November 08, 2014

Israeli Iron Fist Ruthlessness By Stephen Lendman 11-7-14

On Thursday, US Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey lied claiming Israel went to "extraordinary lengths" to prevent Operation Protective Edge civilian casualties.
Over 80% were noncombatants. Including hundreds of women and children. Willfully targeted.
Including in clearly designated UN shelters. Residential homes. Hospitals. Mosques. Schools. Other non-military locations.
Dempsey outrageously claimed what he knows is untrue. Ignoring cold, calculated, premeditated Israeli naked aggression. Saying:
"I actually do think that Israel went to extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties."
"In this kind of conflict, where you are held to a standard that your enemy is not held to, you’re going to be criticized for civilian casualties," he added.
"The IDF is not interested in creating civilian casualties. They're interested in stopping the shooting of rockets and missiles out of the Gaza Strip and into Israel."
Israel considers civilians, non-military infrastructure and facilities unrelated to military necessity legitimate targets.
Dempsey lied claiming otherwise. Absolving Israeli high crimes. Similar to US lawlessness. Ruthless by any standard.

***Read full article here*** 
*Israel Keeping Palestine in State of Poverty, Fear 
*Sexual Consent & Israel's Biggest Lie — The Orange Strikes Back
*Binyamin Netanyahu: Obnoxious, pathological liar
*The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
*Israel's Plan To Obliterate Gaza
*Gaza 2014
*Gazans were slaughtered. The European Union has no comments.
*Some important information about the Holocaust


  1. He nails it. This Jew knows it and tells it.

    Whenever someone speaks about Jews not saying anything, remember Lendman. He does lay it on the line every time, no apologies, just truths.

    No, I have not had a change of heart, but it is about time someone pointed out that there ARE exceptions to the rule and blind hatred to the point it hurts us is just that ~ blind unthinking hatred that does no good.

    Problem is, these exceptions, being trustworthy, are rarer than the proverbial hen's teeth but, after all these years, Lendman has proven himself.

    And he lays out the situation in Jerusalem perfectly. We are in for worse times regarding that city, Israel will not stop pushing until she gets another intifada.

  2. And he wouldn't agree to keep silent about Israel's crimes just to get his name and site out there, like Michael Rivero, who has now been on three times, once for three hours and specifically asked twice by George "if it's Jewish, I'm in support of it" Noory what are some of the important issues he'd like to talk about, obviously showing he agreed beforehand not to mention Israel, or just kept quiet to get repeat invites.

    And in pointing out that the official 9/11 story is a fraud from start to finish, he doesn't mix it in with the outlandish claim that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, as Rivero had still been publicly insisting as recently as August of this year.


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