talked about in that conversation. He also told me that my numbers were better than Alex Jones. I am not sure how he knew that. According to my last conversation with him, on 2/25 when I called him after his program, he cannot grow his network with my "niche program." That is the bottom line and I will get over it and move on. It is, after all, his network.

  7. This may be mere speculation, but I am reminded of the fall of Bob Stewart a little over 10 years ago. A former school teacher and amateur gunsmith, he improved the Barret 50 cal BMG (Browning Machine Gun Round - a massive 6" round that packs a humongous wallop) and crafted gun kits that could be sold without any registration. It would take an ammeter gunsmith about 10 hours and a good machine shop to finish the single shot rifle, and Bob was selling his kits and doing well.

    Then he was brought down, and, the vehicle that brought him down was Alex Jones, who approached him to advertise on GCN (so said Bo Gritz on air). Had Bob chosen NOT to advertise with GCN, he probably would still be free and selling his kits unmolested, but, his decision to advertise with GCN brought his business to the attention of some real low-lifes with the BATF, and, they jimmied up one of his kits and then got a jury, along with a compliant judge, to convict Bob of selling a gun kit that only took two hours to complete with any ordinary moto tool (the agent testified that he did it in that time, but, only loaded it with a 10% charged round, otherwise he would have gotten his hand blown off). This phoney-baloney crap by that agent was so blatant that it led me to suspect Bob was set up for a fall, by luring him into a deal with the devil in hopes of more income. That is the lesson I learned - NEVER do business with these jewy types, you usually are being set up for a fall, especially if you fail to hold jews in a superior position, and very especially if you dare to criticize any jew anywhere anytime for any reason (how DARE YOU!).

    So Stadtmiller allowed Deanna go on and on about jews, and she brought on guests who went on and on, and her popularity was gaining and too many fence-sitters were probably being swayed to start questioning the lofty position jews insist they deserve. So, since they couldn't get Deanna to stop it (she apparently learned about jews back when she was in the garment business), so they worked up a plan to bring Stadtmiller down, since he could have halted all this jew-bashing anytime - after all, it is HIS internet channel.

    I'm betting that even Ben Swann doesn't know he is the vehicle to unseat Deanna - his tenure with RBN is probably seen by him (privately) as a mere stepping stone to greater things (since he apparantly never criticizes jews, he can dream about a better career path later on), and Stadtmiller is hoping that Swann's addition will bring in more advertising and he fell prey to his own vanity and did the one thing that they couldn't coerce him into doing - firing his star host, Deanna. They gave him the gun and bullets so he could shoot himself in the foot. Look for his advertising to slacken off (without jew money for advertising, how can any media expect to thrive, and this way, a lesson is taught about anyone who dares to allow jew-bashing to go unchecked for so long!), and donations will dry up completely after his shabby treatment of Deanna (can anyone not be heart-broken and enraged the way her voice broke up on her 900th guest show, where she announced her losing that slot - Stadtmiller is the heavy here, and, nothing he can do will ever atone for that). RBN will probably go the way of Oracle and others - this is another example of the lesson - DO NOT dance with the devil nor his minions, keep your vanity in check, because any hint or promise of wealth comes with your own demise, usually by YOUR OWN HANDS.

  8. I can not wait to hear the calls ON-THE-AIR that this Swann guy is going to get after what has happened to Deanna, and his apparent acceptance of the time-slot that has silenced her voice on Scatmiller's network.

    It would be wonderful for people to ask him directly about "the jewish problem", and ask him DIRECTLY where he stands on what has happened to the human-race, and our planet at-large, so that there is NO misunderstanding and confusion about where he stands.



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