November 04, 2014

Why I can’t be a Christian anymore

"Roman Catholicism" - Purveyors of Horrific Death to the Masses since Christianity began.
To begin with, I don't believe a single word any of those rabies infected Jew pigs writes, says or whatever. I wouldn't even trust a maths book written by a Jew, because in all likelihood it's somehow part of yet another 'good for the Jews' racket. As far as the Torah goes, a.k.a. Old Testament, it's undisputed that is has been written by some Hebrews, in other words it can only be a bunch of lies. The fact that the Pharisees claimed that it's been dictated to them by their invisible Jew-loving psychopathic, genocidal god doesn't make it any more trustworthy, quite the opposite.


  1. when the messiah returns every jew will have 2800 slaves... thats the main reason I'm not worshiping some jew golum into existance.

    1. We're did you get this info?
      I guess that's why we need billions of people... Because millions of Jews... But in retro I think the Zionist Evil slave owners are in the thousands...making the number of goys needed in the millions...
      But why have dumb down goys when you can have robots...
      Or chipped slaves...

    2. Rather Christians destory the Old Testament and the Jewish ties or the Jewish will destory the Christians... It's one or the other.... Sometimes I wonder if the monster they created will ever turn back on them...
      I've always wondered about the Frankenstein character... The Jews create the monster but the monster then turns on the master... That's my hope for Christianity... This won't happen in the west but I do believe its happening in the eastern Christians community... It's sad that the Jews can get together but the Christians can't... And when it does its under the watchful eye of the Catholic Church "Jewish Puppet Pope" and world media "Jewish Press" imagine if the Zionist had the worlds attention everytime they meet...
      The Jews speak openly about their agenda... The Christians speak about their No Agenda... One group is conspiring conquer and another is scared to speak up on abortion and gay marriage...

  2. @nicholas gomex... the talmud.... it's not robots nicholas morano jew they're talking about people 1492 jews got kicked out of spain so take back your real roots and go to sinagogue

    1. Thanks for the link...
      Sometimes my satire comes out wrong... I just wish all the Christians new the truth... I'd rather live under Christian rule then Jewish rule... But what makes Christianity so great is because its largely bulit on the European race...
      Yes I'm of Spanish decent but I'm not sure Spain is the ideal place for me... I'd rather move to Argentina or Uruguay... Spain is being flooded with foreigners... I'm not racist but I am all about having beautiful smart kids in a safe environment...

  3. More ignorant lies about Christianity made up by Jews and pagans. This is the kind of stuff that sounds nice if you are an ignorant pagan, but doesn't really hold up under close inspection. The facts are that Western Civilization was built by the Catholic Church. Our essential western philosophy: that of rational thought and a creation of set rules and boundaries, comes from the philosophy of the Church. That is why science flourished under the Catholic Church, and not before it.

    Western Architecture grew up under the Church. Go to any town in Europe and point out the most beautiful building. It is always the Catholic Cathedral. (Some of which were used to study the stars. See science, above.)

    Hospitals and Universities were invented by the Church. Our ideas about education and caring for the poor and sick came also from the Church are witnessed by these.

    The ideas of natural rights comes from the Church philosophy. Notice that no follower of Attila the Hun wrote a treatise questioning the rights of the Europeans they were sacking and pillaging. Yet the Church restrained the arm of the Spanish invaders, respecting the rights of the indigenous peoples. Notice that those lands colonized by Catholic countries still have indigenous persons, but the lands settled by the protestants are devoid of such.

    Nations of Europe grew up under the Church, and defended themselves against Islamic hordes and pagan vikings. Catholic nations of Europe kicked out the Jews. But now that the Church is growing weak, the Jews have gotten the upper hand, and the nations are disappearing and being overrun by Islam.

    Those are the facts that show this article to be worthless drivel.

  4. 13Christianity was invented by a Jew named Josephus. The catholic church was invented by a Jew named Peter who made derogatory comments about gentiles in the bible. The catholic church doesn't even follow the bible and Papal infallibility and apostolic succession are absolute jokes.
    The inquisitions were violent intimidations to keep Europeans in line, the Vatican subverted the gentile power structures throughout Europe. the reason why the churches had the nicest looking buildings is because they stole all the money and had smart people build it for them.
    The crusades were brutal wars financed by European and Turkish Jews. They laughed their asses off counting the shekels they made, while Europeans and Arabs killed each other in the most brutal manner. They also destroyed a lot of pre christian books and information.
    The reason why the Spanish and Portuguese didn't completely kill off the natives in south America is because they had less resources than the Brits and french. The mestizo population also realized that the Spanish and Portuguese were weak due to the collapse of their empires so they revolted and had revolutions. To suggest the Catholics were so generous to the natives is laughable just look at the records that talked about the conquistador crypto Jews like Columbus and how brutal they treated the natives.
    To assume that that European people need a Semite dessert trash religion to give us our values and principles is laughable. The virtues of kindness, compassion, honor etc are naturally occurring to European peoples and probably other races and people.

    1. You sound allot like Charles Giuliani... What happened to him? Is he on vacation?

  5. Hear! Hear! Christian Branquhino!

    Christopher Marlowe said "The FACTS are that Western Civilization was built by the Catholic Church."

    LMFAO!!!!! And here I was "believing" all along that the advanced pagan civilizations of ancient (yep, that's "ancient" as in came way before christianity) Greece and later Rome (before jews, christianity & multiculturalism ruined it) were what formed at least part of the basis of Western Civilization. Afterall, it was christianity that launched the Dark Ages - they call it "Dark" for many good reasons not foremost the FACT that it took civilization BACKWARDS and some might argue we've been devolving ever since!!!

  6. CB makes a lot of claims that he cannot support and provides not citations. All bunk.

    e.g.: "The catholic church doesn't even follow the bible and Papal infallibility and apostolic succession are absolute jokes."
    -->CB has obviously never even cracked open a Bible, or he might have read this:

    Mt 16:18"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
    --> Right there you see Jesus giving AUTHORITY to the 1st Pope, Peter, and also promising papal infallibility. The Church put the Bible together and chose the books. Obviously the Catholic Church is going to follow its own book.

    Then CB repeats Jewish propaganda about the Inquisition that even the BBC admits is all lies.

    The crusades were started because of the Muslim abuse of Christians in the Holy Lands.CB is repeating more propaganda.

    Then CB resorts to pathetic lying: "The reason why the Spanish and Portuguese didn't completely kill off the natives in south America is because they had less resources than the Brits and french."

    --> 500 Spaniards conquered a country of some 30 million. The snake worshippers the Spaniards defeated were cutting out the hearts of live humans as a sacrifice. Obviously the Spaniards could have killed off as many people as they wanted. But the Catholic Church prevented any such abuse. Go look up Antonio de MOntesinos.

    You can't explain away the obvious fact that the indigenous peoples of SA and Mexico are still alive because the Catholic Church has always respected human life, whereas the protestants were butchers from the get-go. Thus, no indians in North America. You can't explain this, so you make things up. Sad.

    1. Nice comeback... What are your views of holyfamilymonestary and thier views that the second Vatican council was a Jewish/Mason plot to destroy the traditional catholic with a modern pro gay pro Israel pro abortion one...

  7. IJ makes a very sad attempt at rebuttal, saying that ancient Greece and Rome "formed at least part of the basis of Western Civilization."

    That doesn't really dispute what I said. But go to Rome today and see what remains of the Roman empire. There are just ruins that are kept around for historic purposes. Latin is only spoken by the Church, and was only saved because of the Church. All of the records of Greece and Rome were only preserved from the pagan hordes by the monasteries.

    The next part of IJ's response is funny because it shows how much people learn history from watching TV.

    IJ said, "Afterall, it was christianity that launched the Dark Ages - they call it "Dark" for many good reasons not foremost the FACT that it took civilization BACKWARDS..."

    Oh really?? Christianity "launched" the "Dark Ages"? How did this come about? Did the pope break a bottle of champagne over a Dark Ages boat?

    St Augustine wrote a treatise called "City of God" on the reasons why the Roman Empire fell. Basically he said that people who serve their own greed and lustful desires are in the "City of Man", and that such a city would be doomed to end up in slavery and war and vice. The opposite was the "City of God", where people learned virtue and served God instead of themselves.

    The fall of the Roman Empire brought about the loss of the center of civilization. There was no protection against gangs and armies of barbarians. Civilization was restored over time by the Catholic Church. The Church built monasteries, taught farming techniques, and spread learning throughout Europe. Over time cities emerged and the first universities came from cathedral schools and monasteries. Learning advanced far beyond the Romans and the Greeks.

    Non-Christian cultures did not possess the same philosophical tools and were burdened by conceptual frameworks that hindered the development of science. Ancient cultures conceived of the divine as immanent in created things: they had minds and wills of their own. The Greeks were perhaps the most advanced of the ancient cultures, but they would assign conscious purposes to material actions of the cosmos.

    The Greeks as Romans saw the universe as a begotten emanation that was not too different from what had created it. But Christianity reposed the divine strictly in the Holy Trinity of God, which was separate from the creation. For the first time in history, people could imagine a creation where the rules had been set by God, and this is what is found in Holy Scripture. God is not limited by the laws of physics, but those law are able to be discerned and put to our good use.

    The influence of the Church upon science can be seen in the great number of scientist-priests: Roger Bacon, St Albert the Great, Robert Grosseteste, Nicolaus Steno... One of the first historians of mathematics compiled a list of the top 300 mathematicians from 900 BC to 1800 AD, and 16 of them, 5%, were Jesuits. Another Jesuit, Riccoli was the first person to determine the rate of acceleration of a falling body. Father Grimaldi was famous for his discovey of the the diffraction of light.

    I could go on, but the point is that one shouldn't just repeat protestant/Jewish propaganda and expect to be saying anything resembling the Truth, especially where the Church is concerned.

  8. A jew did not invent Christianity.

  9. Christopher, good to hear you chiming in on this thread.

    Christianity is inextricably linked to Western Civilization, thanks to nearly 2000 years of history, and Christianity is the only true Western religion, unlike Judaism and Islam.

    And it is also true that those beautiful cathedrals and paintings were done in the name of Christianity, and that for a time, people had so much time on their hands to build those cathedrals and do other great works because of the ban on usury.

    And it is also the case that Christianity was a unifying aspect for Western civilization for nearly 1200 years, unmatched by any other force until the establishment of the United States of America, which united European Christian immigrants with the common bond of freedom.

    And, as I pointed out on my interview with Kyle Hunt, we can thank American Catholics for the real Golden Era of Hollywood, from 1934-1968, when Jewish Hollywood was reigned in, with a non-government production code that served the interests of most Americans, instead of a tiny hostile minority. (wouldn't that be nice these days?)

    But, having said all that, for reasons concerning my analysis of the fundamentals of Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Christianity in general, I have not been a Christian for over a decade. As I called for in my interview, all those of good will should work together to expose, neutralize and oust the Jewish criminal elite that has been working against our interests for over 2500 years now.

    As James Bowery talked about recently on Radio 3Fourteen, we need to join together against a common enemy for a time period and then we can work out the kind of social organizations we want to live in that serve the competing interests of our diverse peoples.

  10. The age old victim hood of the Old Testament, the holohoax, the war on terror, all these lies are quickly rebutted in the "alternative media".

    So now we have the jews, and their useful idiots, desperately grasping on to the jewish slave program of christianity as if it's their dying breath.

    The future looks bright.

  11. IMHO, the 2nd Vatican council was a Jewish/Masonic plot to destroy the Church. We are living in the age of the great apostasy prophesied by St Paul. The Vatican is being manipulated by a coven of faggots trying to remake the church into some church of nice/freemasonic ecumenism. Bishop Williamson says this will continue for a while, and then God will bring a chastisement.
    Then there will be a Golden Age of the Church lasting a generation.
    Then the AntiChrist.
    Then the end.

  12. I agree with Christopher Marlowe. Charles Giuliani is an historical illiterate. Whenever he talks about the Catholic Church, his Seventh Day Adventist slip starts showing. For example, he talks about the 'Inquisition of the Dark Ages',typical SDA language. Isn't he aware that the so-called 'Dark Ages', a term which most historians these days reject, ended before the Inquisitions began. They were set up in the Medieval era or Middle Ages. Similarly, he seems to think that the 'Middle Ages' refers to the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries.

  13. Christopher Marlowe said -

    "Then there will be a Golden Age of the Church lasting a generation.
    Then the AntiChrist.
    Then the end."

    Good riddance!!! Everything in Nature works in cycles of death & (re)birth and there are an infinite number of cycles that came before and an infinite number of cycles to come. As your worn out & diseased world "ends" a new, clean dawn is already on the horizon. No mythical God/Anti-God among the myriad of deities man has invented to explain the world around him throughout time or any fleeting amount of academic theological study has ever had ANY influence on this whatsoever. MAN will continue to be born, MAN will continue to write "bibles", MAN will continue to build "cathedrals", MAN will continue to poison the minds of others and the physical world around him, MAN will continue to die but NATURE will ALWAYS keep doing what it does regardless of and somewhat oblivious to all of this. This is the both simple & complex cyclic process by which ALL of Nature "survives", "improves" or "fails". By all means continue to "believe" whatever you want - as a product of NATURE you have the ability to dream up anything out of thin air AND the free will to "follow" it & make up your own rules about what is "right" and what it is "wrong". However, although there is no "right" or "wrong" per se in Nature, Nature is the ONLY true guide to applying these man-made concepts in one's lifetime to affect an outcome as it is the ONLY REAL "decider" of the fate of all things that dwell within it. These FACTS are all self-evident and really need no mythology to explain them away....


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