August 31, 2014

Watch: US broadcaster Mike Malloy wipes the floor with Zionist apologists

Reasoning with a Zionist is an oxymoron. It is as self-contradictory as saying something is falsely true.
This, we have no doubt, is the conclusion everyone who has tried to have a rational, fact-based debate with Zionists would have drawn.
If that is also your experience – or if you have never had the misfortune of debating with a Zionist – then you will want to listen to the two short clips below from Mike Malloy’s radio show.
***Watch Mike Malloy deal with the bullshit here***

Israel’s Political Firewall against the Truth

The purpose of Israel’s political firewall is blocking out and discrediting the testimony of the people it abuses on a daily basis and their supporters, through using high level elites.
The Friends of Israel Initiative FII’s declared purpose is a familiar one if you are familiar with Israel’s propaganda initiatives: Combating “the deligitimization of the State of Israel at home, abroad and inside the institutions of the international community”....
Not one word about the Palestinian people and what has happened to them from 1948 to the present day. Not a single word or syllable anywhere on FII’s website. The clear message is that the Palestinian people do not exist except as terrorists and delegitimizers who refuse to accept Israel’s continued stealing of their lands, murdering their people and treating them like dogs. The sole purpose of the FII is to delegitimize Israel’s critics and dismiss the Palestinians as dogs.
Is this a bit harsh? When the Palestinian people are ignored to this degree, I don’t think it is. The message of The Friends of Israel Initiative is a message that Israel’s propaganda machine very much wants everyone, especially the power brokers in the West to hear … and believe. What the rest of us believe is irrelevant, because to the propaganda machine and power brokers, “the people” do not count. By now that should be eminently clear to anyone who follows the daily news. Am I being needlessly cynical? Sadly, I don’t believe I am.    ***Read full article here***
*The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
*Israel's Plan To Obliterate Gaza 
*Some important information for the jews

The Crocodile Tears of the Press Corps Crying: Freedom! by Anthony Lawson

The Crocodile Tears of the Press Corps Crying:  Freedom!
OR Where are the missing headlines?
As we approach the 13th anniversary of the events that changed the world, forever, if seems appropriate to list some examples of what the mainstream media—with all of its freedoms intact, at least in those days—totally ignored or dismissed as being wild conspiracy theories. I’m talking about the most obvious anomalies regarding the attacks of September 11th, 2001.   Even after the 9/11 Commission Report was released, how many so-called journalists questioned these anomalies?   So I am going to redress that, in retrospect, with a short sample of some of the headlines that never saw the light of day, but should have.
Considering the enormity of the events and the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu went on record on the day, stating:   “It’s very good. Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel.”   Why was this headline not seen anywhere?
***Read full article here***
*9/11:Israel did it
*Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection
*There is no evidence that Muslims did 9/11
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*Who Controls America?
*Israel belongs to the Rothschilds

Freedom of the Press in Jeopardy As Obama Goes After Times Reporter Risen
Advocates urge the Obama administration to stop its efforts to compel the New York Times’ James Risen to reveal a confidential source in his 2006 book.

August 30, 2014

Sex Offender, Sir. Jimmy Savile's Connections to Israel
Helpers of Israel (sayanim) are historical revisionists that are tampering with online content to make it more favorable to Israeli and Jewish interests.
Also See: Jimmy Savile - a good Jewish boy

Ultra-orthodox Lev Tahor forced from Guatemalan village after disputes with locals

GUATEMALA — Members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group were forced out of a village in western Guatemala after disputes with indigenous residents over cultural and religious differences.

Misael Santos of the Lev Tahor community says the Jewish group started leaving San Juan La Laguna on Friday after the town’s Elders Council voted to kick them out.

Read More Here

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.08.30

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

No guest: News and commentary. Fetch tried to get Lee Rogers on but the connection was too bad.

32k CF Download

Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.08.29

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Ebola Racing Through W Africa

Listen  Download  Hour 2 -  Alfred Cota - Hollywood Memories

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Cole - How The FDA Can Raid & Destroy A Supplement Business - Maxam vs FDA

56k CF
Rense' site

Ummmm Ya Think? Foley's sister vs Lanza's friend

The same crisis actress plays the part of James Foley's sister and Adam Lanza's classmate. The clips of her saying "ummm" are intermixed from both parts, Lanza and Foley. If you think its only one girl, you are right, one girl playing 2 parts. 911, Sandy Hook and Boston.

*For the real reason she's doing this? Check out the hook!

How Pharmaceutical Companies Hide the Dangers of Vaccines from Parents

Vaccine horror stories are everywhere these days: Stories of young girls fainting in the doctor offices after receiving the HPV vaccines. Stories of mothers taking a healthy child for a round of shots to their pediatrician returning home with a severely sick or dead child. Stories of children receiving the chicken pox vaccine and experiencing severe cases of chicken pox months later. A 1:50 rate of autism in the United States, increasing autoimmune disorders, seizures, allergies and many other illnesses and disorders. Despite all this, your pediatrician, health officials, governments and pharmaceutical companies proclaim that vaccines are very safe. Did you ever wonder how they derive at such faulty conclusions?
***Read full article here***

Texe Marrs Podcast 8/22/2014 - CIA Terror, Murder, Torture, and Rape in Your Name

The CIA was recently forced to publish a report unmasking its decades-long global system of gulag prisons. Jet aircraft are used and secret police abduct so-called “terrorist suspects”—including American citizens. They are flown to bases around the world, where they are tortured—beaten, raped, and sometimes murdered. The Senate will soon release this report. We must hold former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney accountable.


August 29, 2014

Doomcast ep. 56 - 2014.08.28

Back to being released late Doomcast!
This episode of Doomcast focus's on the events in Ukraine and the global economic debt end game.

No Agenda Episode 647 - "Flood the Zone" - 2014.08.28

Moral Self Licensing; Caliphate; Furgeson; SDR; NA-Tech; PR, and not much else to listen to whilst picking your nose.

The Blaueoceaan Thursday Show


Charles Giuliani Special John Lennon edit 2014.08.29

John Lennon signs an autograph for Mark Chapman

     I edited Charles' new take on John Lennon's assassination for a friend that was interested in it and so decided to share it with you guys too.

     I removed Brian's phone call and the 9/11 stuff. I also joined part one and two which were not on the same day and shortened some pauses etc. Basically it's as if Charles made a show without being distracted and or going off topic.


Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.08.28

Jeff Rense on Zionist NWO, Fukushima "extinction event"

Jeff Rense is one of the original alternative talk radio hosts. And he's still one of the best. If you don't frequent his legendary website, by all means go there now and check it out. On this - his Truth Jihad Radio debut - Jeff says "welcome to my worldview". . . and piles it on. Warning: If you're a dévoté of the blue pill, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS RADIO SHOW!

Kevin's blog

24k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.08.29

Charles talks about the two Malaysian planes that got shot down in the last five months and then goes on to discuss some books that are referred to in the old testament who seem to have been intentionally left out from it probably due to their contradictions. Brian called to once again plug tonight's show on outside radio at 8pm eastern. (Charles will be on the said show)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.08.29

Dr. David Duke goes into the Paleo lifestyle today with some of the basic evolutionary principles upon which this lifestyle based. How we have the fundamental genetic expression of our ancestors for hundreds and how we evolved with certain foods, sleep patterns, patterns and movement and exercise that if recognized and adapted can lead us to better health and greater vitality. He compares modern societies impact on human beings similar to the impact of a zoo on wild animals. Their health suffers when they are subject the diet and lifestyle that is not in harmony with their genes. We are evolved to obtain needed benefits and avoid damaging scenarios by adaption of lifestyles that we are genetically designed to have. A great show with some of the important principles and science behind the idea of the Paleolithic diet lifestyle. Great show! Be sure to share!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Scott Horton 2014.08.27

Dean Ahmad

Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, President of the Minaret of Freedom Institute, discusses his family’s connection to the 1948 Palestinian Nakba and Israel’s recent concessions on Gazan commerce that enabled a temporary ceasefire.

64k CF Download


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.08.28

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America In Shreds

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima & Other Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Rense' site

NATO is the Greatest Threat to Peace on the Planet - James Corbett on RT
Under the pretext of an 'overt' Russian threat, NATO is pushing for a ‘readiness action plan’ that will bring the Cold War military bloc closer to Russian borders than ever - even despite objections from some NATO members.

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.08.28

Charles concludes hus topuc on the John Lennon assassination. (1 caller)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.08.28

Dr. David Duke speaks about an extremely revealing article in a Jewish supremacist magazine that boasts of their iron grip over Congress. Even the point of pointing out how they got the millions of dollars of recent military aid to Israel in an essential secret session of the U.S. Congress with only 4 Senators present! Dr. Duke points out that the article was probably written by Zionists as a way of threatening politicians and bureaucratic government officials warning them of dire consequences if they dare not to be complete traitors to America on behalf of Israel. And incredible show with amazing quotes from the article in the Newhouse publication, the New Yorker, and excellent commentary from Dr. Slattery as well. Listen to this one! Please share and send Dr. Duke a personal message at

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

CDC whistleblower is just the tip of the iceberg

William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, has yet to step into the light and make a full and definitive statement about the CDC concealing MMR-vaccine dangers.
Mothers of autistic children are now preparing a class-action suit against the CDC for covering up the MMR vaccine-autism connection. They will undoubtedly want Thompson as a witness.
He can talk now or talk later.
The public at large still has blind faith in “medical experts” and the truth of published studies.
Fraud at the CDC? A study that was intentionally distorted to give a pass to a toxic and highly dangerous vaccine? What? How could that be?
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” —(Marcia Angell, MD, “Drug Companies and Doctors: A story of Corruption.” NY Review of Books, Jan. 15, 2009.)
***Read full article here***
*CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism; Story Promptly Censored
*CDC Vaccine Whistleblower
*Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History
*Revelation Of High-Level Cover-Up Will Blow Lid Off Of Vaccine Fraud

Cops caught lying in court by their own dash cam video and Cops are Charged!
*Cops caught lying in court by their own dash cam video
Evidence from a dashboard camera on a police cruiser ended a nightmare for a New Jersey man facing false charges of eluding police, resisting arrest and assault. Prosecutors dismissed all the criminal charges against Marcus Jeter, 30, of Bloomfield, N.J. and instead indicted two Bloomfield police officers for falsifying reports and one of them for assault after the recording surfaced showing police officers beating Jeter during a traffic stop, according to WABC of New York. A third has pleaded guilty to tampering.
Jeter's defense attorney requested all recorded evidence, but the police failed to hand over a second tape until additional evidence surfaced of a second police car at the scene. The tape showed Jeter complying with police, even as one punched him in the head repeatedly.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.08.27

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Forecasts Coming True

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Ebola Update

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Rense' site

August 27, 2014

Fed Vice Chairman Warns: Your Bank May Seize Your Money to Recapitalize Itself

At the height of the financial crisis in 2008 the U.S. government forced some of the countries largest banks to take “bailout” funds amounting to billions of dollars in order to keep them from going bankrupt. It was a move designed to not only keep too-big-to-fail financial institutions afloat, but one that would inspire confidence and keep American consumers spending. As a result, the last several years have seen stock markets reach record highs with Americans continuing to rack up personal debt for real estate, vehicles, education, and consumer goods as if the financial crisis never happened.
But the purported recovery may not be everything that government officials and influential financial leaders have made it out to be.
Recent comments delivered by Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer suggest that not only are global and domestic economies still struggling, but the U.S. government itself is preparing financial contingency plans in anticipation of another widespread economic event.
However, this time around, according to Fischer, the government won’t be bailing out financial institutions in need of cash. Instead, failing banks will turn directly to their unsecured creditors when they need money. And within this context, that means you.    ***Read full article here***
*Fed's Fischer: Bail-Ins Coming For Your Cash 
Stealing your bank accounts.
*Usury: Weapon of the International jewish Banking Cartel Families against the world  
*Money For People NOT Jewish Bankers 
*AFP’s Most Viewed Article: Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks  
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme 
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.08.27

Barry Kissin: US gov admitted anthrax inside job - & now here comes Ebola!

Barry Kissin is an attorney and investigative journalist from Frederick, MD - home of the Ft. Detrick Biological Warfare Facility. In this interview we discuss the implications of the US government's confession that the "Death to America! Death to Israel! Allah is great!" 9/11-follow-up anthrax attack was a false flag by one or more US biowarfare scientists. (They falsely blamed supposed lone nut Bruce Ivins to hide the obvious truth that the anthrax attack was part of the officially-sanctioned 9/11 operation.)

Given the current Ebola scare, we should not be happy that our leaders have proven themselves ready, willing and able to massacre their own people with biological warfare agents.

Barry and I also take note that Canadian professor Graeme McQueen is just releasing what promises to be a terrific book on the anthrax inside job. (Dr. McQueen will appear on Truth Jihad Radio soon.)

Kevin's blog

24k CF Download

Voice of Albion with Paul Hickman 2014.08.27

Paul Interviews Nick Walsh who is the National Front Treasurer and Organiser for the City of Hull.
Nick has stood for local elections in his home City on several occasions.
National Front Main Website

Paul Hickman's Blog
Renegade Broadcasting


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.08.27

Charles starts the show by discussing televangelist John Hagee. After a caller talks about magicians, Charles goes into his usual ramblings and then talks about the scams associated with WWII American Japanese internment camps. He finishes the show with a new topic on John Lennon's assassination.

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.08.27

Dr. David Duke and Pastor Mark Dankof have a great show today and the roll of Jewish tribalists in supporting gender divide and conquer politics in the United States and European nations while Israel has exactly the opposite policies in Israel, the state that supposedly represents the highest ideals of Judaism and Jewish tradition. The program as relies on Dr. Duke's recent article documenting how Jewish activist organizations have been on the vanguard of promoting pornography and homosexual gender politics, promoting demonization and boycott of nations such as Russia, while in fact wholeheartedly support the nation of Israel. An amazing show once again revealing the long term, tribalist, racist strategy of organized Jewry, that preaches one thing to non-Jews while practicing the opposite in their own state of Israel, to which they demand our unconditional support! Amazing show! Share with your friends and family.

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Vermont diner takes down bacon sign after it offends Muslim residents

Hope you're enjoying your Halal for Breakfast VT?!
The Sneakers Bistro in Winooski, Vt. put up a sign that read 'YIELD FOR BACON' after planting flowers in a traffic median along Main Street, but a comment by a Muslim woman prompted its removal because it offended those who don’t eat pork, she claimed.

Jewish Harvard Grad Busted for Trolling Blogs with "Anti-Semitic" postings. False flag "Anti-Semitism"!

Oi Vey! I'm so Poisecuting Myself!
A Jewish student posting virulently anti-Semitic comments at various internet forums, allegedly “to gauge how pervasive anti-Semitism” is online, has been busted by the progressive website Common Dreams (CD).
Investigative journalist Lance Tapley leaves few stones unturned in his report “The Double Identity of an ‘Anti-Semitic’ Commenter” except the identity of the culprit. “Let’s call the student Jason Beck”, Tapley says, protecting the perpetrator.
Beck, a Harvard graduate now a grad student at a midwestern university, created literally dozens of online personas to support his true objective: poisoning online discourse critical of Israel. So if evidence of anti-Semitism wasn’t there, he’d create it himself.
His posting on Common Dreams illustrates the susceptibility of website comment threads to massive manipulation.

Holocaust Or Holohoax? 21 Amazing Facts

...we are bombarded with the alleged murder of 6 million jews by the Germans during World War Two. This is commonly referred to as “The Holocaust”. This alleged historical event is also thrown at anyone objecting to mass immigration in to White Nations as proof of the absolute evil  of White Nationalism. In most European Countries even disputing any detail of this alleged historical event is a very serious criminal offence, which can result in up to 20 years imprisonment. In France this can be served in solitary confinement if the authorities believe there is any chance of re-offending.         ***Read full article here***
*Much more information posted here
*How much longer?

MH17 FULLY EXPOSED!! You Won't Believe The SHOCKING TRUTH About the Ukraine FALSE FLAG
When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down on July 17, 2014, we were immediately inundated with base propaganda trying to convince us that the shootdown could be traced back to the Kremlin. But what was this rush to judgement based on? What have we learned about the crash since then? Why has MH17 completely disappeared from the news cycle? And who really stood to benefit from the disaster?

Israeli Settlements Explained
In the Occupied West Bank, half a million Israelis live in over a hundred settlements built on Palestinian land. The government of Israel says it has a right to build these settlements; the rest of the world disagrees. Find out why Israelis choose to live on occupied land, how they affect Palestinians, and why, despite international condemnation, the settlements continue to grow.
*The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
*Israel's Plan To Obliterate Gaza 
*Some important information for Israel

Scott Horton 2014.08.26

M.J. Rosenberg

M.J. Rosenberg, former Senior Foreign Policy Fellow at Media Matters Action Network, discusses AIPAC’s loss of support from American Jews, even while it maintains a choke-hold on Congress.

64k CF Download


August 26, 2014

The Return of Tyr with Drew 2014.08.26


In this podcast I will be speaking with Vig from the Renegade Tribune, and White Artwork.
Vig is a writer, artist, and sculptor living in Amsterdam.
We discuss his history and experience living in India, the importance of proper culture, race, spirituality, and everything else in between.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.08.26

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Mark Elsis Mark and I will be discussing his recent essay and website, American Exceptionalism: Fifty Ways The American Dream Has Become the American Nightmare

Below are relevant links for this program:
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)
A View From The Bog


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.08.26

Charles finishes his notes on the divine right of kings and plays a 2002 60 minutes piece called "Zion's Christian Soldiers" Transcript Bob Simon's original video (2 callers)

Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA

Truth Hertz 2 Chat         HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive       Skype Call
A View From The Bog

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.08.26

Dr. David Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery take on the latest Gaza massacres by Israel and the insanity of the entire ISIS situation, which has been completely empowered by Zio-controlled policy against the organized Christian and Muslim community, and the secular community in Syria -- All because Israel wanted to destroy a healthy, prosperous state that dares to support the Palestinians and the Lebanese people against Israeli terrorism! Dr. Duke also goes into why Muslim radicalism is growing and how the Zionist controlled policy has fueled it. Finally, they even discuss how Israel actually loves the war, turmoil and radical Muslim activity in the Mideast, Europe and America because then their controlled media and politicians can manipulate sentiment to support Israel. A truly amazing foundation show today that you should share with friends and family.

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

The Holocaust Hoax and the Jewish Promotion of Perversity

This constant state of paranoia that the Jews live in is exacerbated by the fact that they ruthlessly exploit any society they are allowed to live in. Just simply allowing people to know the truth about their behavior is enough to guarantee their deportation to Israel at the very least, so they are forced to lie and suppress the truth constantly. This reality causes them to harbor a burning hatred and fanatical aggression toward all non-Jews.
The only way for the Jews to quell this fear of the gentiles turning on them is by completely neutralizing and weakening us so as to make an organized resistance, as what happened in 1930s Germany, impossible.
The promotion of sexual perversion, pornography and obscenity is one of the biggest weapons in the Jews’ arsenal for achieving this aim. The deliberate moral corruption of society can thus be seen as a preventative measure against a potential future Holocaust. The more people are masturbating and thinking about sex, the less they are thinking about what the Jews are doing—much less organizing to fight against them.     ***Read full article here***
*Depravity of radical Jews who dominate the American media and pornography
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why?