November 08, 2014

Monsanto has gone into full bullshit mode!!! Monsanto's New Commercial.
Monsanto thinks that consumers should drop all those pesky questions about the company's dark past, the lack of independent safety testing, their fight against GMO labeling, their aggressive litigation that puts farmers out of business and the devouring of the majority of the world's food supply and crops.
Apparently, they'd like you to forget over one hundred years of genocidal history.

*Monsanto's New PR Commercial Will Make You Queasy


  1. No one should be surprised. I am actually amazed it took them this long to begin the process.

    They are presenting us with an excellent opportunity to work with when with others. What a launching platform for discussion!

    No one is oblivious to Monsanto and its track record. Everyone can be touched by something vile they have done....

    Treat this crap as an opportunity....

  2. Even if everyone boycotts Monsanto, I think the Jews would still funnel money into it to keep it going. Monsanto is more about control over the food supply and implementing Agenda 21 than it is about money

  3. Christian is correct. Control is way more important than profit especially these days. I've seen many examples where large companies/corporations tendering for contracts have put in the cheapest price knowing they will be running at a loss for sometimes many years to come (whilst being propped up by profit elsewhere) in order to maintain control & starve out the competition and thus eventually achieve complete monopoly. Don't think for a second they haven't figured in all the hits they'll take along the way. Of course, if the hits are way harder & more sustained than calculated then the dents could be deeper & slow them down somewhat but you get my point...


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